Tax Controversy 2022

Last Updated May 19, 2022


Law and Practice


Pinheiro Neto Advogados is an independent, full-service Brazilian firm specialising in multidisciplinary deals, and was the first Brazilian law firm to specialise in corporate clients. For 80 years, the firm has translated the Brazilian legal environment for the benefit of local and foreign clients. With clients in almost 80 countries, the firm has grown organically, and developed a distinctive, tight-knit culture, with a low associate-to-partner ratio. Its unique, democratic governance structure promotes transparency and consensus-building among the partners.

Brazilian tax controversies mainly arise from tax authorities’ or taxpayers’ initiatives.

Tax Authorities

From the tax authorities’ standpoint, tax controversies usually arise as a result of tax audits or mismatches involving ancillary obligations.

With respect to the Brazilian ancillary obligations, it is worth stressing that the Brazilian tax system is very connected to electronic platforms. This means that any mismatch of information involving ancillary obligations could lead to (i) an infraction notice (administrative sphere), or (ii) a tax foreclosure (judicial sphere) by the tax authorities.


From a taxpayers’ standpoint, tax controversies arise whenever a taxpayer decides to challenge any tax assessment, which could be formalised through:

  • fillings and claims against formalised/materialised contingencies, such as infraction notices (administrative sphere) or tax foreclosures (judicial sphere); and
  • judicial claims aiming at the recognition of any non-assessment (for future tax triggering events), with the possibility of, additionally, requesting the recovery of amounts unduly paid over the last five years, counted as from the filing of such a claim.

With regard to the possibility of requesting the recovery of amounts unduly paid over the last five years, it is worth mentioning that the Brazilian Supreme Court can establish a prospective overruling under a leading case (modulação de efeitos), which means that the effects of such a decision would only be applicable to future events (instead of retroactively). Consequently, it would void the recovery of excess payments made in the past. However, the Brazilian Supreme Court’s precedents have also recognised that this prospective overruling should not be applicable to prior lawsuits.

Brazil is a federal republic composed of the Federal Union, states and municipalities, where power is exercised by distinct and independent bodies.

Consequently, taxes could be claimed by the Federal Union, states (there are 27 in Brazil) and municipalities (there are more than 5,000 in Brazil).

As for the taxes that give rise to the most tax controversies, PIS/COFINS (federal social contributions assessed over companies’ revenues) generate a significant quantity of litigation in Brazil, since (i) its tax base is disputable (ie, the exclusion of amounts/taxes from its tax base), and (ii) the existence of cumulative and non-cumulative regimes raises disputes regarding the possibility of obtaining and maintaining tax credits.

At the state level, ICMS (state value-added tax assessed over sales of goods and some services) represents a significant portion of tax disputes, since its non-cumulative regime, regulated by 27 distinct legislations, also raises several tax controversies regarding the possibility of obtaining and maintaining tax credits.

At the municipal level, ISS (municipal tax assessed over services) also represent a significant portion of tax disputes, since there are more than 5,000 municipalities enacting distinct laws and there are several disputes regarding such tax, such as (i) which municipality is entitled to claim such tax (whenever services involve more than one municipality), and (ii) the definition of which cases/situations would be characterised as involving an import of services (under contracts involving companies abroad and Brazilian companies). 

Tax controversy can be mitigated through a deep analysis of taxpayers’ tax returns, books and ancillary obligations (“non-materialised tax contingencies”), which is usually performed in Brazil by the taxpayer, with a review by an audit/accountant firm. 

This is because there are a number of situations – such as tax base calculation, use of credits, tax benefits, accordance with all rulings regarding ancillary obligations – that can be mitigated if some controls and procedures have previously been reviewed.

It is worth noting that the non-compliance with these procedures could not only lead to tax claims involving the non-payment of taxes, but also the imposition of fines that could surpass the amount of claimed taxes.

Since Brazil has not adhered to a common international standard, Brazilian tax legislation does not replicate the OECD's Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) recommendations or the EU’s measures to combat tax avoidance.

Although Brazil is not an OECD member, it has requested to join that organisation and take a seat on debates involving the BEPS project. Brazil has attempted to reflect such strategies under local rules to as great an extent as possible, as illustrated by Provisional Measure No 685, of 21 July 2015 (“MP 685/15”); Normative Ruling No 1,681, of 28 December 28, 2016 (“IN 1,681/16”); and Normative Ruling No 1,669, of 9 November 2016 (“IN 1,669/16”), which, respectively, aimed at replicating locally BEPS Action Plans Nos 12 (Mandatory Disclosure Rules), 13 (Country-by-Country Reporting), and 14 (Making Dispute Resolution Mechanisms More Effective).

Despite these attempts, a “substance over form” approach was introduced into Brazilian legislation by Supplementary Law No 104, of 10 January 2001 (“LC 104/01”), which brought provisions intended to enable the tax authorities to disregard a taxpayer’s acts or businesses and, consequently, impose taxes based on a substance over form perspective. The following sole paragraph was included in Article 116 of the Brazilian Tax Code, provided by Law No 5.172, dated of 25 October 1966 (Código Tributário Nacional – CTN): “Sole paragraph. The administrative authority shall be able to disregard juristic acts or transactions whose purpose is to disguise the occurrence of the triggering event of a law of the nature of the elements that make up a tax obligation, subject to the procedures defined in the ordinary laws”.

It is worth mentioning that, on 11 April 2022, the Brazilian Supreme Court confirmed the constitutionality of this provision through its decision on Action for Declaration of Unconstitutionality No 2,446. Despite that, the Brazilian Supreme Court has decided that such provision would only be applicable to transactions in which there is evidence of fraud or simulation.

In addition to the principal claimed amounts, tax authorities can also impose fines and interest calculated according to the SELIC rate (Brazil's base interest rate set by the Brazilian Central Bank and currently set at 11.75% per year).

