The primary legislation governing the authorisation, marketing, sale and supply of pharmaceutical products by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act), which has been amended many times over the years to reflect increasing FDA mandates for the regulation of pharmaceutical products. The Public Health Service Act (PHS Act) is the specific authority utilised to approve or license biologic (including biosimilar) products. The primary FDA regulations governing drugs and biologics are found at Chapter 21 of the Code of Federal Regulations. Controlled substances, such as opioids, are also scheduled, and subject to quotas and distribution controls, under the Controlled Substances Act administered by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).
A drug is defined as:
A biologic is defined under the PHS Act as “a virus, therapeutic serum, toxin, antitoxin, vaccine, blood, blood component or derivative, allergenic product, protein, or analogous product, or arsphenamine or derivative of arsphenamine (or any other trivalent organic arsenic compound), applicable to the prevention, treatment, or cure of a disease or condition of human beings”. Notably, a protein is any alpha amino acid polymer with a specific, defined sequence that is greater than 40 amino acids in size. Biological products are also included within the drug definition and are generally covered by most of the same laws and regulations, but differences exist in the regulatory approach.
Medical devices are also regulated by the FDA under the FD&C Act, and, although subject to similar intent standards, such products generally are primarily intended to act via mechanical rather than chemical or biological modes of action. Medical devices are classified by risk, and may be exempt from FDA review, subject to a “510(k)” pre-market notification process based upon a showing of substantial equivalence to a “predicate” device, subject to down-classification via the de novo submission process, or eligible for full approval via a pre-market approval application (PMA).
Although the FDA has traditionally been given significant independence as an agency, and the Commissioner is confirmed by the Senate, the FDA is part of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).
The government agencies touching on pricing and reimbursement vary, depending upon the payer programme, and include the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) (also part of HHS), the Veterans Health Administration, and state Medicaid agencies. In addition, the HHS Office of Inspector General oversees laws governing fraud and abuse in the sale of biomedical products and healthcare services. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC), an independent agency, regulates the advertising of non-prescription drugs and non-restricted medical devices.
Agency decisions may be challenged either informally, via guidance-driven processes governing informal dispute resolution, or via more formal regulatory processes specified under FDA regulations. In addition, a general-purpose vehicle for bringing issues before the agency is the Citizen Petition, which allows the petitioner to bring a request before the agency and initiate a public docket in which comments can be lodged. The FDA also maintains ombudsmen in the various centres reviewing products, whose role is intended to facilitate the resolution of disputes. Although procedures for dispute resolution vary by the specific statutory provisions at issue and the FDA Center responsible for the category of products, such processes generally follow APA standards for permitting due process and creation of an administrative record.
Once administrative processes are exhausted, parties with appropriate standing may challenge FDA agency decisions in court under the Administrative Procedure Act (APA). Although administrative processes vary by category, APA requirements are largely the same across products, and typically involve a demonstration that an agency action was arbitrary or capricious or otherwise not in accordance with governing law.
Although the default status for drug approvals is technically over the counter (OTC), ie, non-prescription, most initial drug approvals specify that new drug products are subject to prescription drug controls. Prescription drugs must be labelled as such and are subject to physician prescribing and pharmacy dispensing and substitution controls under state law.
However, it is possible to seek an initial FDA approval for the sale of a drug product OTC, or seek to “switch” a prescription product to OTC status by demonstrating that the condition is capable of self-diagnosis and treatment in accordance with labelling. Moreover, over the decades, the FDA has also developed OTC monographs that permit the marketing, without approval, of certain OTC drugs that meet the specific terms – ingredients, dosing, directions for use, etc – for that class of drug under the relevant monograph. Such drugs remain subject to establishment registration, listing, labelling and current Good Manufacturing Practice (cGMP) requirements. Recent legislation liberalised the processes for amending OTC monographs, which could help reinvigorate OTC product development in the US.
Medical devices may also be restricted to non-restricted (including OTC) or restricted status, depending on their classification and the FDA’s determination as to appropriate status under clearance and approval processes.
