Over the last few years, alternative investment has grown to be an attractive source of funding for Indian businesses. The increasing flow of alternative funds feeds start-ups, private companies, entrepreneurs and others, who may not always qualify for traditional capital sourcing. Whereas traditional sources of finance, such as banks, have a limited risk appetite, alternative investment provides enterprises with stable, long-term "patient" capital.
While India previously regulated venture capital funds (VCFs), it has now cast a much broader net seeking to cover other types of alternative funds, including private equity, infrastructure, debt, social venture and hedge funds. Alternative investment funds (AIFs) in India are governed by the Indian securities regulator, the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), under the SEBI (Alternative Investment Funds) Regulations, 2012 ("AIF Regulations").
AIF Regulations
In brief, the AIF Regulations define an AIF as a privately pooled investment vehicle set up in India, which raises funds from investors and invests in accordance with a defined investment policy for the benefit of its investors. The AIF Regulations mandate that an AIF should have a sponsor and a manager, although the manager of an AIF may also act as the sponsor. The AIF Regulations also mandate that the manager or sponsor of the AIF should make a sponsor investment, ie, have "skin in the game" (which cannot be set off against the management fee).
The AIF Regulations exclude funds regulated under the SEBI (Collective Investment Schemes) Regulations, 1999; the SEBI (Mutual Funds) Regulations, 1996; and any other regulations issued by Indian regulators that regulate activities to do with pooling of capital or fund management.
The scope of AIFs, under the AIF Regulations, excludes:
While investors in an AIF could be domestic or foreign, each investor is required to commit (ie, undertake to contribute to the fund by way of a legally binding document) a minimum amount of capital, and an AIF is required to raise a minimum amount of commitment from its investors prior to commencing operations (for further details, see 2.3 Funds: Regulatory Regime).
As per the data available from SEBI on 31 March 2022, in the ten years since the promulgation of the AIF Regulations, AIFs in India have raised funds worth approximately INR641,359.11 crore, of which, approximately INR284,058.64 crore has been invested. AIF commitments have seen a 42% rise between March 2021 and March 2022 as per the CRISIL Report dated 9 June 2022. With the growing appetite of sophisticated investors in India, these numbers are only expected to increase.
AIFs have been classified under three categories with the intention of distinguishing the investment criteria and providing a framework for regulatory concessions under other laws, depending on the category.
A change in category is only permitted if an AIF has not made any investments and if the AIF has accepted commitments it will permit investors to withdraw with a fee refund, if applicable.
The following are the three categories of AIFs. Most AIFs are registered under Category II, which is the residual category, as greater flexibility is provided to the manager to formulate the investment objectives and strategy of the AIF. However, Category II AIFs are required to primarily invest in unlisted companies.
Category I AIFs
This category includes funds which invest in start-ups, early-stage ventures, social ventures, small and medium enterprises (SMEs), infrastructure or other sectors which the government or regulators consider socially or economically desirable. VCFs (including angel funds), SME funds, social venture funds, special situation funds, and infrastructure funds have been categorised as sub-categories of Category I AIFs. These AIFs face stricter regulation, but also, arguably, enjoy certain benefits. These AIFs are closed-end and have a minimum tenure of three years.
Category II AIFs
This category includes funds which do not specifically fall under Category I or Category III and do not undertake leverage or borrowing other than to meet their day-to-day operational requirements. Hence, Category II is the residual category of AIFs (see Category III AIFs, below).
Private equity funds (ie, funds investing primarily in equity or equity-linked instruments or partnership interests) and debt funds (ie, funds investing primarily in debt or debt securities) for which, typically, no specific incentives or concessions are given by the government/any regulator, fall in this category. Similar to Category I AIFs, Category II AIFs are also closed-end and have a minimum tenure of three years.
Category III AIFs
This category includes funds which employ diverse or complex trading strategies and may employ leverage. Hedge funds, funds which trade with a view to making short-term returns, and other funds which are open-end and for which no specific incentives or concessions are given by the government or any other regulator, fall in this category. This category is perceived to be for high-risk, high-reward investments. AIFs seeking to invest primarily in listed markets are also bundled in this category, even if their strategy is long hold. Category III AIFs can be open-end or closed-end and have no minimum tenure.
Accredited Investor Regime
With effect from August 2021, SEBI introduced an "Accredited Investor" (see 4.1 Types of Investors in Alternative Funds) regime and correspondingly a construct of "Large Value Fund for Accredited Investors" or "LVF for Accredited Investors" (with each such AIF still falling within the categories described above). An LVF for Accredited Investors may be formed subject to the condition that each of its investors (except the manager, sponsor, employees/directors of the AIF, and employees/directors of the manager) are accredited investors and each of them commits a minimum of INR700 million. An LVF for Accredited Investors enjoys certain regulatory relaxations, with key relaxations being described in 2.3 Funds: Regulatory Regime.
The AIF Regulations permit an AIF to be formed as a trust, company, or a limited liability partnership (LLP) in India. Out of these three structures, there is stark preference among Indian managers to structure AIFs as trusts. As at 8 June 2022, of the 950 AIFs registered with SEBI, only 23 were formed as LLPs and three as a company, with the remainder being registered as trusts.
The clear preference for trusts as a viable AIF structure stems primarily from two distinct reasons.
Such contribution agreement and investment management agreement are not required to be made public.