As for the fines, there are two main types of penalty that could be applied by the federal tax authorities in cases of issuance of a tax assessment:

  • a 75% statutory penalty, applied in cases which the tax authorities believe that the taxpayer did not engage in any wilful misconduct, fraud or simulation; or
  • a 150% aggravated penalty, which is imposed when the tax authorities believe that the taxpayer practised acts that should qualify as wilful misconduct, fraud or simulation.

Under Brazilian tax law, an aggravated penalty of 150% may only be imposed in cases in which the fraudulent/collusive intent is effectively evidenced.

In general terms, the tax authorities have a five-year statute of limitation for initiating audits against Brazilian taxpayers, except in cases of simulation, fraud or wilful misconduct, in which case such term may be increased to six years.

In relation to accounting and tax matters, Brazilian companies are required to maintain accounting books and tax information required to support tax audits.

The federal tax audit procedures are ruled by Normative Ruling No 6478/2017, which prescribes, among other things, the different types of tax audit that can be carried out by the Brazilian Federal Revenue, such as:

  • a regular tax audit proceeding (Termo de Distribuição de Procedimento Fiscal de Fiscalização – TDPF-F) aimed at the inspection of tax obligations (collection of taxes and fulfilment of ancillary obligations); or
  • a special tax audit proceeding (Termo de Distribuição de Procedimento Fiscal Especial – TDPF-E), established in order to prevent the destruction of evidence.

According to Normative Ruling No 6478/2017, tax audits shall also meet some formal requirements, such as:

  • the description of the nature of the tax audit proceeding (ie, regular or special);
  • the period for the conclusion of the tax proceeding; and
  • the taxes and respective period under analysis.

These requirements are important for the taxpayer to comprehend which tax obligations will be inspected by tax authorities.

As a general rule, a regular tax audit proceeding starts with the issuance of a tax audit proceeding (Termo de Distribuição do Procedimento Fiscal – TDPF) and should be closed within a 120-day period, although the tax authorities could require an extension of that period to conclude a tax procedure.

Tax audits are conducted through electronic proceedings, which means that requests and responses should be formally presented under such tax audit proceedings.

If necessary, tax authorities may schedule a virtual meeting with the taxpayer for further clarification.

Since the Brazilian tax system is very connected to electronic platforms, especially regarding ancillary obligations, the cross-check confirmation of all stated values and pieces of information requires a special attention.

In addition to this, the inspection of tax credits resulting from distinct situations – such as resale of goods or inputs under the manufacturing process for PIS/COFINS purposes – could also result in some tax questionings.

Furthermore, the fulfilment of requirements to receive and maintain tax benefits may also be verified under a tax audit.

Over the last few years, Brazil has entered into tax information agreements (TIEAs) with several jurisdictions. In parallel, Brazil has also signed the Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) with the USA in 2014, which implements the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) in Brazil and which was subsequently approved by Presidential Decree No 8,506/2015.

In addition to that, Brazil has also implemented country-by-country reporting through Normative Ruling No 1,681/2015, based on the BEPS Action Plans, which obliges multinational groups, controlled by Brazilian entities, to present tax information regarding other jurisdictions.

Some strategic measures should be adopted to avoid any issue involving tax audits, such as:

  • responding to all queries from the tax authorities;
  • providing responses focusing on the specific question/matter questioned; and
  • keeping the tax authorities informed in case any difficulties may appear.

When tax authorities find any deficiency, they issue an Infraction Notice (which includes penalties and interest) and the taxpayer is notified. Counting from this notification, there is a 30-day term to present a defence before the first level administrative court.

After that, the first level administrative court will analyse the defence and issue a decision (in most cases maintaining the assessment since the first level judges are tax inspectors themselves).

Once the first level decision is issued, if it is unfavourable, the taxpayer then has another 30 days to file an appeal to the Administrative Tax Court (CARF). If the decision is favourable to the taxpayer, the case is necessarily submitted to the second level analysis.

Depending on the nature of the decision rendered by the Panel of the Administrative Tax Court, there is a third level of jurisdiction. By means of an appeal known as a Special Appeal, both the taxpayer and the authorities can take the case to the Special Chamber of the Administrative Tax Court. This Special Appeal, however, is only applicable when there are conflicting decisions issued within the Administrative Tax Court related to the same matter.

During the administrative dispute, the requirement to pay the total amount is stayed and the taxpayer is able to litigate without offering any type of guarantee. This means that tax debts cannot be enforced during administrative litigation and the taxpayer is still entitled to a tax clearance certificate.

Tax authorities have a five-year statute of limitation for the issuance of infraction notices against Brazilian taxpayers, except in cases of simulation, fraud or wilful misconduct, in which case such term may be increased to six years.

There is no deadline for the administrative tax proceeding to be decided and closed. However, a typical timeframe for the resolution of an administrative dispute is around three to four years.

After the administrative discussion is finished and an unfavourable final decision is rendered (if that is the case), the taxpayer may either file for a lawsuit and start a new discussion in the judicial sphere or wait for the tax enforcement to be filed by the tax authorities, against which the taxpayer can then file a defence, if a guarantee is presented.

In the first case (filing a lawsuit – writ of mandamus or ordinary lawsuit), in order to stay the requirement to pay the debt, the company will need to present a guarantee to discuss the matter judicially if an injunction is not granted by the judge at the beginning of the judicial discussion.

If the taxpayer opts to wait for the enforcement, the federal debt will be classified as an Overdue Tax Liability and the amounts are increased by 20% (related to the legal fees of the public attorney). However, the legislation foresees a broader range of guarantees that can be presented in a tax enforcement other than cash (ie, bank guarantees, insurance and attachment of assets).

If the taxpayer does not submit any guarantee, the Public Treasury will require the online attachment of the company’s financial assets. This type of attachment is made directly in the company’s current accounts, which are frozen up to the limit of the debt in dispute. If this measure is unsuccessful, the Public Treasury may require the attachment of the company’s other assets or the partners and manager’s personal assets, depending on the case.