For drugs and biologics, unless subject to specific exemptions, an investigational new drug application (IND) must be submitted to obtain FDA clearance prior to engaging in clinical research. Such submissions typically include extensive pre-clinical data, information on chemistry, manufacturing and controls, prior human data and the proposed protocol(s). The FDA has 30 days either to allow the clinical study to proceed or to impose a clinical hold until outstanding issues are resolved. Similar rules apply to medical device research and, depending upon the risk posed by the device, a device study may require the submission of an investigational device exemption (IDE) prior to initiating clinical research. Non-significant risk device studies may be conducted with just Institutional Review Board (IRB)/Ethics Committee approval. The FDA maintains an array of good clinical practice regulations governing clinical research, including study sponsor, IRB, and investigator responsibilities.
As noted, in addition to obtaining clearance to proceed with clinical research by filing an IND or IDE, as appropriate, virtually all studies must be reviewed by one or more IRBs prior to initiation. FDA regulations specify the requirements applicable to the composition and activities of IRBs.
The US National Institutes of Health maintains a database at, and most controlled, interventional clinical investigations, other than Phase I clinical investigations, of drugs or biologic products subject to FDA regulation, must be registered with the site. While there is no general requirement to publish clinical trial data in journals, as a practical matter the industry has pledged to seek such publications where possible.
Online tools may be used as long as they comply with applicable requirements (eg, privacy, data security, informed consent and other good clinical practice requirements, and establishing lawful status if such tools incorporate certain regulated medical device functionalities). Particular requirements apply to recruiting subjects for clinical studies, whether online or otherwise.
The personal data resulting from clinical trials would be considered protected, although in certain scenarios the sponsor and the FDA will have access to such information, including patient-identifiable information, in order to conduct and analyse the data from the study properly.
As long as any transfer of resulting data to a third party or an affiliate is consistent with contractual obligations, informed consent, and privacy protections, such transfers are permitted.
A database containing personal or sensitive data may be subject to both contractual and statutory protections obliging maintenance of data security and privacy.
Such determinations are typically made by assessing the primary mode of action of the product and whether it works by chemical, biological, mechanical, or other means. If the product has both chemical/biological and mechanical modalities, a Request for Designation may be submitted. A recent decision in the Genus v FDA case has recently changed the FDA’s historical approach, requiring compliance with device requirements in certain cases in which the FDA has previously treated certain products solely as drugs.
Drug products are approved via New Drug Applications (NDAs), and additional indications, dosage forms, etc, may be added via NDA supplements. Biologic products are approved via a virtually identical process via Biologics License Applications (BLAs). The standard for approval is “substantial evidence” of safety and effectiveness, based upon at least one, and typically several, adequate and well-controlled clinical studies. The typical drug or biologic review process takes ten months after initial acceptance for filing (a 60-day period), although a priority review of six months is given to certain drugs and biologics intended to treat serious or life-threatening conditions.
Substantial user fees are required to facilitate a review of applications, at the high end currently ranging to approximately USD3.1 million for an NDA or BLA containing clinical data.
There is no mandatory re-authorisation process for approved products. However, the FD&C Act and FDA regulations include processes for the withdrawal or revocation of an approval based upon non-compliance with approval requirements, or a significant safety or effectiveness issue. Such processes can be expedited in the event of an imminent hazard, but processes for challenging a revocation may be invoked in most cases. Such actions are rare, and in most cases a manufacturer will withdraw a product voluntarily rather than pursue a formal hearing. In general, a marketing authorisation may not be revoked merely because the product has not been placed on the market, although a failure to market an orphan drug could result in a loss of orphan exclusivity.
As noted, the pathways for approval of drugs consist of the submission of an NDA (including a 505(b)(2) NDA relying on data for which the applicant does not have a right of reference), and the Abbreviated New Drug Application (ANDA) for generic products, which demonstrates equivalence to a reference listed drug. A biologic is licensed via the submission of a BLA, although that process is largely the equivalent of an NDA submission. A biosimilar application demonstrates that the biosimilar is, based on the totality of the evidence, either “highly similar” to, or interchangeable with, a reference biologic.
The FDA is authorised to require paediatric studies of drugs or biologics when other approaches are insufficient to ensure that the products are safe and effective for use in children. The Agency may also issue a written request for paediatric research, and if the sponsor fulfils the data request, it may obtain six months of paediatric exclusivity.
