Private Wealth 2022

Last Updated June 26, 2022


Law and Practice


ARGO LAW is an independent boutique firm representing (family) businesses and entrepreneurs, private equity funds, high net worth individuals and families and their family offices. The private client team advises clients on all aspects related to their family, their wealth and their business. It assists clients during milestones of their personal and family life and on the governance, structuring and planning of their business and their wealth. Argo’s approach – bundling a profound understanding of family dynamics, businesses and wealth with transactional and tax capabilities, including in private equity – gives it a unique position on the Belgian market of advisers to family entrepreneurs and their businesses.

Resident individuals are subject to Belgian personal income tax (PIT) on their worldwide income, while non-residents are generally only subject to (non-resident) PIT on their Belgian-sourced income. In both cases, Belgian taxation is subject to the provisions of the applicable double tax treaties.

Tax Residence

Individuals are considered Belgian residents for PIT purposes if their "domicile" or "seat of wealth" is established in Belgium.

"Domicile" refers to the place where one is mainly and permanently established. Factual circumstances will determine where individuals have the centre of their personal, economic and professional interests. No black and white test, such as day-counting, is available. Listing in the National Register of Individuals creates a (rebuttable) legal presumption regarding residency, and a married person is irrefutably presumed to reside with their family. "Seat of wealth" refers to the place from which individuals administer their wealth, regardless of its location.


An individual’s taxable income is determined by four categories, each of which has specific rules for the calculation of the net income:

  • real estate income;
  • investment income;
  • professional income; and
  • other income.

The net amount of real estate and professional income is generally taxed at progressive rates, ranging from 25% up to 50%. Tax-free thresholds apply, and several deductions and exemptions may also apply (eg, for the deemed rental income of the family home, child support payments and charitable gifts). The tax amount is increased with a municipal tax (ranging from 0% to 9%).

With regard to real estate income, it is important to note that the taxable base is generally much lower than the actual rental value, unless the property is rented out for professional use. Moreover, capital gains on Belgian immovable property are not taxable as real estate income but can, in some cases, be taxable as other income at flat rates (eg, if the property is sold within five years of the acquisition). A similar regime applies for non-residents that derive income from real estate located in Belgium. Additionally, if the real estate income of a non-resident is lower than EUR2,500 and is the only Belgian-source income of the non-resident, no income tax will be levied and the non-resident will not need to file a non-resident income tax return.

Investment income (dividends including liquidation proceeds, interests and royalties) is generally subject to a flat tax rate of 30% (unless progressive taxation would be more beneficial) and is withheld at source by the Belgian paying agent, in which case the income must not be reported in the annual PIT return. If no withholding tax is levied (eg, foreign paying agent), the income must be declared in the annual PIT return, and a tax equal to the withholding tax will be levied. Investment income can also be qualified as professional income and will then be subject to the progressive tax rates. The qualification will depend on the factual circumstances (eg, the frequency of the transactions).

Several exceptions to the 30% tax rate may apply.

For example, dividends from qualifying small or medium-sized companies can benefit under certain conditions from a reduced tax rate of 20% or even 15%. Upon payment of a 10% tax, small or medium-sized companies can also annually allocate their profits to a so-called "liquidation reserve", which can be distributed tax-free upon liquidation or with an additional 5% tax as a dividend if certain conditions are met (such as a waiting period of five years).

For certain investment insurance products, a tax-exempt yield can be realised in both type 21 (capital and yield guaranteed) and type 23 products (no guarantee as to capital or yield). Individual life insurance contracts taken out with non-Belgian insurance companies must be notified in the PIT return. A premium tax of 2% is due.

Unless taxable as other income or professional income, capital gains realised on movable assets do not generally constitute taxable investment income. The qualification as other income or professional income will depend on the factual circumstances. If the capital gain is realised by a normal management of assets, the income should be tax-free. However, capital gains on shares or units of capitalising collective investment funds may be taxed as interest at 30% if more than 10% of the assets are invested in debt securities. The same regime applies to share redemptions or liquidations by such investment companies.

Other income is taxed separately at flat tax rates. The most important types of other income are:

  • capital gains realised on the transfer of a substantial shareholding in a Belgian company (more than 25%) to a non-EEA legal entity (16.5%);
  • capital gains on the sale of Belgian real estate (other than the family dwelling) within eight or five years of acquisition (16.5% or 33%); and
  • occasional and speculative (non-professional) profits and proceeds, including capital gains on shares realised as a result of an abnormal management of private wealth (33%).

Cayman Tax

In 2013, Belgium introduced reporting rules with respect to so-called "legal arrangements", including – but not limited to – trusts and private foundations.

In 2015, these reporting rules were complemented with specific tax rules aimed at taxing Belgian residents involved in such legal arrangements (as "founders" or "third-party beneficiaries"), sometimes even on income they do not actually receive. This tax is commonly referred to as the Cayman tax.

Trusts and low-taxed foreign legal entities (including foundations and – according to the tax authorities – family-owned investment companies) are considered legal arrangements. Oft-cited examples include the Luxembourg Société de Gestion de Patrimoine Familial (SPF) and the Liechtenstein Stiftung or Anstalt.

Under the Cayman tax, the income of legal arrangements is attributed to the Belgian resident who qualifies as their "founder" (the look-through approach). The founder concept is a broad concept defined by law. The qualification of founder can pass on to heirs.

Under the look-through approach, the income of legal arrangements is taxed in the hands of their founder as if they had directly received the income (unless this income was distributed to someone else before the end of the relevant year).

The Cayman tax rules are complex (eg, for multi-layer structures) and draconian. To complicate matters further, these rules are prone to constant changes, often with a retroactive effect. The scope of the Cayman tax was significantly broadened at the end of 2018, with a retroactive entry into force as from 1 January 2018.

As part of their pre-entry planning, foreign individuals considering migrating to Belgium should check thoroughly whether they could be struck by the Cayman tax.

General Anti-Abuse Rule

A general anti-abuse rule (GAAR) aims to counter tax abuse by allowing the tax authorities to ignore a (series of) legal act(s) and levy taxes accordingly. Tax abuse requires that the purpose of a tax provision is frustrated, and that it was the taxpayer’s intent to do so only for tax reasons. If a presumption of tax abuse exists, the taxpayer can rebut this presumption by evidencing sufficient legitimate non-tax motives.