Regarding the proceeding itself, the first level decision is issued by a singular judge. Favourable first level decisions are subject to mandatory appeal and in the case of an unfavourable decision, the taxpayer is allowed to appeal to the Second Level Court.

After the second level, both the taxpayer and the authorities are allowed to file appeals to the Superior Courts. The Superior Court of Justice (STJ) reviews non-constitutional matters and the Supreme Federal Court (STF) reviews only constitutional matters. There is no analysis of evidence by the Superior Courts.

Evidence is important for tax disputes, since the misunderstanding of facts or documents may result in a distinct decision.

However, if there is any dispute regarding a fact, the judge may commission an expert to analyse and report on the facts and presented documents.

It is worth stressing that this expert should not interpret tax legislation, focusing exclusively on non-legal matters, such as the fulfilment of ancillary obligations or the analysis/confirmation of the facts and documents presented by the parties under dispute.

After this step, the judge – being as certain as possible regarding the facts/documents – will be able to interpret the tax legislation and render a final decision on the case.

As a general rule, the Brazilian Code of Civil Procedure (CPC) establishes that the burden of proof remains with the plaintiff. This means that if the taxpayer decides to file a judicial claim against any tax assessment, the burden of proof will remain with the taxpayer.

However, whenever a tax foreclosure is filed, the burden of proof remains with the defendant, which means that the taxpayer will need to prove that this tax foreclosure was wrongfully filed.

Initially, taxpayers should previously prepare all required documents to file a judicial claim with no risk of a lack of documentation.

In addition to that, taxpayers should also verify whether the judge has already responded to all the arguments to be presented under a judicial dispute, since, in case there is a lack of analysis, the Brazilian Code of Civil Procedure (CPC) determines that this decision would be considered null.

According to the Brazilian Code of Civil Procedure (CPC), the judicial courts and judges are obliged to observe some decisions rendered by the STJ and the STF, such as:

  • decisions rendered under a centralised constitutional review by the STF;
  • same subject-matter claims (recursos representativos de controvérsia) considered by the STJ; and
  • binding precedents (súmulas vinculantes) issued by the STF.

If a decision in favour of a taxpayer is rendered at first instance, a mandatory appeal is automatically filed to a second level court.

Conversely, upon an unfavourable decision rendered by a judge, the taxpayer is allowed to appeal to the second level court.

It is worth stressing that this appeal filed by the taxpayer must meet some formal requirements, such as the presentation of previous facts and the arguments and legal grounds that sustain the review of this first instance decision.

After the second level instance, there is no mandatory appeal, which means that taxpayers and National Treasury/state/municipal attorneys shall fulfil the same requirements to file appeals and reach Superior Courts.

As a rule, appeals filed by the taxpayers could be presented within 15 working days, while National Treasury/state/municipal attorneys may present appeals within 30 working days.

Once the appeals are filed, they are automatically distributed to a Second Level Panel, composed of five judges.

However, the appeal shall be analysed by a board of three judges (randomly chosen among that five) and one of them would be entitled to report the case to other judges.

Once the trial is scheduled, the parties are entitled to request oral statements during trial, which shall be concluded within 15 minutes.

After a decision is rendered by the second level instance, the parties can present a motion for clarifications or directly appeal to superior courts and, ultimately, the STJ and STF.

Since there is no analysis of facts or evidence by the Superior and Supreme Courts, a motion for clarification is commonly used by the parties previously to filing an appeal to a third level instance.

It is worth stressing that these appeals before the Superior and Supreme Courts must meet some formal requirements, such as the violation of a federal law for an appeal aiming at STJ review, and the violation of the Brazilian Constitution for an appeal aiming at STF review.

Tax litigation cases are initially decided by a single judge, nominated through a public civil examination.

Second Instance

Second level judges are appointed by the full bench of the second level court through merit or seniority.

It is worth noting that in each five nominations for a second level judge, four should be selected from first level judges, while one should be nominated from either the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB) or the Public Prosecutors (Ministério Público).

Second level courts are composed of Civil and Criminal Panels, each composed of five second level judges. Tax appeals are analysed by Civil Panels. 

Third Instance

The third level instance is composed by the STJ and the STF.

The STJ is formed by 33 Ministers appointed by the President of the Republic after approval of the Federal Senate.

The STJ is organised according to the specialisation of the case matter in three Sections, which by their turn are formed by two Panels each.

Sections are composed by ten Ministers each and Panels by five Ministers each. First and second Panels are responsible for analysing tax appeals. If there is a divergent interpretation among these Panels, the case shall be decided by the first Section (which encompasses the first and second Panels).

The STF is formed by 11 Ministers appointed by the President of the Republic after approval of the Federal Senate.

The STF is organised into two Panels of five Ministers each. Both Panels are responsible for analysing tax appeals related to any violation of the Brazilian Constitution. The Full Bench of the STF is composed of all 11 Ministers.

Although the Brazilian Tax Code has provided, since 1966 and in broad terms, the possibility of negotiating tax debts, this process had never been regulated, until the federal government recently enacted Law No 13.988/2020 and the Federal Treasury General Attorney (PGFN) has also recently enacted ordinances enabling the Ordinary Tax Transaction, and the Procedural Contract (“Negócio Jurídico Processual – NJP”).

In general terms, the Ordinary Tax Transaction, ruled by Ordinance PGFN No 9,917/2020, grants taxpayers the possibility of:

  • discounts for credits considered difficult to recover or irrecoverable of up to 50% of the total amount of the debt, which can reach 70% in the case of an individual entrepreneur, microenterprise or small business undergoing judicial recovery;
  • payment of the debt in instalments over up to 84 months, which can reach 100 months in the event of an individual entrepreneur, microenterprise or small business undergoing judicial recovery; and
  • flexibility around rules involving the provision of guarantees, pledge and sale of assets.

Another possible negotiation alternative provided by the federal government is the Procedural Contract, ruled by the Ordinance PGFN No 742/2018.

Although the NJP does not provide any discounts, this settlement mechanism provides the possibility of discussing the payment methods with the PGFN.