As noted, changes to an existing marketing authorisation may be obtained through supplements or amendments to existing applications. With respect to medical devices, the submission of an additional 510(k) submissions can result in the clearance of significant changes to previously cleared device products, and a PMA may also be supplemented or amended.
In many cases, the transfer of a clearance or approval without manufacturing site or significant product changes requires only fairly simple notifications to the FDA.
The FDA maintains regulations permitting expanded access to investigational products. Such expanded access INDs and IDEs may relate to an individual patient (often called a “compassionate use”) or may allow broad use by patients not eligible for controlled clinical trials, depending upon the seriousness of the disease and the availability of alternative treatments. Sponsors of such INDs may not charge patients for the investigational drug without specific authorisation from the FDA permitting cost recovery only.
In addition, the 2018 “Right to Try” Act permits certain eligible terminal patients to have broad access to eligible investigational drugs in certain circumstances. To date, most companies have shown a reluctance to permit their products to be used via this pathway in lieu of the more traditional IND pathway.
There is also a very limited Humanitarian Device Exemption (HDE) pathway for approval of a Humanitarian Use Device (HUD) intended to benefit patients in the treatment or diagnosis of a disease or condition that affects or is manifested in not more than 8,000 individuals in the USA per year.
Every drug, biologic or device product is subject to ongoing requirements relating to establishment registration, product listing, compliance with cGMPs/quality systems, track and trace requirements, and safety/adverse event reporting regulations. In certain cases, the FDA may require closer, ongoing oversight of a drug or biologic under a Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (REMS), or mandate post-market studies or trials.
While the FDA does release approval letters and – after review for redaction of confidential and trade-secret information – summary review and approval documents, the FDA does not currently publish “Complete Response Letters” that reject an application under review. Available information on approved products may be obtained via the FDA’s Drugs@FDA website. Often, extensive information about pending applications is released in the form of briefing papers and presentations used at FDA Advisory Committee meetings. The FDA does not reveal the existence of pending INDs or IDEs unless the sponsor has publicly acknowledged the filings.
Third parties may submit requests for information under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), although there are a variety of exceptions from disclosure, and there is a major FDA backlog of requests. Most importantly, the FDA has an obligation under the FOIA to refrain from publication of trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information. Sponsors/applicants are afforded an opportunity to review potential releases of information and request confidential treatment under those FOIA exceptions.
The Drug Supply Chain Security Act (DSCSA) mandated a system to identify and trace certain prescription drugs as they are distributed in the USA. The objective is to enhance the FDA’s ability to help protect consumers from exposure to drugs that may be counterfeit, stolen, contaminated, or otherwise harmful, and improve detection and removal of potentially dangerous drugs from the drug supply chain.
Although for medical devices a Unique Device Identification System is being implemented, that identification system serves various purposes, including providing a standardised identifier that will allow manufacturers, distributors and healthcare facilities to manage medical device recalls more effectively, and providing a foundation for a global, secure distribution chain, helping to address counterfeiting and diversion.
The FDA’s Office of Criminal Investigation (OCI) has primary responsibility for policing drug and medical device counterfeiting and diversion, and at times companies will approach the OCI and other law enforcement bodies to seek an investigation and enforcement action.
The FDA and Customs and Border Protection work together to identify and detain counterfeit medical products, and it is possible to work with those agencies to seek enhanced surveillance with respect to potential importation of such products. The FDA has extensive powers to stop products at the border if they are suspected of being adulterated or misbranded. In addition, companies may file actions seeking an investigation under Section 337 of the Tariff Act with respect to unfair acts in the importation of articles, although such actions may fail if positioned as an attempt to enforce the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act) privately.
In general, manufacturing plants are not subject to a separate authorisation from the related product approvals, although they must be registered with the FDA (and the products produced at the facility must be listed as associated with the establishment). Moreover, in most cases, the FDA will conduct a pre-approval inspection of the facility before approving a drug or device, and such establishments are also subject to both routine (typically every two years) and for-cause (eg, in response to a product defect and recall) inspections.
In general, wholesale activities are subject to licensure requirements at the state level and registration as distributors at the federal level. The requirements and length of such licences vary by state.
