Real estate in the Cayman Islands is primarily governed by legislation and case law, although decisions in commonwealth jurisdictions may be considered in circumstances where there is no relevant local legislation or case law.
The real estate market continues to grow, producing strong sales and increasing land prices despite headwinds created by the COVID-19 pandemic.
While the volume and velocity of transactions slowed considerably at first, a strict lockdown policy in the jurisdiction resulted in the elimination of community transmission of COVID-19 within a few months of the outbreak. Combined with government tweaks to fiscal policy, the relatively swift re-opening of the domestic economy and several new developments nearing completion, this resulted in significant demand from mid-2020.
Luxury condos along the famous Seven Mile Beach continue to attract overseas investment, at increasing prices. Several major projects have begun in the past year.
The leisure and tourism sector remains relatively active, with developers taking a positive long-term view. The Cayman Islands’ largest developer, Dart Realty, has commenced work on the first Hotel Indigo in the jurisdiction and continues to expand its self-sufficient town known as Camana Bay, including the further expansion of Cayman International School, a new office building and construction of two new residential projects.
Construction continues on the first Hilton-branded resort in the jurisdiction, and on a new mixed-use plaza along Seven Mile Beach.
The first volumetric subdivisions have been registered in the Cayman Islands, which will facilitate dealings in airspace rights.
Other developments still in the planning or early construction stages include the Mandarin Oriental resort and residences at Beach Bay, the Grand Hyatt resort and residences along Seven Mile Beach, ONE GT hotel and residences, Lacovia residences, and the Cayman Enterprise City and Special Economic Zone.
Given the size of the jurisdiction, the use of disruptive technologies is relatively uncommon in real estate transactions. However, many new developments are using cutting-edge technology solutions within designs, as evidenced by a number of development projects winning regional industry awards in the last 12 months.
At the time of writing, there are proposals to reform the law applicable to mortgage enforcement, which will create a more consumer-friendly environment for those securing financing over Cayman Islands real estate.
There are also longstanding proposals to modernise the Strata Titles Registration Act (2013 Revision) and update the Development Plan 1997.
The Cayman Islands Land Registry continues its work to implement e-conveyancing, and plans to propose a number of legislative initiatives to further streamline the land registration process.
Real property can be held as freehold (held by the registered proprietor indefinitely) or leasehold (held by the registered proprietor for the term of the lease).
The Strata Titles Registration Act (2013 Revision) allows for the registration of a strata plan against a freehold or leasehold land parcel to create individual strata lots, each of which is registered with its own derivative title and the remainder held as "common property" by a strata corporation. Strata titles are often used as a mechanism to govern multi-unit developments, such as office buildings, shopping centres and condominium developments.
The Registered Land Act (2018 Revision) allows for the registration of a volumetric plan against a land parcel, whereby a parcel can be subdivided into several three-dimensional parcels (which can include airspace).
A contractual licence can allow for the occupation or use of real property. However, this is a personal right and does not create a registerable interest.
All transfers of title of real estate are primarily governed by the Registered Land Act (2018 Revision). While not specifically related to the transfer of title, the carrying on of business from real estate within the Cayman Islands requires certain local licences, some of which are specific to property type.
Transfers of real estate must be registered at the Cayman Islands Land Registry.
Broadly speaking, the land register is definitive and is supported by a government-backed indemnity (although it can be rectified to deal with matters such as error and fraud). Title insurance is available only on the larger commercial transactions, but it is expensive and rarely used.
Unless the contrary is expressed in the register, a parcel of registered land is also subject to such of the following overriding interests as may for the time being subsist and affect the same, without their being noted on the register:
In 2020, temporary measures were introduced in light of reduced in-person availability for document signing and notarisation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. While those measures have since been rolled back, the Cayman Islands Land Registry has redoubled its efforts to implement a secure e-conveyancing system to reduce the reliance on physical documentation.
As there is no commonly accepted market standard of due diligence when acquiring real estate, the purchaser is responsible for determining the level of investigation that would be appropriate on a case-by-case basis.
The purchaser’s attorney should do the following at the very least:
Although uncommon, real property can be sold by way of transfer of the entity or structure through which it is held. In such cases, due diligence is usually the same, with some additional due diligence on the relevant entity or structure.
If the purchase of property is financed by third-party debt, the lender will typically require specific due diligence, often in the form of a report on title and a legal opinion.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, a temporary system of e-conveyancing was adopted to facilitate remote transactions, with some initiatives remaining in place despite the re-opening of the domestic economy. As there are no domestic restrictions, physical inspections are once again commonplace, although with international arrivals requiring mandatory quarantine, virtual tours of property are still used to assist overseas investors.