According to the terms of the Ordinary Tax Transaction, the taxpayer must:

  • provide information about its assets or income, whenever requested by the PGFN;
  • act in good faith, not using the transaction to harm its competitors;
  • definitively acknowledge the debts included under the Ordinary Tax Transaction; and
  • settle the debt within the period agreed under the Ordinary Tax Transaction, which could reach 84 months (or 100 months in the event of an individual entrepreneur).

Tax mediation or arbitration does not exist in Brazil.

The presentation of a ruling request is feasible in Brazil, and it aims to clarify the interpretation of tax authorities regarding the tax legislation.

At the federal level, Decree 70.235/72 regulates the requirements that shall be met by the taxpayer, such as:

  • the ruling request regarding the tax legislation shall be connected with a specific fact or circumstance;
  • it should be presented through a written request; and
  • the taxpayer cannot be under a tax audit connected with the requested fact.

Once the taxpayer receives the formal response from the tax authorities, this positioning would be effective and with binding effects for the tax authorities and that specific taxpayer.

If there are (i) new facts/circumstances regarding the ruling request, (ii) new tax legislation regulating the facts/circumstances in question, or (iii) new interpretations from the tax authorities, the previous formal response may be revoked by the tax authorities.

Nonetheless, this new positioning would only be applicable to future events (instead of retroactively), which provides security for the taxpayers in Brazil and avoids tax disputes regarding previous tax-triggering events.

Federal Tax Transactions can be proposed by the PGFN to any taxpayer, that will subsequently decide whether to proceed – or not – with the adhesion, which means that requirements would be equal to all taxpayers; or through a singular proposition, in which the circumstances and possibilities of settlement involving that specific taxpayer would be deeply analysed.

It is worth stressing that the propositions presented to all taxpayers are limited to a BRL15 million threshold, while there is no threshold for singular propositions.

In addition to that, Federal Tax Transactions also grant taxpayers the possibility to reduce or settle the acknowledged debts with judicial pay orders (precatórios judiciais), which encourages taxpayers to use a credit that, although formally recognised by the courts, would only be compensated within a few years (which is the usual period until a judicial pay order is settled).

In Brazil, ADR mechanisms are not applicable to transfer pricing cases or cases of indirect determination of tax.

Reading the criminal aspects of a tax controversy, if the administrative discussion closes with an unfavourable final decision, such an administrative tax proceeding may lead to the filing of a criminal administrative proceeding to analyse the same facts which could also lead to an allegation of a crime against the tax system.

In this respect, the tax authorities are required to communicate to the Public Prosecutor’s Office any administrative violation which, in theory, could also represent a crime.

However, some measures can be adopted in order to shelve or at least suspend this criminal administrative proceeding, such as payment of the tax debt or legal discussion of the duly guaranteed tax debt.

Upon receiving the communication from the tax authorities, the Public Prosecutor’s Office may present judicial charges against the taxpayer, if it understands it has all the elements required for such a move; or request the filing of an administrative criminal proceeding in order to examine the facts.

Usually, the Public Prosecutor opts for the second possibility, in order to analyse all the facts.

In Brazil, the administrative criminal proceeding can only be initiated after a final unfavourable decision is rendered in the administrative sphere.

Once the administrative criminal proceeding is initiated, the taxpayer may adopt some measures aimed at the shelving or at least the suspension of this proceeding, through either payment of the tax debt or legal discussion of the duly guaranteed tax debt.

If the taxpayer succeeds in shelving or suspending the administrative criminal proceeding, no judicial charge shall be filed.

On the other hand, if the taxpayer is not succeeded and the Public Prosecutor opts for presenting judicial charges against the taxpayer, the practice of the crime must be proven and shall be analysed and confirmed within a three level instance judicial litigation. 

A 150% aggravated penalty is imposed whenever the tax authorities believe that the taxpayer has practised acts that should qualify as wilful misconduct, fraud or simulation.

However, under Brazilian tax law, an aggravated penalty of 150% may only be imposed in cases in which the fraudulent/collusive intent is effectively evidenced. In cases where fraudulent/collusive intent is not proven, taxpayers may succeed in a tax litigation (administrative or judicial) aimed at the reduction of such fine to a 75% statutory penalty, which is applicable in cases where the taxpayer did not engage in any wilful misconduct, fraud or simulation.

In Brazil, it is not possible to enter into an agreement to prevent a criminal trial.

However, the full payment of the claimed tax (plus fines and interest) would eliminate the liability for crimes against the tax system.

In Brazil, the criminal sphere may only be initiated once after a final unfavourable decision is rendered in the administrative sphere.

Subsequently, some measures may be adopted in order to shelve or at least suspend this criminal administrative proceeding, such as payment of the tax debt and/or legal discussion of the duly guaranteed tax debt.

Thus, if these steps are surpassed, the judicial charges against the taxpayer shall be analysed and confirmed within a three level instance judicial litigation.

In parallel, the judicial tax dispute may proceed independently. However, if the claimed tax (plus fines and interest) is settled, it would eliminate the liability for crimes against the tax system.

A “substance over form" approach was introduced in Brazilian legislation by Supplementary Law No 104, of January 10, 2001 (“LC 104/01”), which introduced provisions intended to enable the tax authorities to disregard a taxpayer’s acts or businesses and, consequently, impose taxes based on a substance over form perspective.

However, the Brazilian Supreme Court has recently decided that such provision would only be applicable to transactions in which there is evidence of fraud or simulation.

Over the last decades, Brazil has entered into several Double Tax Treaties (DTTs) to avoid double taxation with other jurisdictions. However, Brazilian DTTs do not contain an Article similar to Article 9 (2) of the OECD Model Convention, which obliges contracting states to provide for corresponding adjustments.

However, in the context of the BEPS Project, Brazil has committed to seek a solution for double taxation cases caused by transfer pricing adjustments through a mutual agreement procedure (MAP).