Inheritance Tax

Inheritance tax is a regional tax, so the rules differ in the Flemish, Brussels and Walloon regions.

Upon the death of a Belgian resident, inheritance tax is due from the heirs on the net value of the deceased's worldwide assets.

Whether a person is resident in Belgium for inheritance tax purposes is determined according to (factual) criteria similar to those applicable for Belgian income tax purposes; the nationality or citizenship of the deceased and the residence and nationality or citizenship of the heirs are irrelevant for inheritance tax purposes.

Whether the deceased is a Flemish, Brussels or Walloon resident for inheritance tax purposes will be determined by analysing in which region the deceased lived the longest in the five years prior to their death.

Subject to conditions and within certain limits, foreign inheritance tax on immovable property can be offset against Belgian inheritance tax. In the Flemish region, this also applies to movable property. Belgium has only concluded bilateral inheritance tax agreements with Sweden and France. Since Sweden has abolished inheritance tax, only the agreement with France may have an impact on cross-border inheritance taxation issues between France and Belgium.

For non-residents, inheritance tax is only due on their Belgian real estate. For EEA residents, inheritance tax is due on the net value; for non-EEA residents, inheritance tax is due on the gross value of the Belgian real estate.

The heirs must file a tax return, generally within four months of the death, and pay the tax bill, generally within two months after receipt.

As inheritance tax is regional, the tax rates, tax computation and exemptions vary for the three regions. Except when flat rates apply, rates are double progressive and depend upon the kinship between the deceased and the heir, and upon the value of the assets. Direct line heirs and spouses (and cohabitant partners, under certain conditions) are taxed at rates of up to 27% (Flemish region) or 30% (Brussels capital region or Walloon region). The highest rates (for non-related beneficiaries) go up to 55% in the Flemish region, or 80% in the Brussels capital region or Walloon region.

When bequeathed to the surviving spouse or cohabitant partner, family homes and family businesses can benefit from favourable tax rates in all three regions, although the conditions differ from region to region.

The following reduced flat tax rates apply to public bodies and charitable institutions (including private and public foundations), among others:

  • 0% or 8.5% (Flemish region);
  • 7% or 25% (Brussels capital region); and
  • 5.5% or 7% (Walloon region).

Inheritance tax legislation provides for so-called "fictitious legacies" increasing the taxable base, as well as an anti-abuse provision to counter illegitimate tax avoidance.

Gift Tax

Belgian gift tax is only due upon the "registration" of a document or deed in Belgium. Such registration is compulsory for notarial deeds (gifts, transfers of Belgian real estate, etc).

Cashless funds and other tangible movable assets (classic cars, art, etc) can be gifted without intervention by a Belgian notary, and thus avoid registration. Under certain conditions, such gifts can also avoid the levying of gift tax, but this will generally require that the donor survives the gift for at least three years in order to also avoid the levying of inheritance tax.

Gift tax is a regional tax so the rates are different in the Flemish, Walloon and Brussels regions. All regions have different rates for gifts of immovable property and of movable assets. The latter can generally benefit from low flat rates, ranging from 3% to 7%. Notwithstanding important regional reductions over the last couple of years, immovable gifts are still more expensive, as tax rates are progressive and can go up to 27% for spouses and (grand)children, and up to 40% for non-related beneficiaries (Flemish, Brussels and Walloon regions).

Family businesses can benefit from a gift tax exemption in all three regions. Flat rates and/or exemptions are also available for charitable gifts (eg, to private or public foundations).

Wealth Tax

There is no general wealth tax in Belgium.

The Belgian legislator has introduced a New Tax on Securities Accounts (NTSA), which entered into force on 26 February 2021. The NTSA is due from resident individuals, legal persons and partnerships on securities accounts held via resident and foreign intermediaries. The NTSA is equally due from non-resident individuals, legal persons and partnerships to the extent they hold securities accounts via Belgian intermediaries (and provided the taxing power has been allocated to Belgium based on an available double tax treaty). The NTSA is due on securities accounts with an average value of EUR1 million, to be determined at certain fixed reference dates. The rate is set at 0.15%. It should be noted that it does not matter whether the securities accounts are held in full ownership, usufructs or bare ownership.

The scope of the Belgian stock exchange tax (known as the TOB) was extended on 1 January 2017 and now also covers transactions executed by Belgian residents (individuals and entities) through non-Belgian financial intermediaries. The TOB is currently charged as follows:

  • 0.12% on bonds, capped at EUR1,300 per transaction;
  • 0.35% on stocks, capped at EUR1,600 per transaction; and
  • 1.32% on redemptions of capitalisation shares of collective investments vehicles, capped at EUR4,000 per transaction.

Belgian real estate is subject to an annual tax, which is calculated on its deemed rental income ("cadastral income").

Non-profit associations (eg, private foundations) are subject to an annual tax of 0.17% on their gross assets.

Inheritance tax and gift tax are regional, so the rules differ in the Flemish, Brussels and Walloon regions. The most important exemption that exists in all three regions is the transfer of family businesses and corporations, although the conditions differ from region to region. The tax rate varies for inheritance from 0% in the Walloon region to 3% or 7% in the Flemish and Brussels regions. The rate is 0% for donations in all three regions.

When bequeathed to or inherited by the surviving spouse or cohabitant partner, family homes can also benefit from a complete tax exemption in all three regions, although the conditions differ from region to region.

In the Flemish region, the surviving spouse can also benefit from an inheritance tax exemption on movable assets up to a maximum amount of EUR50,000, and bequests or donations to public charitable institutions can be exempted from inheritance or gift taxes.

No other material exemptions exist.

Opportunities for income tax planning depend on the type of income realised by the taxpayer (ie, real estate income, investment income, professional income and other income). For each of these types of income, working/investing via a (management) company may be considered in order to optimise the effective tax rate applied to the income. This should be determined on a case-by-case basis.

In addition, the effective taxation on professional income may be optimised by granting stock options; under certain circumstances, these benefit from a beneficial tax regime in Belgium.

Qualifying non-residents can optimise the taxation on professional income by applying for the new expat regime, under which up to 30 % of gross annual taxable income can be paid as a tax and social security free expense reimbursement.