The FDA may inspect any facility holding drugs for shipments, and state inspection activities and fees vary greatly. Significant additional requirements administered by the Drug Enforcement Administration and states apply to wholesale trade in controlled substances.
The authorisation to trade in pharmaceuticals varies greatly by state, but most pharmaceutical distributors must hold a state licence. Such requirements often do not apply to entities that are not physically handling drug products.
Drugs may be either prescription (as defined under state law, generally subject to prescription by a designated healthcare practitioner and dispensing by a licensed pharmacist), or over the counter (permitting sale without intervention by a healthcare practitioner or pharmacist). Certain products (pseudoephedrine) are required to be kept behind the pharmacy counter due to specific statutory requirements, and the FDA is exploring methods for expanding direct availability of products with pharmacist-only involvement, such as via use of mobile apps and kiosks in pharmacies permitting education and diagnostic screening.
The FD&C Act and general import and export administration laws govern the import/export of pharmaceuticals and medical devices. In general, imported medicines and medical devices must be subject to an approval or clearance, if applicable, in the USA. Only the original manufacturer of a drug may reimport a drug product back into the United States, subject to limited programmes to demonstrate that the importation of certain drugs can be accomplished in an attempt to reduce prices, which may nor may not proceed in the coming years. The importation of even an identical drug produced at a facility that is not inspected in the course of the US approval would be considered unlawful. Limited exceptions are permitted for individuals to engage in personal, physical importation of foreign products for their own use based upon a prescription from a healthcare professional and a lack of alternatives in the USA.
At the border, the primary regulators are the FDA, administering the FD&C Act for potential violations, and US Customers and Border Protection, administering the broad array of US laws governing customs matters. Other agencies, such as the Department of Commerce and Department of Agriculture, may have responsibilities as well, depending on the nature of the imported article.
Importers of record may be designated by the manufacturer or distributor, and they have specific responsibilities. A US importer of record (ie, the owner, purchaser, or licensed customs broker designated by the owner, purchaser, or consignee) files entry documents for the goods with the port director at the goods' port of entry. It is the importer of record's responsibility to arrange for the examination and release of the goods. Initial importers may also be responsible for registration and listing requirements. Customs requires the importer of record to file an importation bond, typically, at least equal to three times the invoice value of the goods.
A drug or medical device must be cleared or approved (and the product properly listed in association with a registered establishment), or the subject of an active IND or IDE, in order to be lawfully imported. Exceptions are made for importation of a very limited amount of a product for personal use, and the FDA will work with potential importers in certain situations (eg, compassionate use, short supply) to expedite satisfaction of regulatory requirements.
Upon entry into the USA, declarations and information must utilise the Customs Harmonized Tariff Schedule codes according to the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the US (HTSUS), and FDA product codes. Such declarations are subject to specific regulations issued by Customs and the FDA. A failure to classify a product properly may result in an improper payment of Customs duties, and associated penalties.
The USA is a member of the World Trade Organization and has free-trade agreements in effect with 20 countries. Some are re bilateral agreements, but others are multi-lateral in nature. The USA is also a party to Trade and Investment Framework Agreements that provide frameworks for governments to discuss and resolve trade and investment issues at an early stage, as well as bilateral Investment Treaties to help protect private investment, develop market-oriented policies in partner countries, and promote US exports. The US FDA is also a party to various memoranda of understanding and mutual recognition agreements to facilitate global discussions and risk assessments with respect to, for example, inspections.
The USA has little in the way of price controls for pharmaceutical products and medical devices. Therefore, in most cases, the manufacturer of a product sets the initial price and adjusts prices (including rebates and other price concessions) over time in response to market conditions. However, there are a few federal laws that cap pharmaceutical prices to certain purchasers or require minimum rebate levels:
The price level of a pharmaceutical or medical device does not depend on the prices for the same product in other countries. Programmes developed in the previous Administration that would incorporate international reference pricing have now been abandoned in favour of other approaches.