Therefore, nowadays, MAPs are the available mechanism for eliminating double taxation arising from differences in the OECD methodologies and the application of Brazilian statutory rules.

Although Brazil has no GAAR/SAAR in force, tax authorities may disregard a taxpayer’s acts or businesses and, consequently, impose taxes (plus a fine and interest) based on a “substance over form” rule prescribed in Article 116, sole paragraph of the Brazilian Tax Code.

Brazil is not a member of the OECD and Brazilian legislation is not aligned with the OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines. Since Brazil has not adhered to a common international standard on transfer pricing reporting, multinational enterprises may deal with double taxation situations.

In an OECD scenario, where the tax authority of a contracting state increases the profits of an enterprise due to the application of the transfer pricing rules (“primary adjustment”), the resulting double taxation is to be eliminated through a mechanism provided for in bilateral treaties, according to which the tax authority of the other contracting state should also provide for adjustments with a view to reducing the amount of profits taxable therein. Such mechanism is known as a “corresponding adjustment”.

However, Brazilian DTTs do not contain an Article similar to Article 9 (2) of the OECD Model Convention, which obliges contracting states to provide for corresponding adjustments.

Advance pricing agreements are not available in Brazil.

In Brazil, there are several tax disputes involving cross-border situations, especially connected to the nature of the transaction, which could impact the tax burden involved.

For instance, remittances made abroad as a result of the import of a service or a licensing to use customised software would be subject to a withholding tax, while remittances abroad, in connection with the acquisition of perpetual licences for personal use, would not be subject to withholding tax.

Thus, it is important that agreements reflect the nature of the transaction, in order to avoid any additional tax assessment and consequent tax litigation. 

Not applicable in Brazil.

Not applicable in Brazil.

Not applicable in Brazil.

Not applicable in Brazil.

Not applicable in Brazil.

Not applicable in Brazil.

Not applicable in Brazil.

Not applicable in Brazil.

Not applicable in Brazil.

Not applicable in Brazil.

Not applicable in Brazil.

Not applicable in Brazil.

Not applicable in Brazil.

In Brazil, administrative litigation is not subject to any costs or procedural fees.

In order to initiate a judicial claim, taxpayers shall pay court fees, which correspond to a small percentage of the amounts involved, such as 1% or 4%. This percentage may vary depending on the court in which such litigation is initiated.

However, each court establishes a cap for its court costs. For instance, São Paulo’s State Court prescribes that its court costs shall be limited to approximately BRL95,000.

Tax authorities, however, are tax exempt from filing a tax foreclosure.

The Brazilian Code of Civil Procedure (CPC) establishes that the defeated party shall reimburse the prevailing party for all expenses incurred during the judicial litigation, such as court costs and judicial expert fees.

In Brazil, ADR mechanisms are not subject to any specific costs or procedural fees.

In 2022, the National Council of Justice (CNJ), which is the judicial body responsible for monitoring the Brazilian Judiciary, released a detailed report regarding the status of tax judicial litigation in Brazil. This report details, for example, that tax foreclosures represent 36% of all judicial procedures pending trials.

Moreover, according to the statistics made available by the Brazilian Supreme Court, tax cases currently represent approximately 10% of all pending cases at the Supreme Court.

In general, the tax disputes involving the highest amounts in Brazil relate to:

  • social contributions over revenues (PIS/COFINS);
  • corporate income tax (IRPJ) and the social contribution on net profits (CSL);
  • tax on services (ISS);
  • state value-added tax assessed over the sales of goods and some services (ICMS); and
  • withholding income tax (IRRF).

According to the report made available by the CNJ, 51.4% of first level judicial decisions confirm the decisions rendered in the administrative sphere, while 48.6% of first level judicial decisions modify the decisions rendered in the administrative sphere.

Initially, taxpayers should verify in which cases and situations a tax litigation should be initiated, since it is possible to obtain some tax results with no litigation.

For instance, on 24 April 2018, the STJ published a decision rendered in Special Appeal No 1.221.170/PR (Anhambi Case), which settled that the concept of input (which generates PIS/COFINS credits) should be assessed in accordance with the essentiality or relevance criteria, that is, considering the indispensability or importance of a certain item or expense for the development of the taxpayer’s economic activity.

Based on that, it is necessary to identify the activity pursued by the taxpayer (based on a review of its business activities) and evaluate the indispensability or importance of this expense for the development of this economic activity.

Thus, if these requirements are accomplished, the taxpayer would be entitled to offset PIS and COFINS debts with credits originating from such expenses, with no need for previous tax litigation.

On the other hand, if tax litigation is necessary, the pros and cons of each type of judicial claim should also be analysed prior to the initiation of a tax litigation.

For example, a writ of mandamus grants a shorter period of litigation and exempts the defeated party from the payment of attorneys’ fees in favour of the prevailing party. However, all evidence and documents needs to be presented at the time this claim is initiated, with no possibility of a court expert investigation regarding any evidence. This means that all documents should be clear and the facts undisputed.

Pinheiro Neto Advogados

Rua Hungria, 1100
São Paulo – SP

+55 11 3247 8400
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Trends and Developments


Machado Meyer Advogados has spent 50 years believing that it does not need to do what everyone else is doing. The firm is different: sure that thinking ahead, anticipating trends, and exercising foresight provides it with the necessary background to confidently explore increasingly innovative horizons for the future. It has grown following the fast pace of Brazil’s expansion and continues to do so today. Attracted by challenges, the firm’s attitude has always been to invest in people’s growth, develop new practices, and explore new sectors, with the purpose of providing legal intelligence to make its clients’ strategies viable. Machado Meyer Advogados employs a team of creative people who are resolutely obstinate in their search for possible legal solutions. Together, they constantly learn and build their knowledge, with hard work, dedication, and commitment. In this new phase, the firm wants to amplify its actions with a focus on the future, following the demands of the world and in favour of society’s development.