It is important to note that under Indian law, a trust does not have a separate legal personality. The legal ownership of the trust lies with the trustee(s), and the investors are beneficiaries who have a beneficial interest in the trust.
AIFs can either be structured as single-scheme vehicles or have multiple schemes running under a single AIF licence. In the case of multiple-scheme AIFs, most conditions of the AIF Regulations are applied at scheme level.
Key Parties
An AIF formed as a trust requires a trustee. Typically, third-party professional trusteeship service providers are appointed as the trustees of AIFs. An AIF formed as a trust also requires a "settlor" to settle the trust. This can be the investment manager/sponsor or any Indian-resident individual. Generally, there are no ongoing liabilities for a settlor.
Governing Documents
AIFs in India require the following documents.
Constitutional documents
A trust deed is required for the settlement of the AIF as a trust (and for related matters, such as appointment of the trustee and granting the trust requisite powers). In the case of an LLP, the constitutional document is an LLP agreement, and in the case of a company it is the memorandum of association, articles of association and any shareholders’ agreement. Constitutional documents are required to be filed with SEBI.
Marketing documents
SEBI requires an AIF to raise funds through a private placement memorandum/offering memorandum (privately placed) or PPM. This is required to be filed with SEBI. Schemes of an AIF are also required to file a PPM each in order to raise funds. With effect from November 2021, PPMs of an AIF (including each scheme) are required to be filed with SEBI through a SEBI-registered merchant banker. However, LVFs for Accredited Investors, subject to certain conditions, have been exempted from the above requirements as per the circular issued on guidelines for LVFs for Accredited Investors, dated 24 June 2022.
An AIF can raise funds only by way of issuing a PPM to the investors on a private-placement basis, ie, "units" of an AIF cannot be issued to the public at large. “Units” are the beneficial interest of the investor in the AIF/scheme of AIF and may be either fully or partly paid up. A PPM must disclose to the investors all the material information necessary for the investors to take an informed decision on their investment in the AIF. This would include information such as:
See 2.17 Disclosure/Reporting Requirements, for a discussion on the standard form for a PPM prescribed by SEBI.
Other agreements
An investment management agreement between the trustee/LLP/company and the investment manager governs delegation terms by the former to the investment manager for the management and administration of the AIF.
In the case of an AIF formed as a trust, a contribution/subscription agreement between each investor, the trustee (on behalf of the AIF) and the investment manager usually provide the substantive terms of the AIF. In the case of an LLP, this is drafted as an LLP agreement, and in the case of a company, as a shareholders’ agreement (and a subscription agreement).
The AIF Regulations permit domestic and foreign investors to invest in AIFs by way of subscription to units of the AIF. An AIF cannot have more than 1,000 investors, and in the case of an angel fund, no more than 200 investors. Notably, no regulatory or government approvals are required for foreign investors to invest in AIFs.
The total commitment of all the investors in an AIF is termed its “corpus”. The AIF's “investable funds”, ie, funds which it could invest into portfolio entities, are arrived at after subtracting the estimated fund expenses for administration and management from the corpus estimated for the tenure of the fund. The “tenure” of the fund means the duration of the fund, ie, the period between the day of its launch and its last day. Each scheme of an AIF must have a minimum corpus of INR200 million (with angel funds being allowed to have a minimum corpus of INR50 million). Uninvested portions of investable funds and divestment proceeds pending distribution to investors may be invested in specified temporary investments until utilisation or distribution, in accordance with the AIF’s fund documents.
An investor, other than an accredited investor, must commit a minimum of INR10 million to an AIF, as per the AIF Regulations. This limit has been reduced to INR2.5 million for employees/directors of the AIF or the investment manager, and for investors investing in angel funds.
The manager/sponsor is mandated to invest to provide some "skin in the game". For Category I and II AIFs, this is set at the lesser of INR50 million or 2.5% of the corpus of the AIF, and for Category III AIFs, this is set at the lesser of INR100 million or 5% of the corpus of the AIF. This is a continuing interest in the AIF and cannot be set off against management fees.
Key Diversification/Investment Limits
Category I and II AIFs cannot invest more than 25%, and Category III AIFs cannot invest more than 10%, of their investable funds in a single portfolio entity.
Importantly, AIFs are required to adhere to the aforesaid investment diversification limit at all times, ie, at the time of each investment. However, by way of exception to the above-mentioned limits, a Category I and II LVF for Accredited Investors may invest up to 50%, and a Category III LVF for Accredited Investors may invest up to 20%, of its investable funds in a single portfolio entity. Furthermore, SEBI has allowed Category III AIFs to calculate their 10% or 20% investment concentration limit in one investee company either on their investable funds or the net asset value if such AIFs are investing in listed equity; provided that one of the two options is chosen by such AIF at the time of its establishment and the option will remain the same throughout the term of such AIF. Furthermore, the aforesaid diversification conditions do not apply to an AIF established in GIFT City (see 2.16 Key Trends).
Category I and II AIFs are required to invest primarily in unlisted portfolio entities. "Primarily", in this context, means that the majority of the investments of a Category I or II AIF must be in unlisted securities. Subcategories of Category I AIFs also have to comply with certain further investment restrictions.
Category I AIFs registered as VCFs must invest at least two thirds of their investable funds in unlisted equity shares/equity-linked instruments of a venture capital undertaking; or companies listed/proposed to be listed on an SME exchange/SME segment of an exchange within its life cycle. For this purpose, a venture capital undertaking is defined as a domestic company, which is not listed on a recognised Indian stock exchange at the time of making the investment.