Warranties are always subject to negotiation and should be expressly included in the sale and purchase agreement, although extensive warranties are not customary on anything but the largest commercial transactions.
Common purchaser remedies for misrepresentation or breach of warranty would include an action for damages, misrepresentation and/or rescission of the agreement, and a refund of any deposit paid.
Insurance is very rarely used outside of the largest international transactions.
Any investor should consider the primary sources of law, including the Registered Land Act (2018 Revision), the Development and Planning Act (2021 Revision) and the Stamp Duty Act (2019 Revision). However, there are other laws that may be applicable, depending on the specifics of the transaction (such as the type of purchaser, the type of property and what activities the purchaser intends to carry out from the property).
There are generally no restrictions on foreign ownership of real estate in the Cayman Islands, although certain formalities may apply to different types of purchaser.
The carrying on of business from real estate within the Cayman Islands requires certain local licences, some of which are specific to property type.
It is always advisable to consult with a professional at the outset of a transaction in order to understand any applicable requirements.
Although not common, environmental liabilities can be dealt with contractually between the parties by way of warranty and representation.
The Development and Planning Act (2021 Revision) enables the Central Planning Authority to serve a remediation notice where it considers that the amenity of an area is adversely affected by reason of, inter alia, the ruinous, dilapidated or other condition of any structure, or by the condition of land due to the deposit of any refuse or spoil. The remediation notice can be served on the owner or occupier of the land or building, or on the person responsible for causing the condition of the land or building.
The National Conservation Act, 2013 establishes a council whose role is to promote the conservation of natural resources, including the preservation of wetlands and wetland resources, habitats and the conservation of wildlife. Pursuant to this law, protected areas can be created on Crown and private land with the agreement of the proprietor of the land. Developers should consider the potential effects of this law on any development plans, and should make the appropriate enquiries when purchasing raw land to ascertain whether any conservation agreements have been entered into with respect to the land.
Polluters, owners and occupiers could also be subjected to civil action for any environmental harm.
Any development of land requires a grant of planning permission.
“Development” encompasses the carrying out of building, engineering or other operations in, on, over or under any land, the making of any material change in the use of any building or other land, or the subdivision of land. However, it is subject to a number of exclusions, including any works for the maintenance, improvement or other alteration that only affect the interior of a building or do not materially affect the external appearance of the building.
Planning permission may be refused or granted unconditionally, or can be subject to such conditions as the relevant authority deems fit.
A record of all grants of planning permission, modifications, revocations and conditions attached to planning permission relating to Grand Cayman is maintained by the Central Planning Authority, and a record of grants relating to the sister islands, Cayman Brac and Little Cayman, is kept by the Development Control Board.
The Cayman Islands government can compulsorily acquire any land. This is usually done for the purposes of establishing new public roads but can also be done in other circumstances.
Compensation is payable, typically at the property’s market value.
Ad valorem stamp duty is payable (subject to certain exceptions that are at the discretion of the Minister of Finance) on the following.
Subject to limited exceptions, ad valorem share transfer tax is payable on the transfer or issue of equity capital in a land-holding corporation, at the rate of 7.5% of the proportionate value of the entire land holding. A land-holding corporation includes a partnership, foreign corporation, chartered corporation, mutual fund or incorporated company (but not a corporation sole or charitable corporation) that holds any legal or beneficial interest (excluding interests created pursuant to bona fide security instruments) in landed property in the Cayman Islands (or interest in another land-holding corporation). Landed property includes freehold interests in Cayman Islands real property and any leasehold interest where the original term exceeded 30 years.
Most other instruments and documents are subject to a fixed rate of stamp duty in comparatively nominal amounts. Registrable instruments are also subject to relatively immaterial registration fees.
Subject to limited exceptions, real estate used for paid tourist accommodation attracts tax at 13% of the amount charged to each tourist.
No other domestic taxes or municipal rates are currently payable on the occupation, acquisition, ownership or disposal of Cayman Islands real property or income deriving therefrom.
There are generally no restrictions on foreign ownership of real estate in the Cayman Islands, although certain formalities may apply to different types of purchaser.
The carrying on of business from real estate within the Cayman Islands requires certain local licences, some of which are specific to property type.
The most typical forms of security for the financing of real estate are:
All legal charges over real property must be registered at the Cayman Islands Land Registry, and debentures creating fixed and floating charges are noted on the title for the real property if they are related to a registrable legal charge. Charges over shares in a Cayman Islands company will typically be noted on its register of members, and all security interests granted by a Cayman Islands company should be recorded in its register of mortgages and charges.
Assignments by way of security are usually created by deed, and notice must be given to the counterparty in order to perfect the security.