Any overview of the 2022 tax litigation scenario in Brazil must begin with the confirmation of some trends from 2020 and 2021. Amid the need to maintain social distancing and the growing expectation of a gradual return to face-to-face activities, there has been an essential transition in work organisation models.

As elsewhere in society, the COVID-19 pandemic severely impacted the dynamics of tax disputes. Telecommuting at courts, companies, law firms, and public bodies, as well as the virtualisation of judicial and administrative procedures, are here to stay. It is an inescapable reality as legal practitioners and organisations focus on the benefits to productivity brought about by this digital era.

In 2020, the Brazilian Judiciary experienced the most significant reduction of pending cases ever reported, which was credited to the remote routines and digital tools. It was no different in 2021, and 2022 shall be hectic for litigation, especially in the tax field. The agenda already released by the Federal Supreme Court (STF) points to at least 16 tax matters to be ruled on by the STF’s full bench in the first semester. Most of them are expected to be analysed in virtual sessions (by releasing the justices’ written votes through an electronic system, without a public debate).

Despite the efficiency gains associated with those developments, there have been some downsides: the reduction of in-depth public debate at courts and the obstacles to the practical and qualified participation of lawyers and the community in several relevant tax disputes’ resolutions.

The economic recession and the difficulties in managing public accounts have also compromised the purely legal analysis of tax controversies. A consequentialism guided by financial and political perspectives has been increasingly prevailing in the Superior Courts’ decisions on tax disputes, sometimes to the detriment of the legal constitutional order’s most technical interpretation.

Given this scenario, the tax litigation highlights for 2022 are the following.

A Paradigm Shift in the Criterion for Modulation of STF Decisions’ Effects

As a rule, the declaration of the unconstitutionality of a law by the STF has retroactive effect, as if it had never been part of the legal system since its genesis. In tax practice, this means that taxpayers could claim the reimbursement of taxes unduly paid in the past, based on rules declared unconstitutional, but observing the statute of limitations.

Nevertheless, the Brazilian regulations exceptionally allow the Supreme Court to modulate these effects from a timing perspective, so that the binding decision only comes into effect from a specific point. In this sense, the mechanism should only be applied given the particularities of each case and in service of legal certainty.

Until 2020, the timeframe usually chosen for this modulation by the Supreme Court (under general repercussion or full control of constitutionality) was the judgment’s publication date. However, taxpayers who previously filed a lawsuit claiming their rights were protected against this limitation.

However, as of 2021, the modulation mechanism has experienced unprecedented and more restrictive criteria in tax matters to protect public revenues, harming even those taxpayers who filed their legal measures much earlier than the STF’s final rulings. That has happened in two significant cases with recognised general repercussions involving the following.

The STF ruled on the unconstitutionality of the institution of the tax on causa mortis transmission and donation of any property or right (ITCMD) by the states without prior national complementary law (Extraordinary Appeal 851.108), in which the effects were modulated as of the publication of the final decision, excluded from the limitation only those with lawsuits filed until then, but not assuring them the right to the recover the tax unduly paid previously in every situation.

The STF ruled on the unconstitutionality of the increased rates of value-added sales tax (ICMS) charged by the states on the acquisition of electricity and telecommunication services, in light of the essential character of such items (Extraordinary Appeal 714.139). Accordingly, the decision on the merits favourable to taxpayers will take effect only in 2024, except for those actions filed up to the date of the beginning of the first STF session.

In both cases, the justices accepted a modulation criterion that harmed even those taxpayers who had filed lawsuits long before the end of the trial. This innovative approach is a notable tendency for 2022, and has led to considerable legal uncertainty. It extends the effects of tax rules declared unconstitutional over unpredictable timeframes – for the benefit of the tax administrations from case to case.

The Resolution of the “Tax Dispute of the Century” and Its Developments

In 2017, the STF ruled on the merits of Extraordinary Appeal 574.706. After almost 20 years, it was the beginning of the end for the most significant tax litigation ever seen in Brazil, known as “the tax dispute of the century”. The STF decided that ICMS must not be included in the taxable basis of PIS (contribution to the social integration plan) and COFINS (contribution for social security financing) contributions, since it does not represent a taxpayer’s revenue. According to the Instituição Fiscal Independente, an agency under the authority of the Brazilian Senate, the withdrawal of ICMS from the PIS and COFINS basis could reduce the collection by BRL120 billion solely in 2021.

Four years later, in May 2021, the STF finished the analysis of a motion for clarification filed by the National Treasury, solving substantial uncertainties about the controversy’s outcome. The Court modulated the effects of the decision as of 15 March 2017 (when the analysis of the merits was concluded) and determined the correct criteria to calculate the value of ICMS to be removed from the basis. Nonetheless, the modulation preserved the right of taxpayers pursuing the recovery of amounts unduly paid in the past, observing the statute of limitations, through lawsuits filed before March 2017.

Following the result, the majority of Brazilian companies immediately started the process of measuring the value of the tax credits, duly updated by the SELIC rate (Brazil’s base interest rate set by the Central Bank), and analysing the best path to reimbursement.

At first, the Tax Authorities sought all means to prevent or at least delay the realisation of taxpayers’ rights arbitrarily, in an attempt to minimise the damage to the public accounts. However, shortly after the final decision’s publication, the Attorney General’s Office of the National Treasury finally resigned itself to the inevitable and issued an official legal opinion, mandating the Tax Authorities to comply fully with the STF’s stand.

In this scenario, there will be an avalanche of requests for administrative refunds and offset of these tax credits throughout 2022, as well as a race to get the court-ordered debt payments by those who have filed a lawsuit.

Amid this, another important discussion arose regarding the moment of the taxation of the PIS/COFINS credits themselves. It is not disputed that these tax credit refunds have to be added to the basis of IRPJ (corporate income tax) and CSLL (social contribution on the net profit) as taxable income. However, the Tax Authorities have been defending questionable interpretations of the moment of the triggering event.