The largest healthcare programme in the United States today is the Medicare programme, which provides healthcare coverage for people who are 65 and older, disabled (for two years or more), or have end-stage renal disease. Medicare accounts for roughly 20% of US health spending. Most pharmaceutical products are eligible for some form of Medicare coverage, either through:
The second-largest healthcare programme today – accounting for roughly 17% of US health spending – is the Medicaid programme, which is a joint federal-state programme providing coverage for certain low-income individuals (with the specific eligibility criteria varying by state). Medicaid is run chiefly by states, with federal government oversight, and state Medicaid programmes generally provide broad coverage for prescription drugs. Medicaid programmes have sometimes imposed coverage restrictions on high-cost drugs that arguably conflict with their statutory obligations.
The process and evidence that US payors use to make decisions about pharmaceutical and medical device coverage varies widely by payor (and is not always entirely transparent). These variations can include the criteria considered appropriate for evaluation (eg, whether a product’s cost or cost-effectiveness is taken into account in coverage decisions), the scientific rigour of the evidence considered, and the weight placed on the types of evidence considered, the decision-making body and the processes for making coverage decisions, and the legal standards that apply to the coverage decision-making process and the resulting package of covered products and services. There are several organisations engaged in developing value-assessment tools of various sorts, which essentially are tools designed to help payors, healthcare providers and patients compare certain demonstrated outcomes of competing pharmaceuticals on a systematic basis and thus reach conclusions about their value in a more systematic and rigorous way than is common today.
Pharmacists are paid for dispensing prescriptions by the patient’s insurer (assuming the patient is insured, and the product is covered) and the patient. The circumstances in which pharmacists may dispense a substitute for the prescribed product without obtaining the prescriber’s authorisation are governed by state law. State laws on this issue can vary, but generally they permit pharmacists to substitute a product approved by the FDA as a generic equivalent for the prescribed product (unless the prescription specifically states “dispense as written” or a similar phrase indicating no substitution).
Over the past several years, the standards for permitting pharmacists to substitute a “biosimilar” product for a prescribed biological have been a topic of considerable debate. The provisions of these laws vary, but often they permit biosimilar pharmacy-level substitution only if the substituted product has been designated as “interchangeable” with the prescribed biological by the FDA, which has not occurred to date, the prescriber and the patient are both notified of the substitution, and the pharmacist maintains records of the substitution.
The FDA has been very active in providing guidance in this area and has carved out large categories of apps and platforms from regulation. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued several guidance documents designed to "encourage innovation" and "bring efficiency and modernisation" to the agency's regulation of digital health products. The guidance documents address, in part, the important changes made by Section 3060 of the 21st Century Cures Act (Cures Act) to the medical device provisions of the FD&C Act that expressly excluded from the definition of medical device five distinct categories of software or health products. The FDA’s extensive guidance documents in this area include guidance on Clinical and Patient Decision Support software, regulation of software as a medical device (SaMD), and general wellness products, which establishes common principles for regulators to use in evaluating the safety, effectiveness, and performance of SaMD. The FDA has also issued a Discussion Paper on the regulation of SaMD incorporating artificial intelligence.
The FDA does not regulate the practice of medicine, and the Agency generally defers to the states to determine what is a valid physician-patient relationship and prescription. Although telemedicine has expanded enormously in the US due to the pandemic, and more and more physician consultations are being provided online via chat-based or video examinations, the regulation of such activities varies by state. Various laws govern issues such as the corporate practice of medicine, minimum rules for a genuine patient relationship, cross-border prescribing and lab orders, privacy, and payments and referrals to telemedicine physicians. The availability of electronic prescribing also varies by state, although states generally permit online dispensing of approved drug and medical device products pursuant to valid prescriptions.
Medicinal and medical device products may generally be promoted online, on company websites, and via social media. However, such media present special challenges to ensure that the promotion is fairly balanced, truthful and non-misleading, transparent as to the company’s involvement, and adequately provides safety information in particular. The FDA has developed several guidance documents in this area to provide information to a company regarding when the Agency considers user-generated information on a company’s webpage or social media to be promotional (largely based on the level of control over the site and placement of information) and how to convey information properly in a character-limited social media environment. Additional rules apply to online marketing practices, such as the FDA and FTC requirements pertaining to endorsements and testimonials in online promotion.