Due to the size of the Cayman Islands real estate market and the stamp duty payable on direct and indirect ownership interests in Cayman Islands real estate and the granting of security, it is generally not common to see large portfolios of real estate held by funds or investment trusts.
See 3.1 Financing Acquisitions of Commercial Real Estate.
There are no restrictions on granting security over real estate to foreign lenders, although a foreign company holding the benefit of a legal charge over Cayman Islands real estate must register as a foreign company in the Cayman Islands.
Ad valorem stamp duty is payable (subject to certain exceptions that are at the discretion of the Minister of Finance) on debentures and legal or equitable mortgages, or charges of immovable or movable property within the Cayman Islands.
In the case of a debenture or a legal or equitable mortgage, or a charge of immovable property within the Cayman Islands, where the sum secured does not exceed KYD300,000, duty is 1% of the sum secured; where the sum secured is more than KYD300,000 (whether initially or after a further advance), duty is 1.5% of the sum secured.
In the case of a legal or equitable mortgage, or a charge of movable property within the Cayman Islands, duty is 1.5% of the sum secured (subject to a maximum charge of KYD500 where the security instrument is granted by a Cayman Islands exempted company, a Cayman Islands ordinary non-resident company, a Cayman Islands exempted trust or a body corporate incorporated outside of the Cayman Islands, or where the security is over shares in a Cayman Islands exempted company or a Cayman Islands ordinary non-resident company).
Where the amount of money to be advanced on the security of any property by way of mortgage is unlimited, the security is to be available for such an amount as the ad valorem duty paid thereon extends to cover. If any advance is made in excess of the amount covered by that duty, the original instrument may be stamped-up with the additional ad valorem duty required to cover the total amount then to be secured.
A mechanism exists through which "double duty" on separate security instruments that secure the same debt can be avoided. In such cases, the ad valorem duty may be paid on the primary security instrument, and the other security instruments can be expressed to be "collateral", "auxiliary", "additional" or "substituted", and attract a fixed rate of duty at KYD50.
Most other instruments and documents are subject to a fixed rate of stamp duty in comparatively nominal amounts. Registrable instruments (such as legal charges over real estate) are also subject to relatively immaterial registration fees.
A release of mortgage over immovable property attracts a fixed rate of duty at KYD50.
It is customary for stamp duty and registration fees to be paid by the borrower.
There are no legal rules or requirements that must be complied with before an entity can give valid security. Such entities must, however, be empowered to do so/not restricted from doing so by their constitutional documents. Often only board approval is necessary, although the entity’s constitutional documents should be checked for any further requirements or approvals. It would be prudent to obtain shareholder approval in any case where an entity is guaranteeing or pledging assets as security for another party’s liabilities.
The priority of – and enforcement options applicable to – a security interest would depend upon the type of security interest in question.
In terms of legal charges registered against Cayman Islands real estate, the security is enforceable pursuant to its terms in conjunction with the provisions of the Registered Land Act (2018 Revision).
The Registered Land Act (2018 Revision) provides a statutory power of sale by public auction, power to lease and power to appoint receivers. Commonly, a legal charge will vary and extend the statutory provisions to give the lender wider powers. To the extent the powers contained in the legal charge vary or are in addition to those created by the Registered Land Act (2018 Revision), they may not be acted on without an order of the court.
Proposals to reform mortgage enforcement have been published, but have not yet been finalised or implemented.
The priority of legal charges is determined by registration at the Cayman Islands Land Registry.
Generally, the debt secured by a legal charge properly stamped and registered at the Cayman Islands Land Registry will, in respect of the proceeds of realising such asset, rank in priority to any subsequently registered legal charge, any floating charge or any unsecured debt. It is possible for lenders to subordinate debt contractually, although this is not common.
There is currently no statute that has the effect of shifting any environmental liability on to a lender, although a lender can be exposed to potential liability once it takes possession of the premises after a default by the borrower.
Security interests created by a borrower in favour of the lender will not be rendered void if the borrower becomes insolvent. However, security may be set aside – for example, where it constitutes a preference or a transaction at an undervalue.
Notwithstanding that a winding-up order has been made, a creditor who has security over the whole or part of the assets of a company may enforce their security without the leave of the court and without reference to the liquidator. With respect to security over real estate, the Registered Land Act (2018 Revision) provides a statutory power of sale by public auction, power to lease and power to appoint receivers. Commonly, a legal charge will vary and extend the statutory provisions to give the lender wider powers. To the extent the powers contained in the legal charge vary or are in addition to those created by the Registered Land Act (2018 Revision), they may not be acted on without an order of the court.
Interest rates on most domestic lending transactions are calculated by reference to a domestic bank’s prime lending rate. To the extent that facilities reference the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR), lenders and borrowers would be advised to review their terms to ensure that an alternative method for calculating interest has been included.