Category I AIFs registered as SME funds must invest at least 75% of their investable funds in unlisted securities/partnership interests of venture capital undertakings or investee companies, which are SMEs/companies listed or proposed to be listed on an SME exchange or the SME segment of an exchange or in the units of a Category II AIF that primarily invests in such venture capital undertakings or investee companies.
Category I AIFs registered as social venture funds must invest at least 75% of their investable funds in unlisted securities/partnership interests of social ventures and may accept grants of a minimum of INR2.5 million for the same, provided that such minimum amount requirements do not apply to accredited investors.
Category I AIFs registered as infrastructure funds must invest at least 75% of their investable funds in unlisted securities/partnership interests of venture capital undertakings or investee companies, or SPVs, that are engaged in/formed for the purpose of operating, developing or holding infrastructure projects or in the units of a Category II AIF that primarily invests in such venture capital undertakings or investee companies or SPVs.
Category III AIFs may invest in securities of listed or unlisted investee companies, derivatives, units of other AIFs or complex/structured products.
Category I AIFs are permitted to invest in the units of Category I AIFs of the same subcategory and Category II AIFs; Category II AIFs are permitted to invest in Category I and Category II AIFs; and Category III AIFs are permitted to invest in the units of other AIFs. However, in each case, an AIF cannot invest in the units of a fund of funds.
An AIF can only invest in its associates or in the units of AIFs managed or sponsored by its manager/sponsor or their associates with the consent of 75% of its investors. However, a special situation fund (a sub-category of a Category I AIF) cannot invest in its associates or in the units of other AIFs (other than the units of a special situation fund) or in the units of a special situation fund managed or sponsored by its manager/sponsor or their associates
Overseas investments
There are certain restrictions on AIFs making overseas investments. In addition to prior approval from SEBI, the aggregate overseas investments of an AIF are limited to 25% of its investable funds. According to the recent circular issued on 17 August 2022, the requirement of the overseas investee company to have an Indian connection has been done away with and an AIF which is applying to SEBI is not required to demonstrate that its overseas investment has an Indian connection. Furthermore, investment by AIFs/VCFs have now been limited to:
Furthermore, an AIF/VCF is prohibited from investing in an overseas investee company which is incorporated in a country that has been identified by the Financial Action Task Force.
At present, there is an industry-wide limit which SEBI and the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) jointly administer, which is currently at USD1.5 billion.
Stewardship Responsibilities
In December 2019, SEBI introduced "stewardship responsibilities" for AIFs – to protect client wealth and to ensure greater responsibility towards clients by enhancing the monitoring of, and engagement with, their investee companies. To this effect, SEBI released a Stewardship Code that came into effect from 1 April 2020 – all categories of AIFs are required to follow the Stewardship Code in relation to their investments in listed equity investments. A similar stewardship code applies to mutual funds in the country.
Under the Stewardship Code, AIFs must engage with investee companies through discussions with management, or voting in shareholder/board meetings, on matters such as corporate governance, strategy, performance, and material environmental, social and governance opportunities, etc.
The move towards such stewardship responsibilities and bench-marking activities (see 2.9 Rules Concerning Other Service Providers) reflects how SEBI is prioritising data collection, investor protection and transparency in the AIF industry.
Stamp Duty
As of June 2020, the collection of a nominal stamp duty (ie, a type of document tax) on the issue, sale and transfer of units of AIFs was also mandated. Issuance of AIF units would attract stamp duty of 0.005% of the market value of such units. Any transfer of AIF units would attract a stamp duty of 0.015% of the consideration amount.
Other Factors
AIFs also serve as an attractive mode of investment because there are no restrictions on the repatriation of cash to investors (including offshore investors).
General Obligations
AIFs and their personnel have, furthermore, to abide by certain general obligations as provided under the AIF Regulations.
AIFs cannot grant loans simpliciter; however, they can subscribe to debt instruments such as non-convertible debentures and/or optionally convertible debentures.
Furthermore, Category I and II AIFs are also limited in their power to raise loans. Category I and II AIFs cannot leverage or borrow, except to meet day-to-day needs for a period no longer than 30 days, for not more than 10% of their investable funds (see 2.3 Funds: Regulatory Regime) and not more than four times a year.
Category III AIFs, however, can leverage and borrow. Such leverage and borrowing can be undertaken with the consent of the investors and is also subject to a maximum cap as may be prescribed by SEBI, provided that such AIFs disclose information regarding:
The current leverage limit on Category III AIFs, as prescribed by SEBI, is twice the net asset value of the AIF.
However, the aforesaid leverage conditions do not apply to an AIF established in GIFT City (see 2.16 Key Trends).
AIFs can make investments only by way of subscribing to securities. Cryptocurrencies are currently not considered as securities under Indian law and therefore AIFs cannot invest in cryptocurrencies. It is also not possible for an AIF to hold hard assets and therefore, necessarily, investments are typically made in securities of companies or in LLPs.
AIFs are required to register with SEBI by way of filing an application form in a prescribed format. The SEBI application form should be accompanied by:
Certain undertakings and declarations, including on disciplinary history, are also required to be submitted to SEBI.
Applications are submitted to SEBI online. As per the AIF Regulations, SEBI is required to approve or reject the application within 30 days. However, SEBI has the power to request additional information. While each case is different, most applications are processed by SEBI within two to three months.