Electronic prescribing of drug products is governed by state laws and Board of Pharmacy rules. Most states do permit some form of electronic prescribing, although the specific rules (such as for specifying use of the brand-name drug, etc) vary by state. Special rules may apply to interstate prescribing, particularly with respect to controlled substances, and licensure in multiple states may be required where reciprocity in licensure recognition is not provided.
Online sales of prescription drug and device products are permitted if there is otherwise a valid prescription for the product and the pharmacy is duly licensed in the states to which the products are shipped. Special rules apply to certain controlled substances. To the extent that prescribing of the drug or device also occurs online, the prescriber must satisfy state requirements pertaining to valid physician-patient relationships and telemedicine-based prescribing. Online sales of drugs into the United States from ex-US pharmacies, whether or not pursuant to a valid prescription, are generally prohibited.
In addition to FDA rules, addressed previously, regarding digital tools that convey health records and images, there are many other aspects to the regulation of electronic health records in the US. In particular, the HHS Office of the Co-ordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) is responsible for implementing statutory provisions relating to advancing inter-operability, clarifying the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) privacy rules, prohibiting information-blocking, and enhancing the usability, accessibility, and privacy and security of health IT. The Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act of 2009 provided the HHS with the authority to establish programmes to improve healthcare quality, safety, and efficiency through the promotion of health IT, including electronic health records and private and secure electronic health information exchange.
The statutory framework for US patent law is generally set out in United States Code Title 35. The Leahy-Smith America Invents Act (AIA) effected sweeping changes to US patent law; one of the most significant of these changes was to bring the USA largely into compliance with the rest of the world with respect to prior art determinations. Pre-AIA, the USA was considered a “first inventor” jurisdiction (ie, the first person to invent the invention was entitled to the patent); post-AIA, the USA is a “first-inventor-to-file” jurisdiction approaching the “first-to-file” methodology employed virtually everywhere else in the world.
As explained in further detail below, in the USA, patent protection and certain regulatory exclusivities may share certain traits but are distinct. The Drug Price Competition and Patent Term Restoration Act, commonly known as the Hatch-Waxman Act, amended the FD&C Act and affected the government’s regulation of generic drugs. Hatch-Waxman provides for both brand product exclusivities as well as 180-day exclusivity to companies that are the "first-to-file" an ANDA against branded drug patent-holders. This regulatory exclusivity is in addition to the patent term of patents claiming the branded drug and a statutory, 30-month stay of approval permitted in the event of patient litigation.
Similarly, the Biologics Price Competition and Innovation Act of 2009 (BPCIA) amended the Public Health Service Act to create an abbreviated licensure pathway for biological products that are demonstrated to be “biosimilar” to or “interchangeable” with an FDA-licensed biological product.
To be patentable under US law, an invention must be: (i) patentable subject-matter, (ii) novel, and (iii) not obvious. Patentable subject-matter includes “any new and useful process, machine, manufacture, or composition of matter” (35 U.S.C. §101). Novelty requires that the invention has not previously been “patented, described in a printed publication, or in public use, on sale, or otherwise available to the public before the effective filing date of the claimed invention” (35 U.S.C. §102). Finally, an invention must not be obvious – ie, it cannot be the case that “the differences between the claimed invention and the prior art are such that the claimed invention as a whole would have been obvious before the effective filing date of the claimed invention to a person having ordinary skill in the art to which the claimed invention pertains” (35 U.S.C. §103).
In addition to these requirements, a patent must “contain a written description of the invention, and of the manner and process of making and using it, in such full, clear, concise, and exact terms as to enable any person skilled in the art to which it pertains, or with which it is most nearly connected, to make and use the same, and shall set forth the best mode contemplated by the inventor or joint inventor of carrying out the invention” (35 U.S.C. §112).
There are no requirements specific to pharmaceutical products or medical devices, but various claim-drafting structures and statutory requirements are commonly at issue in cases involving pharmaceuticals or medical devices.
In the wake of two 2012 US Supreme Court decisions regarding what constitutes patentable subject-matter, companies have sought to distinguish their inventions from laws of nature and unpatentable phenomena through narrower claim drafting. The case law in this area is evolving. As of the beginning of 2022, method-of-treatment claims involving treatment steps are patent-eligible even if they also recite diagnostic steps. Nonetheless, method-of-diagnostic claims remain patent-ineligible, while certain method-of-preparation claims have been held patent-eligible.