The following legislation regulates planning and zoning in real estate:
Any development of land requires a grant of planning permission. “Development” encompasses the carrying out of building, engineering or other operations in, on, over or under any land, the making of any material change in the use of any building or other land, or the subdivision of land. However, it is subject to a number of exclusions, including any works for the maintenance, improvement or other alteration that only affect the interior of a building or do not materially affect the external appearance of the building.
Planning permission may be refused or granted unconditionally, or it can be subject to such conditions as the relevant authority deems fit.
The Central Planning Authority for Grand Cayman and the Development Control Board for the sister islands are responsible for reviewing and considering applications to obtain planning permission. The Director of Planning is empowered to take enforcement action where necessary.
A record of all grants of planning permission, modifications, revocations and conditions attached to planning permission relating to Grand Cayman is maintained by the Central Planning Authority, and a record of those relating to the sister islands, Cayman Brac and Little Cayman, is kept by the Development Control Board.
Planning permission is required for any proposed development or a material change in use of any building or land. However, planning permission will not be necessary if certain exclusions apply – for example, if the works are carried out for maintenance, improvement or other alteration and affect only the interior of the building or do not materially affect the external appearance of the building.
A permit is also required under the Building Code Regulations before construction or a change to a building or structure is carried out, or before any work that requires planning permission takes place. All such works must be carried out in the manner authorised by the permit.
Responsibility for the regulation of development and the designated use of individual parcels lays with the Central Planning Authority for Grand Cayman and with the Development Control Board for the sister islands.
Third parties that own land within a radius of 1,000 feet will receive notice of applications for the approval of larger developments (including places of public assembly, gas stations, clubs, restaurants, bars, cinemas and other similar establishments), and may lodge their objections with the Central Planning Authority (or the Development Control Board for the sister islands).
For all other applications for planning permission, only adjacent owners will receive notice of an application, and are able to make objections to it.
Those property owners who are entitled to receive notice and who have objected may appeal to a tribunal against a decision on the grounds that it is erroneous in law, unreasonable, contrary to the principles of natural justice, or not in accordance with the Development Plan.
Any person who has applied for planning permission (or who has objected to an application for planning permission) may appeal against that decision to a tribunal, within 14 days of notification of the decision. Any person aggrieved by the decision of the tribunal may appeal to the Grand Court. If aggrieved by the decision of the Grand Court, an appeal may be made to the Court of Appeal, whose decision will be final and binding upon the affected parties.
Planning permission may be granted subject to such conditions as the relevant authority sees fit. A prudent developer would engage with utility suppliers at the outset of a project to incorporate their input into their plans. Planning permission runs with the land, although any agreements will be personal to the parties.
Where any development of land (including material changes in use) has been carried out without the applicable planning permission or not in compliance with any conditions attached to a grant of planning permission, the Director of Planning may serve an enforcement notice on the owner or occupier of the land within five years of the alleged breach.
Non-compliance with an enforcement notice is an offence and attracts a fine.
If the steps required to be taken by the enforcement notice are not carried out within the allotted period, the Director of Planning may enter on the land and take those steps, and may recover their costs as a debt from the owner of the land.
The Director of Planning may also apply to the Grand Court for an injunction.
The structures most commonly used to acquire real estate are corporate structures, including Cayman Islands companies and foreign companies.
Because the Cayman Islands is a non-direct taxation jurisdiction and real estate activities can be achieved through different structures, foreign investors are able to select their investment model based on factors not driven by Cayman regulation (eg, taxation and investment regulation), except where participation may be marketed in the Cayman Islands.
The choice of investment vehicle will also often be influenced by whether the investor also intends to carry on business within the Cayman Islands, as there is a local business licensing regime in the jurisdiction.
REITs and real estate derivatives from Cayman Islands real estate are quite uncommon due to the relatively small size of the jurisdiction and the taxable event that arises when an interest in land (including the equity capital of a land-holding corporation) is transferred (see 2.10 Taxes Applicable to a Transaction), although there have been a few occurrences of foreign REITs acquiring Cayman Islands commercial property and at least one occurrence of a domestic REIT that is in the process of being formed.
Institutional investment in the Cayman Islands is increasing as the sizes of projects require large amounts of capital. However, the majority of commercial real estate is held privately.
A Cayman Islands company’s constitutional documents will set out its governance framework, including the powers of its board of directors, who ordinarily manage the day-to-day operation of the business. In relation to a company incorporated as a company limited by shares, the liability of its shareholders is limited to the amount (if any) unpaid on their shares.
There are no minimum capital requirements for a Cayman Islands company.