All AIFs are required to have a manager entity and a sponsor entity (often one and the same entity).
An investment manager provides investment management services to the AIF. SEBI requires that the manager should be an entity incorporated in India. An AIF is also required to have at least one sponsor (which needs to be named as such to SEBI). The sponsor may be an Indian entity or an offshore entity. The sponsor could also be any person(s) that sets up the AIF. In the case of an AIF organised as a company, this includes a promoter, and for an LLP, it includes a designated partner.
If the manager and sponsor of an AIF are ultimately owned and controlled by resident Indian citizens and such persons are in control of the AIF to the general exclusion of others (an "IOCC AIF", as in an Indian-owned and controlled company AIF), then investments by the AIF are treated as domestic investments, ie, no restrictions or conditions related to foreign direct investment (FDI) will apply, such as sectoral restrictions, impermissibility of certain instruments and pricing guidelines.
In brief:
Furthermore, the members of the key investment team of an investment manager must have adequate experience and meet certain qualifications:
Both the aforementioned qualification requirements may be fulfilled by the same individual.
While not specific to AIFs, it is relevant to note that:
AIFs and their manager are permitted to appoint third-party service providers for certain functions. These typically include audit, custody, valuation and compliance functions. SEBI does not permit delegation of core functions.
Category I and Category II AIFs are required to appoint a SEBI-registered custodian if the corpus of such AIF is more than INR5 billion. A Category III AIF must appoint a SEBI-registered custodian irrespective of its size. An AIF is required to provide its investors with a valuation of its assets conducted by an independent valuer on a six-monthly basis (or annually, if 75% of the investors by value of their investment in the AIF agree to such annual valuation). Regulations also impose a mandatory audit requirement.
SEBI has also mandated an annual audit by a qualified auditor or a legal professional to ensure the AIF's compliance with the SEBI format PPM. However, AIFs that do not have to follow the SEBI format PPM (see 2.2 Fund Structures) are not required to undertake the audit exercise for PPMs.
SEBI has also introduced the requirement for an industry benchmark for AIFs (except angel funds) to enable comparison of the AIF industry with other investment avenues and global investment opportunities, and to help investors assess the performance of the AIF industry. To this end, SEBI has made benchmarking of an AIF’s performance mandatory and has introduced a framework to facilitate the use of data collected by the benchmarking agencies. Such benchmarking is to be undertaken by those AIFs that have completed a year from the date of their first closing. Annual benchmarking exercises are being undertaken by credit-rating agencies.
Non-local service providers to AIFs are not subject to additional requirements.
Indian income tax laws accord “tax pass-through” status to SEBI-regulated Category I and II AIFs established or incorporated in India. Category III AIFs are not accorded such benefits; however, Category III AIFs set up as trusts may potentially follow the general principles of trust taxation and other provisions of Indian tax laws to achieve tax transparency.
The statutory “tax pass-through” status (for Category I and II AIFs) has been granted in respect of all income (other than income chargeable under the heading "profits and gains of business or profession" earned by such an AIF). If income earned by an AIF is not characterised as business income, it is taxable in the hands of the investors of that AIF, in the same manner as if it were the income accruing to, or received by, such investors had they invested the money themselves. The income received by such AIFs is deemed to be of the same type and in the same proportion as if it had been received by investors.
If the income of the AIF is characterised as “business income” received by or accruing or arising to the AIF, such income is taxable at the maximum marginal rate applicable to the AIF.
The taxation of offshore investors is governed by the provisions of the Indian Income Tax Act, 1961 (IT Act), read with the provisions of the double-taxation avoidance agreements (DTAAs) between India and the country of residence of such offshore investor. The provisions of the IT Act would apply to the extent that they are more beneficial than the provisions of the DTAAs.
Offshore investors in AIFs generally qualify for benefits under the DTAAs, subject to customary substance and other requirements.
The use of subsidiaries for investment purposes is not usual, primarily due to potential tax leakage in cash extraction from the subsidiary. Therefore, AIFs using a subsidiary structure tend to have specific commercial considerations that override or offset such issues, eg, infrastructure AIFs may use a subsidiary structure for value creation in a platform.
While the sponsor of an AIF may be an Indian or offshore entity, Indian entities generally act as sponsors in AIFs. This is also partly because the manager of an AIF must be an Indian entity, and the manager and sponsor are often the same entity.
Domestic and Foreign Investors
Under Indian law, AIFs are permitted to raise capital from domestic and foreign investors. Notably, no regulatory or government approvals are required to raise capital from foreign investors. AIFs are permitted to make distributions freely to foreign investors, ie, there are no foreign exchange investment and exchange control restrictions, such as pricing guidelines, applicable to repatriation of money to foreign investors by means of AIFs. While several development finance and multilateral institutions participate directly in AIFs, it is fairly usual for a fund structure to offer a feeder vehicle offshore, such as in Mauritius, Singapore, the Cayman Islands or Luxembourg, and a large number of AIFs seem to have raised capital from North America and Europe. A key trend which is developing is the emergence of GIFT City as an additional or alternative feeder vehicle jurisdiction for AIFs (see 2.16 Key Trends).
Investors in AIFs are also required to satisfy the customary "know your client" (KYC) checks.