In the last couple of years, the Belgian tax authorities have been challenging planning tools that were used in the past for income tax optimisation on the basis of the general/specific anti-abuse rules. In this context, the Belgian legislator has also implemented new specific anti-abuse legislation, such as a law that counteracts a planning tool that was frequently used in the past to realise a step-up on shares.

Please see 1.1 Tax Regimes.

Changes regarding gift and inheritance tax mainly concern the Flemish region. The Flemish tax administration frequently takes controversial positions that affect "classic" estate planning strategies and create uncertainty.

All regions have already (partially) aligned or still have to align their gift and inheritance tax legislation with the (federal) succession and matrimonial property law rules that entered into force on 1 September 2018. Strangely enough, the Flemish region already neutralised the tax benefits of marital agreements with participation clauses, while this type of clause is promoted by the federal legislator in the new matrimonial property legislation.

As of 1 July 2021, a commonly used technique combining charity and inheritance tax optimisation in a so-called "duo-bequest" has been abolished in the Flemish region.

No structural adaptations are to be expected regarding estate and transfer tax law due to COVID-19; only temporary measures have been taken (eg, the extension of the inheritance tax return term).

Besides the introduction of the tax on securities accounts and the changes to the Cayman tax (see 1.1 Tax Regimes), other important developments concern increased reporting obligations.

DAC6 (the Directive on Administrative Co-operation) was approved on 25 May 2018 and focuses on the reporting of aggressive tax planning. It charges qualified intermediaries (lawyers, accountants, tax consultants, trustees, banks, etc) and ultimately even the taxpayer to report certain "cross-border arrangements" to the local tax authorities. Reported information is stored in a secure database and is exchanged between Member States.

On 18 September 2017, Belgium implemented Directive 2015/849 of 20 May 2015 (the anti-money laundering directive – the 4th AMLD), which provided for the creation of a central register of ultimate beneficial owners of corporate and other legal entities (UBO register). In the meantime, the 5th AMLD has already been published in the Official Journal of the European Union (Directive 2018/843 – the 5th AMLD), and shows that the EU considers the UBO register to be an important tool in the fight against money laundering.

The role of and access to this UBO register is strengthened in the 5th AMLD, which the Belgian legislator was supposed to transpose into Belgian domestic law by 10 January 2020. The draft legislation transposing this Directive was ultimately submitted before the Belgian Parliament on 8 June 2020 and adopted on 16 July 2020. Wealthy individuals across Europe view this UBO register as an important infringement of their privacy and as a possible threat to their safety.

Since its conception in 2015, the Cayman tax (see 1.1 Tax Regimes) has already been amended on a number of occasions, sometimes with (limited) retroactive effect. This was done to close perceived loopholes (eg, originally the treatment of trusts was more beneficial than that of foundations) signalled in the legal doctrine and the press at large. This trend threatens legal certainty and is largely due to what some experts consider to be the extremely poor quality of recent Belgian tax legislation.

A major reform of succession law has taken place, with the new rules entering into force on 1 September 2018.

The legislator aimed to align succession law rules with the current social reality of an increasing number of cohabitant (non-married) partners and blended families. Although the legislator intended to respond to the desire for more liberty to dispose of one’s estate, discussions revealed the resolute adherence to forced heirship rules.

Finally, the new succession law rules aim to minimise estate disputes, including by allowing family pacts.

In the slipstream of the new Belgian succession law and with effect as of the same date, matrimonial property law has also undergone an important facelift.

For many years, Belgium has welcomed numerous wealthy individuals. Dutch and French citizens in particular enjoyed the vicinity of their home countries and the Belgian tax climate, with no capital gains taxation, low tax rates on investment income, no wealth tax and opportunities to transfer movable assets without gift or inheritance tax definitely being Belgium’s trump cards.

However, due to many legislative initiatives over the last few years, the overall tax burden for wealthy individuals has increased substantially and Belgium appears to no longer be as attractive as it once was. As a result, and as the mobility of people (especially young people) has increased, more people are leaving Belgium and migrating to countries such as the UK, Switzerland and the USA.

Belgium has strict forced heirship rules, limiting the freedom to dispose by gifts or wills. These rules only apply if Belgian succession law applies (in accordance with the European Succession Regulation) – ie, when the deceased had their established residence in Belgium and did not choose the law of their nationality.

Forced heirship rules protect the deceased’s children and surviving spouse by entitling them to a "reserved portion" of the so-called "fictitious hereditary mass". This mass is composed of the assets of the deceased upon death as well as all lifetime gifts made by the deceased, regardless of when or to whom these gifts were made.

Under the new succession law rules, applicable from 1 September 2018, gifts are valued at the time of the gift (except when usufruct is retained, in which case valuation occurs at the time when the donee becomes the full owner of the gifted assets, being generally at the time of the donor's death), and this value increases every year in accordance with the consumption index. Debts upon death are deducted from the assets of the deceased.

The portion reserved for descendants amounts to half of the fictitious hereditary mass, regardless of the number of children. In the presence of a surviving spouse, the entitlement of the children can be limited to the bare ownership.

The surviving spouse can claim the usufruct on the family home (including the household effects) or usufruct on half of the fictitious hereditary mass. In the presence of heirs entitled to a reserved portion, the surviving spouse’s reserved portion will burden the disposable portion.

Forced heirship rules are mandatory. In principle, it is not possible to waive such rights during the life of the testator, except for a future spouse if one of the spouses has children from a previous relationship. Such waiver must be done in a marital agreement and cannot deprive the surviving spouse of the use of the family dwelling (including the household effects) for a period of six months from the day the other spouse has deceased. As of 1 September 2018, it is also possible for heirs entitled to a reserved portion to explicitly waive their forced heirship right on the gifted assets by way of a punctual or global inheritance pact.

Both prenuptial and postnuptial marital agreements are quite common in Belgian law. Such agreements need to be executed before a civil law notary and are binding for both spouses and the court. Spouses cannot make arrangements regarding alimony payments in the marital agreement.

In the absence of a marital agreement, spouses are married under the default regime of community of gains, whereby all assets acquired during the marriage are considered community property, except for those acquired by a spouse gratuitously through gift or inheritance.

Upon the dissolution of the marriage, the community property, in principle, will be divided equally between the spouses. Spouses can choose to adjust the community property and exclude certain assets, or to use the "universal" community property system in which property acquired before the marriage is included as well as property acquired gratuitously during the marriage. Spouses can also agree to a separation of property regime.