The subscribers of the memorandum of association of a Cayman Islands company are deemed to have agreed to become shareholders of the company, and every other person who has agreed to become a member of a company and whose name is entered on the register of members will be deemed to be shareholders of the company. The company will typically have one or more directors who manage the day-to-day business of the company. The constitutional documents set out the governance framework, along with the Companies Act (as revised).
Cayman Islands companies are obliged to pay annual fees in January to the Cayman Islands General Registry.
A schedule of incorporation and annual fees levied by the Cayman Islands government for different types of company can be found on the Cayman Islands General Registry website.
Exempted companies and foreign companies are required to engage a registered office provider in the Cayman Islands, for which additional annual fees will apply.
There are two types of arrangements that allow a person, company or other organisation to occupy and use real estate for a limited period without buying it outright.
There are no specified types of commercial leases. Given the relatively small size of the jurisdiction, there are relatively few sophisticated landlords of large-scale developments, so landlords use their own form of lease.
Most commonly, leases of part will be for a net rent, with a separate common area maintenance charge levied for landlord insurance, the maintenance of common parts, etc.
Leases of whole are less common but would often impose full repair and insurance obligations on the tenant.
Freehold title to a portion of the valuable Seven Mile Beach corridor is owned by the Crown. Originally this was the subject of a long ground lease to facilitate development, but has over time been subdivided into several smaller leases that have been varied to extend their term on payment of large premiums to the Cayman Islands government.
All terms of leases are freely negotiable, although certain covenants by the landlord and by the tenant are implied by the Registered Land Act (2018 Revision), unless modified by the lease.
Covenants implied on behalf of the landlord include the following:
Covenants implied on behalf of the tenant include:
With the exception of a temporary domestic lockdown period, the Cayman Islands government did not take any action to enact legislation to specifically override lease terms as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Because of the stamp duty treatment on the grant of longer leases (see 6.7 Payment of VAT), a lease term of five years (or less) is relatively common, and may include an option for the parties to renew for one or two further terms.
Responsibility for repairing the demised premises is typically assigned to the tenant. The landlord is usually under an obligation to insure and maintain the building and the common parts, and will usually recoup these costs from the tenant through rental payments or common area maintenance charges.
Although always subject to agreement between the parties, rent is commonly paid monthly or quarterly in advance or arrears.
Following the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, parties are advised to pay close attention to force majeure and rent abatement provisions.
It is typical for commercial leases to make provisions for rent to be reviewed.
Typically, rent is reviewed in line with the consumer price index (CPI), by a fixed percentage or by market review.
No VAT is payable on rent, although stamp duty is payable on the lease.
Stamp duty is usually paid by the tenant and is calculated at the following ad valorem rates:
Stamp duty (see 6.7 Payment of VAT), any registration fees (nominal) and a security deposit are typically paid by the tenant at the start of the lease.
It is common for the lease to assign responsibility to the landlord for the maintenance and insurance of the common areas, and the landlord typically recovers their costs from the tenant through rent or common area maintenance charges.
Where tenants have not purchased their electricity, water, gas and telecommunications services directly from suppliers, they will typically pay a share of these services provided by the landlord by reference to the size of their demised premises, or the landlord will separately meter each premises.
Typically, the landlord will be responsible for insuring the building and common parts (passing costs on to tenants through rent or common area charges), while the tenant insures the demised premises. Typical insured risks would include fire, earthquake, hurricane, flood and civil commotion.
It is usual for a landlord to restrict the use of the demised premises and common areas. Planning permissions and zoning constraints would also apply.
A lease will ordinarily prohibit the tenant from making alterations or improvements to the real estate without the prior consent of the landlord.
There are no specific regulations and/or laws that apply to leases of particular categories of real estate. All leases are primarily governed by the Registered Land Act (2018 Revision) and the Registered Land Rules (2018 Revision). Parties generally have the freedom to contract as they wish, although the Registered Land Act does imply certain covenants on the landlord and tenant, unless modified in the lease (see 6.3 Regulation of Rents or Lease Terms).
The terms of the lease usually allow a landlord to terminate the lease if the tenant becomes insolvent. Subject to any provisions to the contrary in the lease, the Registered Land Act (2018 Revision) also provides landlords with the right to forfeit the lease if a tenant is adjudicated bankrupt (if an individual) or goes into liquidation (if a company).
It is common for a landlord to take a security deposit at the outset of a lease, and they may require guarantees from directors, shareholders or related companies.
Security deposits are freely negotiable but would likely include at least one rental payment. Security deposits are not regulated, so the terms of the lease would govern.