Press Note 3 (2020 Series)
In April 2020, the government issued Press Note 3 (2020 Series), providing that an entity of a country that shares a land border with India or where the beneficial owner of an investment in India is situated in or is a citizen of such country, such entity can invest only under the government approval route. This is mainly to curb opportunistic takeovers/acquisitions of Indian companies on account of the current COVID-19 pandemic. This rule issued by the government may adversely impact offshore investors seeking to invest in India if they fall within the purview of this restriction, and it adds to the timelines of such investments. Also, there is no clear regulatory prescription as to the meaning of beneficial ownership, as no specific threshold or definition has been prescribed under Press Note 3 (2020 Series).
As an effect of the COVID-19 pandemic, there appears to have been an increase in the establishment of funds where a large part of the underlying assets is pre-identified, along with a preference for club-style funds or managed accounts rather than blind pool platforms. The pandemic has also triggered certain end-of-fund life transactions, such as structured secondaries and fund life extensions.
Onshore v Offshore
In light of the liberalised investment and tax regime for AIFs, and predictability over the past few years, a number of offshore investors have started considering direct participation in the onshore pool, rather than investing via an offshore feeder.
The National Investment and Infrastructure Fund
The government, in its capacity as an anchor investor, has established a collaborative investment platform, namely the National Investment and Infrastructure Fund, for international and Indian investors looking for investment opportunities in infrastructure and other high-growth sectors of the country, which includes a fund of funds programme that is emerging as a significant domestic LP.
Promotion of Start-ups and Micro and SMEs
Furthermore, the Small Industries Development Bank of India has been actively investing in various AIFs in order to promote and accelerate the growth of start-ups and micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in India.
Role of Merchant Bankers
EBI amended the AIF Regulations in August 2021 to prescribe that the PPM of a scheme of an AIF is required to be filed with SEBI through a merchant banker at least 30 days prior to the launch of the scheme (see 2.2 Fund Structures). SEBI may also provide its comments on the PPM to the merchant banker, who must ensure that the comments are duly incorporated into the PPM.
However, LVFs for Accredited Investors are permitted to launch their scheme under intimation without having to file their placement memorandum with SEBI through a merchant banker, or incorporate the comments of SEBI in its memorandum, with effect from 24 June 2022.
There has also been a recent policy push towards onshore fund management. The Indian government has established an International Finance Services Centre (IFSC) called Gujarat International Finance Tec-City (GIFT City). GIFT City serves as a special economic zone, which is deemed to be an offshore jurisdiction. GIFT City aims to incentivise feeders, traditionally set up outside India, to be set up within the geographical boundaries of India.
Changes to the regulatory framework surrounding AIFs set up in IFSCs have been introduced. On 19 April 2022, the International Financial Services Centre Authority (IFSCA) published the International Financial Services Centre Authority (Fund Management) Regulations, 2022 ("FM Regulations"), overhauling the fund regime in the IFSC. The IFSCA has now consolidated the existing fund framework into one unified regulation, which regulates the fund managers, while prescribing guidelines for funds. The FM Regulations became effective from 19 May 2022. All entities (including existing fund managers) that intend to undertake the business of fund management in the IFSCA are required to be registered under the terms of the FM Regulations. While funds in IFSCA are, in large part, similar to SEBI-registered AIFs, there are certain key differences between them:
The RBI has also issued relaxations for Indian managers and sponsors to set up a presence in GIFT City for the purpose of managing and/or sponsoring AIFs established in GIFT City.
AIFs are required to provide SEBI with regular reports. Category I and II AIFs are required to submit such reports on a quarterly basis, while Category III AIFs that undertake leverage are required to submit reports on a monthly basis.
Category I and II AIFs are required to provide annual reports to investors containing financial information about their investee companies and material risks to their investors within 180 days from the end of the relevant year. Category III AIFs are required to provide these reports to investors on a quarterly basis within 60 days of the end of the quarter. Additionally, AIFs, irrespective of category, are required to disclose certain information to their investors from a corporate governance and transparency standpoint, including conflicts of interest, risk management, disciplinary history, valuations, and any significant change in the key investment team.
Notably, the manager of an AIF is required to prepare a compliance test report (in compliance with the AIF Regulations) in a prescribed format and submit it to the trustee/sponsor of the AIF within 30 days of the end of every financial year. Any violation detected is to be reported to SEBI by the trustee/sponsor as soon as possible.
To ensure that a minimum standard of disclosure is made to the investors, SEBI has mandated, with effect from 1 March 2020, a standard form of the PPM that all AIFs must follow, which provides a certain minimum level of information. An AIF is exempt from following the SEBI format for its PPM only if:
Reports and documents in relation to an AIF are not made publicly available.
Over the past few years, a special committee set up to advise on matters relating to alternative investment, the Alternative Investment Policy Advisory Committee (AIPAC), has submitted reports on various policy reforms required to strengthen the alternative investment framework in the country.
The last AIPAC report, issued in July 2018, made certain key recommendations, including the following:
A new regulatory framework relating to AIFs set up in IFSC was recently introduced. This is a good step towards making AIFs in GIFT City more lucrative to investors.
AIF Regulations do not impose any restrictions on the legal structure of managers. Fund managers are usually set up as companies or as LLPs, with the latter gaining more traction in the last few years, since LLPs are potentially more tax-efficient in certain cases. Each structure comes with its attendant considerations, for example, establishing and running a company in India has higher compliance requirements than establishing and running an LLP, but LLP law provides greater government investigative powers.