As of 1 September 2018, the new matrimonial property law has introduced a legal framework for a separation of property regime with a participation clause for gains accrued during the marriage (comparable to the German Zugewinngemeinschaft): each spouse owns their own assets, regardless of whether they were acquired before or during the marriage. When liquidating the regime (upon death, divorce or a change of the matrimonial regime), gains accrued during the marriage are equalised (via payment or claim).

Each of the spouses can dispose of their own assets, except for the family dwelling, which may never be sold or mortgaged by one of the spouses without the consent of the other spouse. Common property must be administered in the interest of the family. As a rule, both spouses can separately administer the common property. For important matters (eg, mortgage loan or gifts), both spouses must act jointly. In the absence of the consent of both spouses, the legal act can be declared invalid, although third parties’ rights are protected if they acted in good faith.

The new matrimonial property law rules allow courts to apply a fairness correction when spouses married under a separation of assets regime get divorced and unforeseeable circumstances lead to a clear injustice for one of the spouses (to be appreciated by the court). Application of the correction would result in a payment by the "rich(er)" spouse of a maximum of one-third of the gains accrued during the marriage. The correction can only be applied when it is explicitly provided for in the marital agreement. Civil law notaries must inform future spouses of the possibility to insert the fairness correction mechanism in the marital agreement.

In principle, a gratuitous transfer of assets (during life or at death) does not trigger a step up (nor capital gains taxation) for income tax purposes. The basis of the beneficiaries of the transfer in the property will be the same as the transferor’s (historical acquisition cost).

The transfer of assets to the next generation is generally realised through lifetime gifts. Such gifts are generally heavily modelled to the parents’ wishes and can be organised in a tax-free manner or at least at reduced tax rates (see 1. Tax).

For movable assets (eg, investment portfolios or collections of artworks or classic cars), a Belgian family partnership is often used. This company without legal personality is transparent for income tax purposes, and minimal legal provisions and formalities allow a customised and discrete set-up. Parents can retain control over the assets and their income via the by-laws of the company, in combination with the conditions and modalities stipulated in the gift deed.

However, recent changes to the Belgian Code on Economic Law qualify all family partnerships as an "enterprise", making the registration in the UBO register obligatory, and subjecting them to Belgian accounting rules. If the revenue of the family partnership does not exceed EUR500,000, a simplified accounting obligation may apply.

Prior to lifetime gifts of family businesses, these businesses are often sheltered in a Dutch (or Belgian) private foundation used as a Stichting Administratiekantoor (see 4. Family Business Planning).

Belgian law does not provide for specific rules regarding the succession of digital assets, but several legal scholars are starting to pay particular attention to the "digital legacy" and the obstacles – often practical – resulting from the absence of specific legal rules.

Following the Bitcoin hype at the end of 2017, the Belgian tax authorities have expressed a particular interest in gains on cryptocurrencies. If they are speculative and realised outside the normal management of private wealth, such gains can be taxed as other income at 33% and, in some cases, even as professional income (at progressive rates of up to 50%).

In the future, tax authorities will most likely sharpen their interest in (the taxation of) transactions and the ownership of digital assets.

In a purely Belgian context, trusts are not (or no longer) used for tax and estate planning purposes. Tax authorities have always been suspicious towards trusts, convinced they were used to hide assets.

A Belgian private foundation can be used to pursue altruistic objectives (such as charitable giving or private art collections). Merely passing wealth to the next generation is likely not acceptable, although supporting family members across generations (eg, in their education) and making distributions to that purpose might be. Positive rulings have been given by the Belgian tax authorities in this respect.

Foreign private foundations are recognised in Belgium but can fall into the scope of the so-called Cayman tax (see 1.1 Tax Regimes).

One must also consider that forced heirship rules may apply on transfers to private foundations (see 2.3 Forced Heirship Laws).

The Belgian legal jurisdiction recognises trusts. With the codification of the existing case law in the Belgian Code on Private International Law in 2004, the Belgian legislator intended trusts to be recognised and take legal effect within the Belgian legal jurisdiction with more legal certainty and in a more predictable way.

The use of trusts is generally not recommended from a tax perspective, particularly in view of the so-called Cayman tax (individual income tax – see 1.1 Tax Regimes) and the tax authorities’ position that distributions upon or after the death of a Belgian tax resident settlor may be subject to inheritance tax (at the tax rate applicable in accordance with the kinship between settlor and beneficiary).

For succession law purposes, one should bear in mind that Belgian forced heirship rules may apply on transfers (without consideration) to trusts (see 2.3 Forced Heirship Laws).

See 1.1 Tax Regimes, regarding the so-called Cayman tax.

Suitable asset protection measures should be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

In some cases, a marriage contract for the separation of assets – whether in combination with (at all time revocable) lifetime gifts from one spouse to another or not – can be useful for creditors' protection purposes. The use of limited liability companies can also ringfence the shareholder’s other assets, and life insurance contracts can also offer some asset protection, to a certain extent.

Specific provisions against fraudulent conveyance may obstruct asset protection strategies.

As mentioned in 1. Tax, family businesses can benefit from favourable gift tax rates under certain conditions. As a result, the most popular planning strategy for family businesses is a lifetime gift of the shares.

In most cases, parents attach several conditions and modalities to such gifts. For example, they retain the usufruct, which entitles them to the dividends and the voting rights of the shares. Specific clauses can also reduce the rights of the children to transfer the gifted assets (eg, to their spouse), or can provide for a fideï-commissum de residuo, resulting in a gift of the remainder of the assets when a child-beneficiary dies (eg, to their siblings or children). Such clauses usually seek tax advantages as well as protection against the dissipation of the family wealth.

Prior and complementary to the gift, the family business is often "wrapped" via a controlling vehicle such as a Dutch (or Belgian) Stichting Administratiekantoor (STAK). The shares of the family business are first contributed to the STAK in exchange for depositary receipts (certificates), after which these depositary receipts are gifted. From a tax point of view, the certificates are assimilated to the shares and the STAK is tax transparent, provided certain conditions are met.

The STAK enables the implementation of family governance and a well-planned transition to the next generation. In some cases, the STAK rules are embedded in a family constitution or charter. A STAK can be a more sophisticated alternative to a shareholders' agreement.