Unless expressly provided for in the lease, tenants do not have security of occupation or a right to renew at the end of the term. However, where a tenant continues to occupy the premises with the consent of the landlord after the termination of the lease, the tenant will be deemed to be a tenant holding the premises on a periodic tenancy on the same conditions as those of the expired lease, so far as those conditions are appropriate to a periodic tenancy.
The Registered Land Act (2018 Revision) implies a covenant on the tenant preventing alienation without the landlord’s consent (which is not to be unreasonably withheld). A landlord would typically impose a more stringent covenant in a well-drafted lease (for example, setting out specific circumstances in which it is prepared to permit assignment, subletting or sharing, and reserving to itself absolute discretion to refuse outside of those circumstances), and a tenant would typically look for more flexibility.
It is therefore a point that is often the subject of some negotiation, but a well-advised landlord would look for at least some assurances on the financial standing and commercial reputation of the incoming tenant in order to protect its interest in the remainder of the estate.
Typically, a lease would provide for the landlord to terminate in the event of a material breach by the tenant (subject to any negotiated cure periods) or an insolvency event of the tenant. Either the landlord or the tenant would ordinarily be given the right to terminate the lease if the leased premises are substantially destroyed or damaged and not repaired within a specified period. Tenant break options are generally uncommon, but could be negotiated.
All leases attract stamp duty (see 6.7 Payment of VAT) but only leases exceeding a term of two years (whether as an initial term, through extension or renewal options or where expressed to be for the life of one of the parties) require registration (shorter leases are overriding interests).
Registerable leases require a front sheet in prescribed form but otherwise the parties are free to negotiate the form and content of the bulk of the terms. Leases of part of a registered freehold must be accompanied by a plan.
Registration expenses are minimal.
It is common for a lease to contain forfeiture clauses that allow the landlord to evict the tenant. However, the tenant has a statutory right to apply to the court for relief against forfeiture, so the timeframe for the forfeiture process can vary.
The Cayman Islands government can compulsorily acquire any land. This is usually done for the purposes of establishing new public roads but can also be done in other circumstances.
Compensation is payable, typically at the market value of the interest acquired.
Due to the relatively small size of the jurisdiction, significant construction projects are few in number at any one time. There is no commonly accepted market standard of contract, so parties are free to agree terms as they see fit, with the format and complexity of the contract often being driven by the sophistication of the parties and the type of project.
Most larger construction contracts will, however, typically follow a US style (such as the American Institute of Architects), a UK style (such as the joint contracts tribunal), a combination of the two, or even the contractor’s (or developer’s) own standard terms.
See 7.1 Common Structures Used to Price Construction Projects.
See 7.1 Common Structures Used to Price Construction Projects.
See 7.1 Common Structures Used to Price Construction Projects.
See 7.1 Common Structures Used to Price Construction Projects.
See 7.1 Common Structures Used to Price Construction Projects.
Certificates of fitness for occupancy must be obtained from the Central Planning Authority (or the Development Control Board in relation to property in the sister islands) before any new buildings are occupied.
Ad valorem stamp duty is payable (subject to certain exceptions that are at the discretion of the Minister of Finance) on the following:
Subject to limited exceptions, ad valorem share transfer tax is payable on the transfer or issue of equity capital in a land-holding corporation at the rate of 7.5% of the proportionate value of the entire land holding. Land-holding corporations include partnerships, foreign corporations, chartered corporations, mutual funds or incorporated companies (but not a corporation sole or charitable corporation) that hold any legal or beneficial interest (excluding interests created pursuant to bona fide security instruments) in landed property in the Cayman Islands (or interest in another land-holding corporation). Landed property includes freehold interests in Cayman Islands real property and any leasehold interest where the original term exceeded 30 years.
In addition, ad valorem stamp duty is payable (subject to certain exceptions that are again at the discretion of the Minister of Finance) on debentures and legal or equitable mortgages or charges of immovable or movable property within the Cayman Islands.
In the case of a debenture or a legal or equitable mortgage or a charge of immovable property within the Cayman Islands:
In the case of a legal or equitable mortgage or a charge of movable property within the Cayman Islands, duty is 1.5% of the sum secured (subject to a maximum charge of KYD500 where the security instrument is granted by a Cayman Islands exempted company, a Cayman Islands ordinary non-resident company, a Cayman Islands exempted trust or a body corporate incorporated outside of the Cayman Islands, or where the security is over shares in a Cayman Islands exempted company or a Cayman Islands ordinary non-resident company).
Finally, policies of insurance for property within the Cayman Islands attract ad valorem stamp duty of 2% of the cost of the new or renewed property insurance premiums, which is usually added to insurance premiums.
Most other related instruments and documents are subject to a fixed rate of stamp duty in comparatively nominal amounts. Registrable instruments are also subject to relatively immaterial registration fees.