Accordingly, managers may choose either structure, and the reasons for doing so tend generally to be driven by commercial considerations, rather than legal or regulatory considerations.
A fund manager is not required to be registered with SEBI to carry out its activities as the investment manager of an AIF. However, it could be argued that fund managers are regulated by SEBI under the AIF Regulations to the extent that they act as investment managers to an AIF, particularly given their participation in the regulatory approval process, ongoing regulatory compliance requirements and duties under the regulations.
As part of the regulations, SEBI has prescribed some minimum standards of compliance and transparency, and also retains inspection rights over investment managers/sponsors (with attendant disciplinary powers). SEBI has also specifically imposed a fiduciary obligation on managers.
Code of Conduct
In May 2021, SEBI prescribed a “Code of Conduct” with which an AIF, an AIF manager, the key management personnel of an AIF, the members of the investment committee of an AIF, the trustee company and the directors of the trustee must all comply. In order to strengthen the governance of an AIF, the Code of Conduct imposes obligations on the aforementioned parties, such as:
Other than direct taxes applicable to the management fee received by the managers of AIFs for providing investment and management services, GST at a rate of 18% is applicable on the management fee. There are no specific taxation principles, under direct or indirect tax laws, that apply to managers.
The IT Act provides that a foreign company is treated as tax resident in India if its place of effective management (POEM) is in India that year. POEM is defined as the place where the key management and commercial decisions, necessary for conducting the business of an entity as a whole, are made.
POEM focuses on “substance over form” and provides that the place where the management decisions are taken is more important than the place where the implementation of the decisions takes place. However, an exception to the POEM concept is carved out for companies having turnover or gross receipts equal to or less than INR500 million in a financial year.
While typical permanent establishment rules also apply, POEM is greater in scope and relevance.
In addition to the management fee paid to the manager for providing investment management services, "carried interest" is typically paid for the profit share. Under Indian tax laws, carried interest, if received as a performance fee, is taxable in a similar way to the management fee. However, the managers may potentially take recourse to certain tax-efficient structures to classify this income as their return on investment made in the AIF. Recently, the Customs Excise and Service Tax Appellate Tribunal, Bangalore Bench (July 2021) held that "carried interest" to the manager and other expenses incurred by the VCF in the course of its operations are in the character of service income of the trust or VCF and should accordingly be taxed under the service tax regime. Such recognition might have an impact under the GST regime (since provisions have largely been carried forward). This decision is being closely watched by the Indian PE/VC industry.
While there are no regulatory restrictions on managers outsourcing their functions or business operations, managers are not permitted to outsource their core business activities or functions, such as investment-related activities. However, it is important to note that the ultimate responsibility for compliance with the AIF Regulations and the fund documents lies with the manager.
There are no minimum capitalisation norms applicable to managers. However, it is mandatory that the key investment team of the manager has adequate experience and relevant qualifications, as provided for under the AIF Regulations (see 2.8 Other Local Requirements), with at least one key person having not less than five years’ experience in advising or managing pools of capital.
Additionally, the manager and the sponsor of the fund (often one and the same entity) are required to have the necessary infrastructure and manpower to undertake their activities. The manager and sponsor must also qualify as “fit and proper persons” under SEBI (Intermediaries) Regulations, 2008.
The sponsor of an AIF has to invest a minimum amount as sponsor commitment (see 2.3 Regulatory Regime).
The scheme of the AIF Regulations suggests that foreign entities cannot act as managers to AIFs. Foreign entities may, however, provide non-binding investment advice to AIFs/managers by way of establishing a subsidiary in India and registering with SEBI as an investment adviser under the SEBI regulations governing investment advisers.
Both domestic and foreign investors may invest in AIFs in India. Investors typically include HNWIs, family offices, pension and insurance funds, institutional investors and banks. The flow of capital from development finance and multilateral institutions seems to have been steady over the past few years. Sovereign or quasi-sovereign wealth funds have also been active investors.
Certain domestic investors, such as banks, insurance companies and pension companies, are governed by their respective regulations and the relevant regulator has prescribed certain limitations on investments by these domestic investors. For example, banks cannot invest more than 10% of the unit capital of a Category I or II AIF without the approval of the RBI, and cannot invest in a Category III AIF. However, the subsidiary of a bank may make an investment in a Category III AIF, subject to the limits prescribed by SEBI. Similarly, while pension companies and insurance companies may invest in Category I and II AIFs, certain prudential norms are prescribed by the relevant pension and insurance regulators on investments by these companies. Pursuant to an amendment in August 2021, SEBI has introduced an “accredited investor” regime. An accredited investor is an investor who/which receives a certificate of accreditation from an accreditation agency and fulfils certain minimum prescribed net worth and/or income criteria. In order to be eligible for the certificate of accreditation, an accredited investor has to fulfil the following criteria:
The central and state government of India and any development agencies/funds set up by them, qualified institutional buyers, Category I Foreign Portfolio Investors, sovereign wealth funds, multilateral agencies and any other entities specified by SEBI, will automatically be deemed to be accredited investors and do not require a certificate of accreditation.
An LVF for Accredited Investors may be formed, subject to the condition that each of its investors (except the manager, sponsor, employees/directors of the AIF, and employees/directors of the manager) is an accredited investor and each of them commits a minimum of INR700 million.
AIFs can be marketed by way of private placement through issuance of a PPM, to any person or entity inside or outside India, subject to the limitation that they cannot have more than 1,000 investors. At present, there are no specific rules defining the scope of private placement. Managers must seek legal advice in this regard.