Patent protection is available for new uses of known compounds, processes, manufactures, etc, that satisfy the general requirements for patentability (including novelty and non-obviousness). As previously noted, claims may be directed to “methods of treatment”.
A new dosage regime may be patentable if it satisfies the requirements for patentability; however, such claims are often subject to obviousness challenges.
A claim could be directed to a method of treating a patient suffering from new disease X by administering an effective amount of known compound Y to the patient. A claim could also be directed to a method of treating a selected patient having disease X by administering compound Y at dose Z to the patient, wherein the selected patient is tested positive for a biomarker.
Direct or indirect infringers as well as inducers of infringement may be sued, although induced infringement can be found only when one “party” performs every step of a patent. In Limelight Networks Inc v Akamai Technologies Inc et al, the Supreme Court held that induced infringement can be found only when one party performs every step of a patent.
35 US Code §§ 154 and 156 address certain adjustments and extensions of patent term, with Section 156 being particularly applicable to drugs and biologics. Certain medical devices may also be eligible for patent-term extension; however, such devices must be reviewed and approved via pre-market approval. The FDA assists the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) in determining a product’s eligibility for patent-term restoration and provides information to the USPTO regarding a product’s regulatory review period. The USPTO is responsible for determining the period of extension, subject to statutory requirements.
A third party may file a due diligence petition challenging the FDA’s regulatory review period determination by alleging that an applicant for patent-term restoration did not act with due diligence in seeking FDA approval of the product during the regulatory review period.
Infringement may occur if the defendant has made, used, sold, offered to sell or imported an infringing invention or its equivalent. A generic applicant may file an ANDA, which allows that applicant to rely on the safety and efficacy studies supplied by the brand name manufacturer if the generic manufacturer shows that its generic product contains the same active ingredient as, and is bio-equivalent to, the brand-name drug listed in the Approved Drug Products with Therapeutic Equivalence Evaluations publication, commonly known as the “Orange Book”. In doing so, the generic applicant must make one of four certifications with respect to any patents associated with the drug. The fourth is that the “patent is invalid or will not be infringed by the manufacture, use, or sale of the new drug for which the application is submitted” (21 U.S.C. §355(j)(2)(A)(vii)). Such a “paragraph IV” certification is deemed a constructive act of infringement, and the patent-holder then has 45 days to file an infringement lawsuit against the ANDA applicant. If such a lawsuit is filed, the FDA generally may not grant final approval of the ANDA for 30 months after the filing date or until the ANDA filer prevails in litigation. If patent validity and infringement remain unresolved after the 30-month stay, the FDA may approve the ANDA.
The BPCIA provides a conceptually similar (though procedurally very different) framework by which the filing of a biosimilar application by an applicant is an artificial act of infringement giving rise to a statutorily prescribed process governing subsequent patent-infringement litigation and biosimilar regulatory approval. A BLA sponsor is required to provide certain patent information regarding the reference product to FDA within 30 days of when such information is provided to the biosimilar applicant as a part of the “patent dance.” The FDA is then required to include this patent information when it updates the Purple Book every 30 days. There is no equivalent statute and regime for medical devices.
For patent infringement, the threat of infringement can form the basis of a declaratory judgment action, which can examine the validity of patents and whether the action constitutes infringement. Because this action is brought by the alleged infringer, the alleged infringer can select the venue for the case, which can have great strategic value in US patent litigation. However, because many patent-owners desire to avoid a declaratory judgment action, notice letters and cease-and-desist letters are not as commonly used as in the past, and patent-litigation suits are often filed before the alleged infringer could claim that the threat of infringement exists.
Under 35 U.S.C. § 271(e)(1), it is not an act of infringement to make, use, offer to sell or sell within the USA or import into the USA a patented invention “solely for uses reasonably related to the development and submission of information under a federal law which regulates the manufacture, use, or sale of drugs or veterinary biological products”. In Merck KGaA v Integra Lifesciences I, Ltd, the US Supreme Court held that the statute exempts from infringement all uses of compounds that are reasonably related to submission of information to the government under any law regulating the manufacture, use or distribution of drugs. This safe harbour continues to be narrowed in recent District Court decisions. For example, in an early 2022 decision, the District Court of Delaware excluded the use of patented host cells to produce gene therapy product from safe-harbour protection, reasoning that the patented host cells are merely tools used in the preparation of the product to be approved.