If a transfer of shares is subject to gift or inheritance tax, the taxable base equals the fair market value. This value can be influenced by a lack of marketability and/or control when a partial interest (minority stake) is transferred (eg, due to specific provisions in shareholder agreements or by-laws). As no guidelines exist with regard to applicable discounts and the tax authorities could thus seek to challenge such discounts, it is recommendable to have an objective valuation report.

Estate disputes are often related to forced heirship rules and (the valuation of) unequal or undisclosed lifetime gifts and/or assets.

As mentioned in 2. Succession, new succession law rules entered into force on 1 September 2018. One of the legislator’s major objectives was to minimise the number of conflicts after death.

The new rules enable families to sign off punctual inheritance agreements or global inheritance agreements (family pact), aiming for a fair and balanced treatment of all heirs.

The new rules also provide (in principle) for a valuation of gifts at the time of the gift (not upon the date of death of the donor), taking into account, however, the annual indexation as mentioned in 2.3 Forced Heirship Laws; they also allow for a settlement "in value" (and not "in kind") of lifetime gifts that require compensation (eg, to the extent they violate forced heirship rights).

Furthermore, mediation and arbitration processes are more often promoted to avoid lengthy (and costly) court procedures.

See 5.1 Trends Driving Disputes.

As Belgian civil law has a numerus clausus of rights in rem, fiduciary contracts are not allowed. As a result, fiduciary powers cannot be organised under Belgian law.

See 6.1 Prevalence of Corporate Fiduciaries.

See 6.1 Prevalence of Corporate Fiduciaries.

See 6.1 Prevalence of Corporate Fiduciaries.

Entry into Belgium and long-term stay in Belgium are easier for citizens of the EU and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) states (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland) than for citizens of other countries. No visas or working permits are required for EU and EFTA citizens, but proof of sufficient financial means and health insurance is required upon registration in the population register.

After five years of uninterrupted stay in Belgium, EU and EFTA citizens can automatically reside permanently in Belgium. Other citizens need visas and working permits but are also eligible for permanent residence after five years, albeit subject to stricter conditions and a case-by-case review.

Belgian nationality can be acquired on legal grounds (eg, by birth) or voluntarily, generally by applying for a "nationality declaration". Applicants must be at least 18 years old and have had their legal residence in Belgium for at least for five years and must, in principle, evidence knowledge of one of the national languages (Dutch, French or German) and social integration and economic participation (or an active participation in the community if the applicant legally resides in Belgium for at least ten years).

In exceptional circumstances, Belgian nationality can be acquired by "naturalisation", granted by Parliament in cases of "extraordinary merit" in the fields of science or sports, or in the socio-cultural area.

Belgian law does not provide for specific special planning mechanisms for minors or adults with disabilities, as such.

Belgian family law provides for protective measures when minors or adults with mental incapacities are involved in certain transactions (eg, a purchase of real estate or a sale of assets). These measures generally provide for a judge’s approval of these transactions, or for the (temporary or permanent) appointment of an administrator.

In 2002, the Belgian legislator explicitly referred to planning for mentally incapacitated persons when introducing the private foundation in Belgian law. A private foundation can be set up to financially support incapacitated family members – eg, by funding their medical or housing expenses. However, such planning requires particular attention, especially with regard to the destination of the remainder of the funds of the private foundation in case of the death of the incapacitated family member.

In principle, legal guardians are appointed by the court, but parents may appoint a preferred legal guardian (eg, in their last will). The court will generally validate such appointment.

Guardians have reporting obligations to the court, and require the court’s approval for specific transactions, such as the purchase of real estate, the sale of assets, entering into loan agreements, and accepting or refusing gifts.

The cost of longevity challenges the Belgian legal social security system, which is still generally seen as being very comprehensive and efficient. The Belgian legal system covers healthcare, old age and invalidity pensions and long-term care insurance, among others. On an individual basis, it can be complemented with individual "extra-legal" arrangements, such as pension savings or medical insurance and retirement plans. Under certain conditions, such arrangements can benefit from tax reductions for individual income tax purposes.

An important recent trend is the use of a lasting power of attorney (often part of a so-called "living will"), whereby one can mandate one or more trusted representatives for situations where a lack of mental capacity would inhibit the making of decisions on personal matters (eg, health) and/or financial and property affairs. Court supervision can be avoided by giving a lasting power of attorney and providing for extrajudicial protection arrangements while still capable.

Children born out of wedlock and fully adopted children inherit from their parents in the same way as children born within a marriage. In the case of a simple adoption, the adopted children can also inherit from their original family.

LGBTQIA+ rights in Belgium are some of the most progressive in the world. Belgium was the second country to legalise same-sex marriage, in 2003, while same-sex adoption was legalised in 2006 and does not differ from opposite-sex adoption.

Gifts to approved charitable institutions can benefit from a tax deduction for individual income tax purposes. Gifts must be made in cash or, under very strict conditions, with artworks. Only 45% of the amount is tax deductible (60% for gifts made in 2020), and the deduction is limited per taxable person to 10% of the progressively taxed net income (20% for gifts made in 2020) (ie, predominantly real estate and professional income) or EUR392,200 (for the income year of 2021).

As mentioned in 1. Tax, charitable institutions (including private foundations) can benefit from reduced flat gift and inheritance tax rates, under certain conditions.

Private foundations are regularly used as private charitable planning tools. A private foundation allows the founder to affect (part of) their wealth to a specific charitable purpose, and to organise the governance of the foundation according to their wishes.


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Arteo is a Brussels-based independent law firm founded in 2020 by partners with a long track record in other well-reputed (tax) law firms. Several members of the team are leadings academics. The firm focuses on three areas of expertise: (i) tax advice and litigation; (ii) wealth and estate planning; and (iii) Supreme Court procedures. The private client practice adopts a multidisciplinary approach, as family entrepreneurs and private clients in general often deal with a variety of related issues with respect to their family businesses as well as other investments they make. Apart from needing (estate) tax advice, such clients also need assistance in managing and preserving family assets through controlling entities (like holding companies, Dutch foundations, Belgian civil partnerships); family governance and succession planning; marital property law and inheritance law (the drafting of marital agreements and wills); compliance (FATCA/CRS/UBO register); and international private law in general. Arteo Law's private client lawyers have extensive expertise in advising in a cross-border context, which is very relevant when assisting entrepreneurs and private clients that are often confronted with foreign law aspects.