Courts are currently considering, among other lines of argument depending on the specifics of the case,if the moment of taxation occurs at

  • the certification of res judicata if the respective judicial decision defines the specific amount of the tax credit;
  • the effective measurement of the credits by taxpayers for accounting recognition as an asset (when there is no judicial claim);
  • the filing of each administrative request for refund or offset before the Federal Revenue Service; or
  • the effective acceptance of these requests by the Tax Authorities.

It is also worth mentioning that, although the long dispute involving the exclusion of ICMS from the PIS and COFINS basis is over, other tax controversies have entered the spotlight because of the rationale behind the STF’s decision. Together, they could result in a cost of more than BRL90 billion to the public accounts.

These controversies are ramifications of the STF’s understanding regarding the need to observe the strict concept of gross revenue set out in the Federal Constitution. The more significant ones are set out below.

Exclusion of ISS from the PIS and COFINS calculation basis

Taxpayers argue that ISS (tax on services, charged by the municipalities) cannot be considered as taxable revenue for PIS and COFINS contributions, since it merely passes through companies’ cash flows to be later transferred to the public treasuries, exactly as happens with ICMS. In this sense, it is expected that the STF will apply the same concept of gross revenue to solve the case (Extraordinary Appeal 592.616) soon. The resumption of this trial is widely expected, and may take place in the second semester of 2022.

Exclusion of PIS and COFINS from their calculation bases

Following the same reasoning, taxpayers have asserted that the PIS and COFINS value itself cannot be included in the calculation basis of these contributions, since they are a transitory cash entry and not a company’s taxable revenue. The STF estimates that there are more than 3,000 cases across the country waiting for the outcome of this judgment, which is not expected to be scheduled for the STF’s agenda until the end of the year (Extraordinary Appeal 1.233.096).

According to the forecast provided by the Budget Guidelines Law, if defeated, the National Treasury would lose around BRL12 billion in a year and BRL60 billion over five years.

Exclusion of the presumed ICMS credit from the PIS and COFINS calculation basis

In this case, taxpayers claim that presumed ICMS credits do not constitute their revenue or billing, but a tax benefit granted by the states, that reduces the amount of ICMS collected by the companies. The STF has recognised the general repercussion of the question (Extraordinary Appeal 835.818).

Exclusion of the presumed ICMS credit from the IRPJ and CSLL calculation basis

Although this discussion is not under the general repercussion regime, the STJ has recently analysed it (Special Interlocutory Appel 1.443.771). The Court gave an interpretation based on the ordinary legislation to decide that these values are non-taxable incomes for IRPJ and CSLL purposes since they are not equivalent to a taxpayer’s revenue, but to tax benefits provided by the states’ rules.

Interest from the Refund of Unduly Paid Taxes Are Non-taxable Income: a Major Taxpayers’ Victory at the STF

At the end of 2021, the STF full bench ruled on a vital discussion on the taxable basis of corporate taxes (IRPJ and CSLL) under the general repercussion regime (Extraordinary Appeal 1.063.187).

The SELIC rate (the Brazilian economy’s primary interest rate) is the only index of monetary correction and, at the same time, interest on late payment applicable to the assessment of tax debts by the Brazilian Federal Revenue. It is also applied in the event of reimbursement of taxes unduly paid by taxpayers.

The STF stated the unconstitutionality of IRPJ and CSLL collection on amounts related to the SELIC rate received as a result of tax refunds, as it would turn income taxation into property taxation, infringing the Federal Constitution. The taxpayers’ arguments were upheld: corporate taxes cannot be levied on default interest, given its indemnifying nature for emerging damages, nor on monetary correction, since this does not consist of a profit increase. These amounts do not represent an operating profit but a restoration of the property that already existed and diminished due to illegal tax collection.

This decision represents a substantial jurisprudential change because the Superior Court of Justice (STJ), the highest appellate court for non-constitutional issues, had addressed a previous binding stand allowing the taxation. As expected, the STF decided to modulate the effects of this decision.

There are likely to be further developments on this matter in 2022, mainly on the possibility of the application of the same understanding to the withdrawal of judicial deposits made by taxpayers, which are also indexed according to the SELIC rate.

The Tax Agenda at the High Courts for 2022

There was a flurry of lawsuits at the start of 2022 proposed by taxpayers to challenge the Complementary Law 190/2022, which introduced the collection of ICMS from the differential rate (DIFAL) by the states on interstate transactions of goods intended for non-taxpaying consumers.

There are arguments to discuss the beginning of the levy already in 2022, due to the tax rule that a law that imposes or increases taxes can only come into force as of the following annual exercise and must observe a 90-day holding period from its publication. According to the states, the delay in collecting ICMS DIFAL would correspond to losses of over BRL9 billion to the states’ public accounts. The STF will analyse the question, but Brazilian companies are filing lawsuits to prevent the collection in their particular cases.

Besides that, other major tax disputes to be decided this year are set out below.

Concept of inputs for the appropriation of PIS and COFINS credits

In 2018, the STJ gave a legal interpretation, dismissing the restrictive interpretation argued by the Tax Authorities. It was decided that the concept of “inputs” should be defined in light of their essential character or relevance, that is, considering the indispensability or importance of a given item (good or service) for the economic activity performed by the taxpayer in each case. At this time, the estimated annual impact on the National Treasury’s revenues would reach BRL50 billion.

The question will now be ruled on by the STF (Extraordinary Appeal 841.979), from a constitutional standpoint, that is, given the non-cumulative taxation principle (Article 195, paragraph 12 of the Federal Constitution). In this case, the justices have to decide whether advertising and marketing expenses are inputs for a frozen foodstuffs manufacturer and, therefore, generate PIS and COFINS credits. The case will be solved under the general repercussion regime and the STF’s reasoning will impact other disputes involving the framing of different types of expenses as inputs of economic activities.