Under the (Indian) Companies Act, 2013, any offer or invitation extended to more than 200 persons to subscribe to the shares of an Indian company in an aggregate financial year is considered as a public offer. This applies to AIFs set up as companies.
Furthermore, as mentioned above, no scheme of an AIF can have more than 1,000 investors.
See 4.2 Marketing of Alternative Funds.
See 4.1 Types of Investors in Alternative Funds.
AIFs that receive foreign investments from persons resident outside India are required by the RBI to file a form ("Form InVi") to disclose the foreign investment.
AIFs that receive foreign investments and/or AIFs that have made overseas investments, are required to submit a report on their foreign liabilities and assets ("FLA Reporting") by 15 July of every year. This has been streamlined by the RBI and can be done on a web-based online reporting portal.
The AIF Regulations do not require any disclosures to be made by investors. However, all investors investing in an AIF must comply with KYC norms.
Investors in India are taxed based on their legal structures, and different tax rates are applicable to corporations, partnerships and individuals.
AIFs in India have been accorded a statutory tax pass-through status for all streams of income other than business income, ie, investors in an AIF are taxed as if they have invested directly in portfolio companies. See 2.11 Funds: Tax Regime. The only requirement is that an AIF must withhold tax from distribution to its investors, as follows:
As part of various ongoing tax and regulatory developments around the globe, such as information exchange laws like the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) and the Common Reporting Standard (CRS) Compliance Regime, there are now additional investor and counterparty account-related due diligence requirements for financial institutions. With the intention of increasing tax transparency and the automatic exchange of financial account information for tax purposes, the government of India recently signed the following agreements:
To give effect to these agreements, the Indian tax authorities have instituted rules which require Indian financial institutions to seek additional personal, tax and beneficial owner information and certain certificates and documents from all investors. In relevant cases, information will have to be reported to the tax authorities/appointed agencies.
AIFs are considered to be financial institutions for these purposes and, therefore, investors in AIFs are required to comply with the request of AIFs to furnish such information, documentation and declarations as and when deemed necessary by the AIFs. FATCA and CRS provisions are relevant not only at the on-boarding stage for investors but also throughout the life cycle of investment with AIFs. Investors are therefore required to intimate to the AIFs/managers any change in their status with respect to any FATCA or CRS-related information/documentation provided by them previously, including any declarations provided in respect of the residency of the investors for tax purposes.
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Lower Parel (West)
Mumbai 400 013
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ganesh.rao@trilegal.com www.trilegal.comRegulatory Trends: Indian Funds
Alternative investment funds (AIF) are effectively non-traditional privately pooled investment vehicles that cater to the funding needs of relatively high-risk ventures, across a broad spectrum of the investing universe. The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), under the SEBI (Alternative Investment Funds) Regulations, 2012 (the "AIF Regulations") regulates all pooling structures in India, including AIFs.
AIFs are classified into three categories, as set out below.
As is quite clear from data published by SEBI, AIFs have seen exponential growth over the last few years, rapidly becoming a key capital provider in the domestic economy.
India has also created a special economic zone for financial services, popularly called the GIFT City (an acronym of Gujarat International Finance Tec-City). Interestingly, domestic laws have been changed to effectively treat this area as a foreign territory for exchange control purposes. Financial regulation in GIFT City is under the International Financial Services Centres Authority (IFSCA), which is a unified regulator (a mandated split between four regulators in the rest of India). The IFSCA has been quite active in the last few years, implementing an effective and attractive regulatory framework with a view to creating a substantive footprint as an international finance centre.
Recent Key Trends and Developments
Overseas investments
SEBI has updated its regime under which AIFs are permitted to invest overseas. While changing quite a few aspects, the new regime continues to require:
Following are the key takeaways under the new regime.
Removal of requirement for an Indian connection
For a long time, SEBI required AIFs to only make investments in offshore venture capital undertakings (ie, a foreign company whose shares are not listed on any of the recognised stock exchanges in India or abroad) which have an "Indian connection", for example, where an investee company has a front office overseas and back office operations in India. In a welcome step towards liberalisation, the requirement for the investee company to have an Indian connection has been removed. This move significantly increases the investable universe for AIFs, particularly in the technology sector.
Simplified compliance
The new regime provides a clear set of rules on reporting requirements and has streamlined the application process, including providing for the format of the application and the supporting documents. This is expected to significantly speed up the approval process, resulting in reducing deal uncertainty due to regulatory reasons.
It is important to note that the new regime has not made any changes to the overall countrywide limit of USD1.5 billion for AIFs, but this limit is now in addition to limits available to mutual funds.
Social Impact Funds
SEBI, through the SEBI (Alternative Investment Funds) (Third Amendment) Regulations, 2022 (the “2022 Amendment”), has replaced the concept of "social venture funds" with the "social impact funds" (SIF) framework. The 2022 Amendment allows SIFs to invest in social ventures (which include public charitable trust, societies registered for charitable purposes or for the promotion of science, literature or fine arts, not for profit companies, and micro finance institutions) and social enterprises (either a non-profit organisation or a for-profit social enterprise). SIFs are permitted to raise “social units” that only receive social returns or benefits and no financial returns against such contribution. This change in the regulatory framework is aimed at increasing the influx of capital in the impact investing sector. This framework provides an avenue for overseas development organisations, charities, foundations and the like to be able to infuse capital through a regulated framework in the social enterprise sector.