Private Wealth in Belgium

Certain topics have featured prominently in the area of private wealth law in Belgium in recent years.

This article will start by clarifying the Belgian controlled foreign company (CFC) rules and more particularly the look-through provisions that target individuals. The Belgian look-through taxation regime targeting the founders of foreign legal entities and trusts has been modified several times and has become an increasing source of concern for private clients. Certain recent developments in relation to CFC legislation and tax treaties will also be addressed, as will the 2021 introduction by the Belgian government of a very broadly applicable Tax on Securities Accounts.

Finally, we will discuss some trust-related tax aspects and explain the amendments that were made to the applicable tax treatment of gifts under Belgian law.

CFC Rules in Belgium

Most countries recognise that a company should be considered a separate entity for tax purposes. Accordingly, the profits of a foreign company should be insulated from tax in the residence state of the shareholders, at least until the time of repatriation (deferral or sheltering of income). This rule generally also applies in Belgium.

Belgian tax law did not include any actual CFC rules for quite some time. Some tax measures potentially had similar effects. For example, in accordance with Article 344 section 2 of the Belgian Income Tax Code (BITC), any transfer made to an entity situated in a low-taxed jurisdiction may be disregarded by the Belgian tax authorities – regardless of whether the transferor is a shareholder or a beneficiary of the entity – unless the transferor proves either that the transfer occurs for genuine financial and economic purposes or that the transferor receives a consideration that shall produce income liable to taxation in Belgium.

Look-through taxation for natural persons

After the Belgian government had already introduced an obligation in 2013 for natural persons to disclose the existence of certain “legal constructions” they had set up or inherited, a look-through taxation regime – also known as the “Cayman tax” – became applicable in Belgium at the beginning of 2015. Several legislative amendments followed in consecutive years.

Pursuant to the look-through taxation provisions, the natural persons who must be considered as the founders of the targeted legal construction are obliged to pay tax on the income obtained by the legal construction. The income of a legal construction thus becomes taxable in the hands of the Belgian resident founder as if they had received it directly, even if the income is not actually distributed to the founder.

Definition of legal constructions

A distinction must be made between two types of legal constructions:

  • trusts and trust-like arrangements without legal personality; and
  • other foreign entities with legal personality.

The latter legal entities only come within the scope of the look-through taxation if they are situated in a jurisdiction where they are either not liable to income tax or are liable to an effective income tax that is lower than 15% of the entity’s taxable income that is determined according to the rules applicable as if the entity were subject to Belgian income taxation. The 15% test is to be applied on an annual basis, so that the income of the same legal entity may be liable to the reporting obligation and the transparency tax in one year but not in the following. The 15% test does not apply to trusts that are in the scope of the look-through taxation, regardless of whether or not their income and gains have been subject to tax.

Legal entities situated in the European Economic Area (EEA) qualify as legal constructions if they fall under any of the categories listed in the applicable EEA Royal Decree. The list is exhaustive but the presumption is irrefutable. The following legal entities are described using general wording.

  • Public, institutional and private undertakings for collective investment (UCI) as well as public, institutional and private alternative investment funds (AIF) of which the ownership rights are held by one investor, or by several investors who are related. The ownership test is to be assessed at the level of each compartment.
  • Legal entities that are not transparent for Belgian income tax purposes but are treated as transparent according to the tax legislation of the jurisdiction where they are established (reverse hybrids). If the partners of the hybrid entity pay a minimum 1% income tax in the country of establishment (taking into account the Belgium corporate income tax rules), then they are not targeted. Hybrid companies whose main purpose is exercising an activity that generates income that would be exempt from Belgian income tax based on a double tax treaty if a Belgian tax resident would have received this income directly are also excluded.
  • The last category targets entities that are either not subject to corporate income tax or subject to an amount of income tax lower than 1% of the taxable income as determined in accordance with Belgian corporate income tax rules.

The second Royal Decree relates to entities established outside the EEA and is non-exhaustive. Listed entities will be subjected to the look-through taxation unless they can provide evidence that they are subject to an effective tax rate of at least 15%, as described above.

Insurance contracts are also targeted if certain conditions are met. An insurance contract comes within the scope of the look-through taxation if it is entered into by contributing assets from the aforementioned legal constructions or if it invests in such assets.

Double- and multiple-layer structures of legal constructions also fall under the scope of the reinforced Cayman tax law.

Definition of founder

The term "founder" is broadly defined to include not only the individuals that have founded the legal construction but also those who have transferred assets to it, as well as their heirs. The term finally also includes the individuals that hold legal or economic rights to the structure or its assets.

Preventing taxation upon subsequent distribution

The look-through taxation rules apply regardless of whether or not the legal construction has actually distributed any of its income to the founders. To prevent double Belgian taxation occurring if income is in fact later distributed to a Belgian resident, Belgian tax law provides that distributions are exempt from further taxation if the income has already been taxed on the basis of the look-through provisions in Belgium. For the application of this exemption, the legal construction is deemed to first distribute its oldest reserves.

No foreign tax credit

Foreign taxes paid by targeted legal constructions cannot be credited against any Belgian income tax due from their founders. This may lead to international double taxation.


UCIs and listed companies may benefit from an exclusion it they are not solely held by one person or by related persons. The ownership test is to be assessed at the level of each compartment of the UCI.

A so-called “substance exclusion” has been introduced. Active legal constructions with sufficient substance that are established within the EEA or in a country that has concluded a bilateral or multilateral exchange of information agreement with Belgium are excluded from the look-through taxation, but the exclusion must be formally claimed in the annual tax return of the founder.

Legal constructions are considered to be active for this purpose if they carry out a genuine economic activity in their country of establishment, and their premises, personnel and equipment are proportionate to their economic activity. Entities that limit their activities solely to the management of the private wealth of the founder may not benefit from the substance exclusion. However, it is debatable whether this limitation on the “substance exclusion” will stand up to a challenge before the EFTA Court and the Court of Justice.

Advanced rulings

Several rulings have been published by the ruling commission on the applicability of the look-through taxation.

A compartment of a Luxembourg UCI (société d’investissement à capital variable) has been determined to be a legal construction because the shareholders were related persons and the substance exclusion was not accepted by the ruling commission as the fund managed the private wealth of the shareholders.