Unconstitutionality of the isolated fine imposed when the Federal Revenue Service rejects the taxpayer’s offset request

At the federal level, it is possible to pay tax debts with credits from undue or excessive payments made to the National Treasury. If this offset request is denied, the Tax Authorities apply an isolated fine of 50% over the amount of the tax debt. Taxpayers are challenging this penalty on the ground that it breaches the exercise of the constitutional right to petition and to a full defence, the reasonableness and proportionality principles, and the prohibition of the use of taxes for confiscation purposes. The question will be decided by the STF (Extraordinary Appeal 796.939 and Direct Unconstitutionality Action 4.905).

The ending of the tie-breaking vote at CARF

Since the enactment of Law 13,988/2020, trials before the Administrative Tax Appeals Council (CARF), responsible for deciding federal tax disputes in the administrative sphere, have been held without the possibility of the tie-breaking vote (hence a double vote) by the chairperson of the panel (who is a representative of the tax administration). Therefore, in the case of a tie between the judges, the case should be settled on behalf of the taxpayer. This circumstance was crucial for a number of victories by taxpayers at CARF last year.

However, the constitutionality of this legal provision has been challenged before the Supreme Court (Direct Unconstitutionality Actions 6.415, 6.399, and 6.403) and is expected to be addressed in 2022.

Unconstitutionality of Contribution for Intervention in the Economic Domain (CIDE)

CIDE is a federal contribution created to promote Brazilian technological development. Hence, the 10% tax rate was originally levied on the remittances abroad made by Brazilian companies for the acquisition of technological knowledge and services with technology transfer provided by non-residents. However, the legislation was amended to extend the levy to other activities without any technology transfer, such as royalties and technical or administrative services. The STF will analyse whether this deviation from the CIDE’s purpose is constitutional or not (Extraordinary Appeal 928.943). The impact for the National Treasury, in case of taxpayer success, could reach BRL19 billion.

Unconstitutionality of the reduction of the REINTEGRA regime percentage by the Executive Branch

REINTEGRA is a special tax regime established to ensure the refund of undue residual taxes verified in the chain of exported goods by Brazilian manufacturers due to the anomalies in the application of Brazilian tax rules. Taxpayers are questioning the possibility of discretionary reduction of the percentages for calculating the credits guaranteed by the regime in light of the Federal Constitution. The trial before the STF full bench(Direct Unconstitutionality Actions 6040 e 6055) shall be rescheduled at any time.

Limits of res judicata in tax matters

In May 2022, the STF will analyse whether a final and unappealable decision can lose its effectiveness when it has declared a specific taxpayer’s right to not pay a tax and the STF decides on the contrary afterward, through a decision with binding effects. If the National Treasury wins the case, some taxpayers will have to deal with measures from the Tax Authorities aimed at taxation, despite having a personal judicial decision with a different conclusion.

The Postponement of the Due Date of Court-Ordered Debt Payments

According to the Brazilian constitutional rules, if the government (direct or indirect administrative entities of the Federal Union, states, federal districts, and municipalities) is convicted to pay any amounts due to legal entities or individuals in a lawsuit, these debts need to be paid through a payment request issued by the judiciary, to be properly included in a queue.

At the end of 2021, a Constitutional Amendment Proposal was approved to postpone the legal due date for payment of court-ordered debt payments (precatórios). Now, the government will have until 31 December 2029 to settle debts due on 25 May 2015, and also the ones due between those dates.

This measure derives from a disastrous fiscal crisis that started before the coronavirus pandemic, strongly marked by a great imbalance in the management of public accounts. Hence, taxpayers that successfully sued the Public Treasury aiming for the reimbursement of taxes unduly paid, based on levies declared unconstitutional or illegal by the judiciary, could be severely affected.

The Expectation for the Resumption of the Great Tax Disputes at the CARF

In 2021, given the requirements of social distance, the CARF held remote trial sessions via videoconference but restricted to cases involving amounts up to a maximum value (BRL1 million, altered to BRL8 million in August 2020 and BRL12 million in January 2021), or when the controversial point has already been solved by binding precedents from the CARF itself or the Judicial High Courts (STF and STJ).

As a result, tax administrative disputes involving nearly BRL1 trillion have been pending trial for almost two years, according to research by the O Estado de S. Paulo newspaper.

With the progress made in the vaccination campaign and the relaxation of social distancing measures, the activity at the CARF began 2022 at full speed. An impressively large group of cases was scheduled for in-person trial in January and February, without any restrictions related to the value involved or the matters under discussion. However, all this progress was compromised early in the first weeks of January because of a strike by federal public servants, and the rise in the number of COVID-19 cases in Brazil.

Nonetheless, because of the pressing urgency of reducing the stock of administrative proceedings, there are high expectation that CARF’s activities will get back to a very quick pace as soon as possible, with the return of major tax disputes to the debate.

Machado Meyer Advogados

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Itaim Bibi
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Brazil, 01453-050

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Pinheiro Neto Advogados is an independent, full-service Brazilian firm specialising in multidisciplinary deals, and was the first Brazilian law firm to specialise in corporate clients. For 80 years, the firm has translated the Brazilian legal environment for the benefit of local and foreign clients. With clients in almost 80 countries, the firm has grown organically, and developed a distinctive, tight-knit culture, with a low associate-to-partner ratio. Its unique, democratic governance structure promotes transparency and consensus-building among the partners.

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Machado Meyer Advogados has spent 50 years believing that it does not need to do what everyone else is doing. The firm is different: sure that thinking ahead, anticipating trends, and exercising foresight provides it with the necessary background to confidently explore increasingly innovative horizons for the future. It has grown following the fast pace of Brazil’s expansion and continues to do so today. Attracted by challenges, the firm’s attitude has always been to invest in people’s growth, develop new practices, and explore new sectors, with the purpose of providing legal intelligence to make its clients’ strategies viable. Machado Meyer Advogados employs a team of creative people who are resolutely obstinate in their search for possible legal solutions. Together, they constantly learn and build their knowledge, with hard work, dedication, and commitment. In this new phase, the firm wants to amplify its actions with a focus on the future, following the demands of the world and in favour of society’s development.

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