Subject to limited exceptions, real estate used for paid tourist accommodation attracts tax at a rate of 13% of the amount charged to each tourist.
There are no other domestic taxes or municipal rates currently payable on the occupation, acquisition, ownership or disposal of Cayman Islands real property or income deriving therefrom.
Generally, the buyer/tenant will be responsible for paying any stamp duty and registration fees.
There are no commonly used methods that can be employed to mitigate stamp duty on large real estate portfolio purchases. However, a purchaser is free to apply for a discretionary waiver or reduction of stamp duty from the Minister of Finance.
Where the acquisition is financed and secured by Cayman Islands assets, a mechanism exists to avoid paying "double duty" on separate security instruments that secure the same debt. In such cases, the ad valorem duty may be paid on the primary security instrument, and the other security instruments can be expressed to be "collateral", "auxiliary", "additional" or "substituted", and attract a fixed rate of duty at KYD50.
There are no municipal taxes paid on the occupation of business premises. However, subject to limited exceptions, real estate used for paid tourist accommodation attracts tax at a rate of 13% of the amount charged to each tourist.
The Cayman Islands does not directly tax income or capital gains.
The Cayman Islands does not directly tax income or capital gains.
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George Town
Cayman Islands
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As with all other jurisdictions, the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the Cayman Islands and its people on multiple levels. In response to the challenges presented by COVID-19, the Cayman Islands’ government reacted swiftly by implementing methodical and effective testing, a comprehensive vaccination regime and stringent entry/exit border procedures. Coupled with the resilience and ongoing support of its people, the Cayman Islands have been rewarded with low rates of infection and high rates of vaccination which, together, have promoted social, economic and political stability.
Additionally, and in response to the Glasgow COP 26 climate-change conference, the Cayman Islands’ government, led by Premier Wayne Panton, engaged the Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (CEFAS), an executive agency of the British government’s Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, to undertake a climate-change risk assessment specific to its islands. Currently, the only official policy that mentions climate change in Cayman is the National Energy Policy (introduced by Winston Connolly), which seeks to limit per capita carbon emissions to 2014 levels and to achieve 70% renewable-energy generation by 2037. The risk assessment should be completed in the second half of 2022. This initiative demonstrates a clear and dedicated commitment to minimising carbon emissions in the Cayman Islands.
These collective responses to the challenges presented by COVID-19 and climate change, along with Cayman’s existing reputation as a tax-neutral, first-world, safe and idyllic jurisdiction, have made the Islands increasingly appealing to high-net-worth (HNW) and ultra-high-net-worth (UHNW) individuals and foreign companies who wish to purchase real estate and to live there.
Consequently, the number of transactions, and the prices sought and obtained, for luxury and commercial real estate in the Cayman Islands (in particular, Grand Cayman) have risen dramatically over the past 18 months.
Behind such positive growth in Cayman’s luxury real-estate market is a stable body of real-estate law complemented by a safe, secure and efficient system of land registration and by the ease and transparency of Cayman’s foreign-ownership requirements. These features have engendered confidence in HNW and UHNW individuals and foreign companies purchasing real estate in the Cayman Islands.
The following are the Cayman Islands’ system of land registration and foreign ownership requirements.
Cayman’s system of land registration
The Cayman Islands have adopted the Torrens title system of land registration originally conceived by Sir Robert Torrens in South Australia. This system was introduced to remove the need for a complex chain-of-title investigation involving the need to trace a vendor's title through a series of documents (ie, to the extent that there was a need to investigate prior dealings affecting real estate).
As an Australian judge, Sir Garfield Barwick once observed, the essence of the Torrens system of land registration is “title by registration”, not “registration of title”. In other words, it is the fact of registration that secures title. Put another way, title is obtained by registration, not upon the execution of any dealing. Once registered, such interests have the benefit of indefeasibility of title, subject to a limited class of overriding interests.
The principal legislation concerning the registration of interests in land in the Cayman Islands is the Registered Land Act (2018 Revision) (the RLA). Pursuant to the RLA, the title (also known as the land register) for each parcel of land is created by a system of land registration maintained by the Registrar of Lands (the Registrar).
Additionally, the land register for each parcel of land in the Cayman Islands sets out the proper description and location of the land, the ownership of the land and the identity of any parties claiming an interest in the land by way of security or otherwise. Unregistered, or “overriding‟, interests in land (being statutory exceptions to indefeasibility of title) are preserved pursuant to Section 28 of the RLA. These include (but are not limited to):
No disposition of land (whether by way of transfer, charge or otherwise) is effective unless registered in accordance with the terms of the RLA. Priority of competing interests is determined by the order in which instruments are actually registered.