The Belgian ruling commission decided that a UK Self-Invested Personal Pension (SIPP) must be regarded as a legal construction but it was excluded from the scope of the look-through taxation as the SIPP carried out a genuine economic activity with several premises, a couple hundred employees in service and a sufficient amount of equipment proportional to its business activities.

The “reverse hybrid” definition in the EEA Royal Decree has been applied to a Luxembourg S.C. (société civile). It was also decided that a Luxembourg SOPARFI is within the scope of the look-through provisions if the 1% test is not met.

CFC rules applicable to Belgian companies

A CFC rule has been introduced in the context of the mandatory implementation of the EU Anti Tax Avoidance Directive (ATAD). A Belgian company will be taxed on the “non-distributed profits” of a foreign company that is considered a CFC where such profits arise from “non-genuine arrangements” that have been put in place for the essential purpose of obtaining a tax advantage.

Definition of CFC

A foreign company will be considered a CFC if the following two conditions are simultaneously satisfied:

  • the Belgian taxpayer owns (directly or indirectly) the majority of voting rights of the foreign company, or has (directly or indirectly) a stake of at least 50% in the capital of this company, or is entitled to at least 50% of the profits of this company; and
  • in the country or jurisdiction where it is situated, the foreign company is either not subject to income tax or is subject to less than half the income tax it would have been subject to had it been located in Belgium.

Taxation of undistributed profits

If the new CFC rules apply, they will result in undistributed profits of the CFC that arise from artificial constructions set up with the essential aim of obtaining a tax advantage being attributed to the Belgian parent company. An artificial construction is deemed to exist when certain assets or risks can be identified that are owned by the CFC, whereas the related strategic decisions are taken by the Belgian company or by its employees.

“Non-distributed profits” will be the CFC’s profits for the taxable period closed during the Belgian taxpayer’s taxable period. These profits will be limited to the amounts generated through the assets and risks that are linked to significant people functions carried out by the Belgian taxpayer. Belgium has opted not to allow any credit of the tax paid by the foreign company. As a result, Belgium’s CFC legislation may lead to double taxation issues.

Prevention of double taxation

Dividends that are subsequently distributed by the CFC will benefit from a 100% participation exemption up to the amount of foreign, undistributed profits already taxed in Belgium. Capital gains on shares in a CFC will also be eligible for exemption, provided and to the extent that the profit of this foreign company (i) has already been taxed in a previous taxable period in the hands of the domestic company as CFC income and (ii) has not been distributed before and still exists at the time of alienation of the shares on a liabilities and shareholders’ equity account.

Belgian CFC rules' compatibility with tax treaties

Change of position

In the past, Belgium has made observations to the OECD commentary on CFC rules and has opposed introducing CFC legislation in treaty situations. The opinion of Belgium was that CFC rules were contrary to Articles 5 (7), 10 (5) and especially 7 (1) of the OECD Model Tax Convention. Belgium changed its formal position in 2015, pursuant to the introduction of the Cayman tax.

More recent developments

In the explanatory memorandum to the CFC legislation implementing the ATAD, the Belgian legislator indicated that the newly introduced CFC legislation may violate tax treaties concluded between Belgium and non-EU/non-EEA states. Several states also made an explicit reservation regarding the introduction of the savings clause (CFC clause) in tax treaties in the context of the multilateral instrument.

On 11 March 2020, the Brussels court of first instance approved an agreement between the Belgium-resident founder of a Canadian trust and the Belgian tax authorities. The agreement recognised that the look-through provisions of the Cayman tax violate the tax treaty concluded between Belgium and Canada, as the trust income was subject to 53.31% tax in Canada.

Unfortunately, the Belgian tax authorities do not generally accept that the look-through taxation rules violate tax treaties. A general application of CFC rules in cases where there is no abuse of law and the foreign structure is created for legitimate controlling purposes does, however, infringe the relevant tax treaty rights to which the taxpayers are entitled.

Wealth Tax Targeting Securities Accounts

Belgium has introduced a wealth tax that targets securities accounts. A new Securities Account Tax (TSA) was adopted by the Law of 17 February 2021, which entered into force on 26 February 2021. The new tax takes the form of an annual tax of 0.15% on securities accounts that exceed EUR1 million in average value.

Accounts within scope of the TSA

The TSA is a subscription tax levied on securities accounts. A securities account is defined as an account on which financial instruments can be credited and debited. An account that is purely held for organisational purposes without the intention to actually use the account for trading purposes is in the authors’ opinion not in scope of the TSA. 

Securities accounts are within the scope of the TSA if they are held by individuals or legal entities. For the purposes of the TSA, founders of legal constructions that are targeted by the Cayman tax are treated as account holders with respect to the securities accounts held by these legal constructions. Securities accounts held by a Belgian insurance company in relation to Branch 23 insurance contracts are also within the scope of the TSA.

Belgian resident account holders are subject to the tax with respect to both their Belgian and foreign securities accounts. Non-resident account holders are targeted with respect to their securities accounts held with Belgian financial institutions.

The TSA thus targets the following:

  • securities accounts held by Belgian resident taxpayers (which include individuals, companies, legal entities, permanent establishments and non-profit organisations), regardless of whether the accounts are held with Belgian or foreign financial intermediaries;
  • securities accounts held by non-resident taxpayers insofar as they are held through Belgian financial institutions;
  • securities accounts held by foreign trusts if the settlor of the trust is a Belgian tax resident (individual), regardless of whether the accounts are held with Belgian or foreign financial institutions; and
  • securities accounts held by certain foreign legal entities that are targeted by look-through taxation rules (eg, Luxembourg SPF, US LLC, Cayman LP) if the shareholder of the entity is a Belgian resident (individual), regardless of whether the accounts are held with Belgian or foreign financial institutions.

Excluded accounts

An exemption is provided for accounts held by financial intermediaries, provided that there are no third parties that have a direct or indirect claim with respect to the value in the account.

Taxable basis and rate of the TSA

The annual tax rate amounts to 0.15% and the taxable base equals the average value of all financial instruments held in the securities account. This includes securities such as shares, depositary receipts, bonds, investment fund units (eg, trackers/ETFs) and derivatives. Importantly, the cash balance held on the actual securities account is also included in the taxable value.