International Financial Services Centre
The IFSCA issued the IFSCA (Fund Management) Regulations, 2022 (“FM Regulations”) that now govern all investments funds set up in an International Financial Services Centre (IFSC). As of now, there is only one IFSC, this being the GIFT City. The FM Regulations are novel in that they create a single framework for regulating all formats of asset management, including private funds, retail funds, infrastructure investment trusts, real estate investment trusts, managed or advisory accounts and family offices. The regime seeks to register the fund manager (FME), and thereafter simplifies the process for such FME to launch funds. This is a departure from the traditional licensing regime in India, under which the fund itself needed a registration.
Following are the categories under which FMEs may be set up.
Authorised FME
Authorised FMEs pool money from accredited investors or other permitted investors who invest in start-ups or early-stage ventures through venture capital schemes. A Family Investment Fund investing in securities, financial products and such other permitted asset classes shall also seek registration as an Authorised FME.
Registered FMEs (Non-Retail)
Registered FMEs (Non-Retail) pool money from accredited investors or other permitted investors who invest in securities, financial products and other such permitted asset classes through restricted schemes. Such FMEs will also be able undertake portfolio management services (including for multi-family office) and act as investment managers for private placement of investment trusts. Such FMEs are also permitted to undertake all activities permitted for Authorised FMEs.
Registered FMEs (Retail)
Registered FMEs (Retail) pool money from investors to invest in securities, financial products and other such permitted asset classes through retail or restricted schemes. Such FMEs can act as investment managers for public offer of investment trusts, and are also permitted to launch exchange traded funds. Further, these FMEs are also permitted to undertake all activities permitted for Authorised FMEs and Registered FMEs (Non-Retail). Usually, large financial services groups prefer registering as Registered FME (Retail) to have the flexibility to engage in a wider range of fund management activities.
While funds in IFSC are, in large part, similar to SEBI-registered AIFs, there are certain key differences between them, namely:
In August 2022, the government of India and the Reserve Bank of India issued new rules on overseas investments. Specifically in relation to GIFT City, additional concessions have been granted that are expected to provide a boost to the asset management industry. The changes include concessions for Indian corporates to remit money to establish FMEs, and for a wide array of Indian residents (both individuals and corporates) to invest in GIFT City based funds.
The regime in GIFT City is expected to be a game changer, particularly given the consistent liberalisation that has come through from the regulator.
Accredited Investors and Large Value Funds
With effect from August 2021, SEBI has introduced an "Accredited Investor" regime, under which more flexibility has been provide to such investors as well as the capital recipients (by permitting dispensation from regulatory requirements). Correspondingly, under the AIF Regulations, the construct of "Large Value Fund for Accredited Investors" has also been introduced.
An "Accredited Investor" is an investor that receives a certificate of accreditation from an accreditation agency (appointed by SEBI) and fulfils certain minimum prescribed net worth and/or income criteria. The central and state government of India and any development agencies/funds set up by them, qualified institutional buyers, Category I foreign portfolio investors, sovereign wealth funds, multilateral agencies and any other entities specified by SEBI, are deemed to be Accredited Investors and do not require a certificate of accreditation.
Large Value Fund for Accredited Investors (LVF) means an AIF or scheme of an AIF in which each investor (other than the manager, sponsor, employees or directors of the AIF or employees or directors of the manager) is an Accredited Investor and invests at least INR700 million.
Under the LVF regime the following are the key relaxations.
It is pertinent to note that, Accredited Investors in an AIF (other than in relation to an LVF) may seek concession of a lower ticket size than the prescribed INR10 million under the AIF Regulations. The SEBI regime on LVFs permits such funds to be launched under an effective "green channel", under which no approval is required from SEBI and certain other process-related matters have been relaxed, such as the requirement for a merchant banker to verify the placement memorandum. This is expected to make it easier for large funds to be set up quickly, providing capital for deals faster than the traditional AIF regime.
Special Situation Funds
With effect from January 2022, the regulator introduced Special Situation Funds (SSFs) as a sub-category of Category I-AIF. SSFs will only invest in special situation assets. Special situation assets include the following:
1. Stressed loans available for acquisition pursuant to the Master Direction – Reserve Bank of India (Transfer of Loan Exposures) Directions, 2021, or as part of a resolution plan approved under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 (IBC), or under any similar policy of the RBI or Government of India issued in this regard from time to time.
2. Security receipts issued by an asset reconstruction company registered with RBI.
3. Securities of investee companies:
SSFs are required to have a minimum fund corpus of INR1 billion and a minimum contribution of INR100 million from investors or INR50 million from Accredited Investors.
SSFs have also been permitted to invest 100% of their available funds in a single portfolio company. Other categories of AIFs have diversification limits. Further, SSFs cannot invest in their associates or in the units of other AIFs (other than the units of an SSF) or in the units of an SSF managed or sponsored by the same manager/sponsor or associates, unlike in other AIFs who can only invest in their associates or in the units of AIFs managed or sponsored by the same manager/sponsor or associates with the consent of 75% of their investors.
One World Centre
10th Floor, Tower 2A and 2B
Senapati Bapat Marg
Lower Parel (West)
Mumbai 400 013
+91 22 4079 1000
+91 22 4079 1098
ganesh.rao@trilegal.com www.trilegal.com