The government guarantees the correctness of each register. Part X of the RLA provides for the indemnification by the government with moneys provided by the Legislative Assembly (now known as Parliament) in respect of errors or omissions that cannot be rectified by the Registrar or the courts.
Foreign investment
An individual or a company may purchase up to one residential property for personal use and two further residential properties for rent without the need for a trade and business licence.
By contrast, ownership of commercial real estate by either an individual or a company is deemed to be carrying on trade and business in the Cayman Islands for which a trade and business licence is required.
The relevant legislation dealing with business licensing in the Cayman Islands is the Trade and Business Licensing Act (2021 Revision) (the TBL Act), coupled with the Local Companies Control Act (2019 Revision) (the LCC Act).
Putting aside the exemption referred to above in respect of residential properties, an individual or a company engaging in almost any business locally is required to hold a licence (the TBL licence) under the TBL Act.
To obtain a TBL licence, the applicant must submit to the Trade and Business Licensing Board (the TBL Board) a duly completed prescribed application form accompanied, where relevant, by corporate information and certain other due diligence documents relating to be applicant and by a cover letter outlining details of the business to be conducted.
Subject to the approval of the TBL Board, the applicant is able to designate a trading name for the business, which may be different from the applicant’s name.
The TBL licence is renewable annually. The renewal-application form must be submitted 28 days prior to the expiry of the current licence together with the process and renewal fees (which are identical to the fees submitted on the initial application).
For an application to be entertained pursuant to the TBL Law:
An LCC licence is not required where the company satisfies the 60/40 rule or it comes within an exempted category (although a TBL licence will normally need to be held in these cases, unless an exemption exists pursuant to law), including:
Unless a company satisfies the 60/40 rule or avails itself of one of these exceptions, it must hold an LCC licence to carry on business in the Cayman Islands; but if a company obtains an LCC licence, it is exempt from complying with the 60/40 rule, meaning that it may have more than 40% foreign ownership and control.
However, the issuance by the TBL Board award of an LCC licence is discretionary, and the TBL Board is required to take into account the following factors (amongst others) when considering an application:
Foreign investment, if considered beneficial to the Cayman Islands economy, is generally encouraged.
Structuring Real Estate Investments
Cayman ordinary company
The most popular structure for holding real estate is through an ordinary company.
Subject to licensing requirements (see the preceding section), this type of company will be able to own and lease Cayman property, hire Cayman-based employees, and transact business, both with the Cayman public and internationally.
The fees for establishing an ordinary company are more attractive than other types of companies, but there are additional annual and other requirements that must be met to maintain an ordinary company (eg, holding an annual general meeting (which may be done by proxy) and filing with the Registrar of Companies an annual declaration that outlines details of shareholdings). An ordinary company is one whose primary purpose is to carry on business in the Cayman Islands, and, therefore, it is the main vehicle that is recommended where the business will entail direct dealings with members of the public in the Cayman Islands.
Cayman branch of a foreign company
Another popular structure for holding real estate is through a Cayman branch of a foreign company. The Cayman-branch model is particularly useful if a foreign company wants to operate a physical presence in the Cayman Islands directly without setting up a separate legal entity; and it may do so by registering under Part 9 of the Companies Act (2021 Revision).
Subject to satisfying licensing requirements (see the preceding section), the foreign company will be able to own and lease Cayman property, hire Cayman-based employees, and transact business both domestically (ie, within the Cayman Islands) and internationally. When selecting the structure, certain activities of the main company (even where these are not conducted from within the Cayman Islands) could cause the foreign company to be subject to additional licensing requirements under Cayman law.
Cayman exempted company
The least popular form of investment vehicle is the Cayman Islands exempted company. This type of company will, in limited circumstances, be able to own or lease Cayman property, hire Cayman-based employees, and transact business internationally (but generally not with the public of the Cayman Islands).
The objects of an exempted company must be carried out mainly outside the Cayman Islands, and it is not permitted to trade in the Cayman Islands with any person, firm or corporation accepting furtherance of the business of the exempted company carried on outside the Cayman Islands. This does not prevent the exempted company from effecting contracts in the Cayman Islands and exercising in the Cayman Islands all of its powers necessary for the carrying on of its business outside the Cayman Islands.
As a consequence, an exempted company structure usually suits a company that wants to own or lease an office to transact business externally from the Cayman Islands.
Cayman’s proportionate and well-timed response to the challenges of COVID, coupled with its secure and efficient system of land registration system and its foreign-friendly approach to investment in real estate has given rise to a new generation of investors wishing to purchase real estate in the Cayman Islands.
Whitehall House
2nd Floor
238 North Church Street
PO Box 1184
Grand Cayman
KY1-9006, Cayman Islands
+1 345 917 4801