Financial instruments that are not held through a securities account, such as registered shares, are not subject to the tax. Cash is not within the scope of the TSA if it is held through current or savings accounts.

The average value held in the account is calculated by taking into account a reference period of 12 months, running from 1 October to 30 September.

Threshold of EUR1 million

The tax is only due if the average value exceeds EUR1 million; this threshold is applied with respect to the securities account itself and does not take into account the share of each account holder in the case of joint ownership.

The TSA will therefore not be applicable, for example, when an account holder holds two separate securities accounts, each including financial products and cash with an average value of EUR600,000. However, the TSA will be applicable, for example, to a securities account with an average value of EUR1.2 million, even if there is more than one account holder.

In any case, the tax is limited to 10% of the difference between the taxable basis and the minimum amount of EUR1 million.

Filing and payment obligations

With respect to securities accounts held with a Belgian intermediary (by a Belgian resident or non-resident account holder), the tax return must be filed and the tax must be withheld and paid by the intermediary. If the securities account is held with a foreign intermediary, the account holder must ensure the filing and payment of the tax themselves, unless they can demonstrate that these obligations have already been fulfilled by another intermediary.

Anti-abuse measures

Upon the introduction of the new TSA, the Belgian legislator also introduced a general anti-abuse rule.

Some specific and non-rebuttable anti-abuse rules were also introduced. Transactions carried out as of 30 October 2020 (the date on which the new TSA was first announced in the Belgian Official Gazette) cannot be invoked against the tax authorities on the basis of these rules if they consist of:

  • the splitting of a securities account into several securities accounts held with the same financial intermediary; or
  • the conversion of taxable financial instruments held in a securities account into registered financial instruments.

Influence of tax treaties

The application of the TSA with regard to securities accounts held with Belgian financial institutions by non-resident account holders raises the question of whether an applicable double tax treaty does not prevent Belgium from imposing such a tax. If the relevant double tax treaty covers taxes on capital (wealth tax) and allocates taxing power to the resident state, Belgium would not be allowed to levy the TSA on securities accounts held by non-resident account holders. For example, for a Dutch tax resident, the double tax treaty between Belgium and the Netherlands stipulates that assets such as securities on a securities account may only be taxed in the country of residence (ie, the Netherlands) and thus not in Belgium.

With respect to the Belgian establishment of foreign companies, which are taxable in Belgium as non-resident taxpayers, the TSA is only applicable if the securities account is allocated to a permanent establishment as defined under the applicable treaty.

Tax Aspects Relating to Trusts

Income tax treatment of distributions made by a trust

From a Belgian income tax perspective, any distribution made by foreign trusts to beneficiaries that are Belgian tax residents will be treated as dividends and be taxable in the hands of the beneficiaries, unless:

  • the beneficiary can prove that the relevant income or gain has already been taxed in Belgium in accordance with look-through taxation legislation (Cayman tax) in the hands of the founder; or
  • the taxpayer can demonstrate that the distribution triggers a decrease in the value of the trust’s assets to below the value of the assets originally contributed.

This tax measure will mean that a Belgian beneficiary of a UK trust that holds UK real estate will undergo dividend taxation at a current rate of 30%. At the same time, the UK trust is subject to UK taxation on its UK real estate income and gains.

Inheritance tax treatment of a trust

When it comes to Belgian inheritance tax, there is no look-through taxation with regard to foreign trusts. In general, the tax authorities have taken the position in the three regions that no inheritance tax is immediately due on all the assets upon or pursuant to the death of the Belgian tax resident settlor if the trust was set up and has acted as an irrevocable and discretionary trust. If, however, the trust makes a distribution upon and/or after the death of a Belgian tax resident settlor, that does trigger inheritance tax liability on the value of the distribution.

Amendment to Gift Tax Provisions

Belgium's gift tax rates are considerably lower than its inheritance tax rates, with gift tax rates in direct line going from 3% to 3.3%, depending on the region in which the donor lives, while progressive inheritance tax rates of 3% to 30% apply for inheritances in direct line.

Rules applicable as of 15 December 2020

From a Belgian tax perspective, gift tax is a registration tax under Belgian law. The registration procedure – triggering gift taxes – is now compulsory for:

  • gift deeds passed before Belgian notaries, regardless of whether or not the donor is a Belgian resident; and
  • gift deeds passed before foreign notaries if the donor is a Belgian resident on the date that the gift occurs.

Gifts that do not require the form of a notarial deed

If the gift can be formalised without requiring a notarial deed, then no gift tax is due. However, if a donor dies in the three years following such a non-registered gift and qualifies as a tax resident of the Flemish or Brussels Metropolitan region at the time of their death, inheritance taxes will be due, taking into account the value of the gifted assets. The three-year period has been extended to five years for donors who have their tax residency in the Walloon region at the time of their death.

Arteo Law

Goedheidsstraat 5
1000 Brussels

+32 2 392 81 00
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Law and Practice


ARGO LAW is an independent boutique firm representing (family) businesses and entrepreneurs, private equity funds, high net worth individuals and families and their family offices. The private client team advises clients on all aspects related to their family, their wealth and their business. It assists clients during milestones of their personal and family life and on the governance, structuring and planning of their business and their wealth. Argo’s approach – bundling a profound understanding of family dynamics, businesses and wealth with transactional and tax capabilities, including in private equity – gives it a unique position on the Belgian market of advisers to family entrepreneurs and their businesses.

Trends and Developments


Arteo is a Brussels-based independent law firm founded in 2020 by partners with a long track record in other well-reputed (tax) law firms. Several members of the team are leadings academics. The firm focuses on three areas of expertise: (i) tax advice and litigation; (ii) wealth and estate planning; and (iii) Supreme Court procedures. The private client practice adopts a multidisciplinary approach, as family entrepreneurs and private clients in general often deal with a variety of related issues with respect to their family businesses as well as other investments they make. Apart from needing (estate) tax advice, such clients also need assistance in managing and preserving family assets through controlling entities (like holding companies, Dutch foundations, Belgian civil partnerships); family governance and succession planning; marital property law and inheritance law (the drafting of marital agreements and wills); compliance (FATCA/CRS/UBO register); and international private law in general. Arteo Law's private client lawyers have extensive expertise in advising in a cross-border context, which is very relevant when assisting entrepreneurs and private clients that are often confronted with foreign law aspects.

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