Compulsory licences are available only in very specific situations, and generally not under patent law. For example, the US National Institutes of Health may, under certain circumstances, threaten to issue a compulsory licence if a licensee has failed to take effective steps to pursue the government-licensed invention or in certain scenarios involving public health need, but has never done so.
Typically, the patent-owner brings the suit alleging patent infringement. Depending on the wording of the licence agreement, an exclusive licensee may also have standing to enforce the licensed patent.
Remedies may include a temporary or permanent injunction, destruction of infringing articles, the award of damages (including the infringer’s profits) and, in certain limited circumstances, attorneys’ fees.
Patent litigation is much like other civil litigation in the federal district courts in the USA (including a very high settlement rate). First, the plaintiff files a complaint alleging infringement of one or more US patents. Then, the plaintiff serves the complaint on the defendant, who typically answers by alleging non-infringement and asserting defences such as patent invalidity and other equitable defences. Common invalidity defences include invalidity based on ineligible patentable subject-matter, combination of prior art references, and double patenting. The defendant may also assert a counterclaim, such as a declaratory judgment of non-infringement. The defendant may also file a motion to dismiss for improper venue in view of TC Heartland LLC v Kraft Food Group Brands LLC and Valeant Pharmaceuticals North America LLC v Mylan Pharmaceuticals Inc. A case-management conference regarding scheduling, among other matters, is required. Certain district courts may also have local patent rules that set forth additional requirements. Next, fact and expert discovery are conducted, which typically includes depositions, document requests, interrogatories, expert reports and the like. Often, a claim construction hearing (also known as a Markman hearing) occurs, in which the parties ask the court to interpret certain terms of claims in the patent(s) at issue. The parties also typically file various motions, such as a summary judgment motion of patent invalidity.
If the case proceeds, pre-trial briefing and then trial (by judge or jury) and post-trial practice occur. A jury may render an opinion as to whether the patent is invalid. An appeal may be taken to the Federal Circuit and then to the Supreme Court if the Supreme Court grants a petition for certiorari.
In addition to raising invalidity as a defence in court, a potential infringer (or any third party) can challenge the validity of a patent in proceedings before the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB). A “post-grant review” permits a person who is not the owner of a patent to challenge a patent’s validity on any ground that could be raised under §282(b)(2) or (3) no later than nine months after the date of the grant of the patent (35 U.S.C. §321). An “inter partes review” (IPR) may be requested by a person who is not the owner of a patent after the later of nine months after the grant of the patent or the termination of a post-grant review, if one has been instituted (35 U.S.C. §311(a), (c)), but may not be filed more than one year after the complainant has been served with a complaint alleging infringement. The validity of a patent subject to an IPR can only be challenged on a ground that could be raised under §§102 or 103, and only on the basis of prior art consisting of patents or printed publications (35 U.S.C. §311(b)).
In SAS Institute Inc v Iancu, the Supreme Court did away with the PTAB’s prior practice of “partial institutions” of IPR challenges – going forward, the PTAB must decide the validity of all challenged claims when it institutes review of a patent. In Arthrex v Smith & Nephew, Inc, the Supreme Court agreed with the Federal Circuit ruling that the statutory scheme for appointing PTAB Administrative Patent Judges (APJs) violated the Appointments Clause of the US Constitution but saved the IPR proceedings by providing the Director authority to review any final decisions unilaterally. The USPTO has since implemented an interim director review process to rehear cases.
As previously described, an ANDA filer must make one of four certifications with respect to any patents associated with the drug. It is possible that, after making a Paragraph IV certification, the patent-holder may elect not to file an infringement lawsuit. If the patent-holder does not bring suit, the FDA may approve the ANDA. An ANDA filer may not file a declaratory judgment suit during the 45-day period in which the patent-holder may elect to bring a suit. If the patent-holder files suit against the generic applicant within the 45-day period, the generic may file a declaratory judgment counterclaim, as long as an actual case or controversy continues to exist. A generic drug-maker may be able to request correction or delisting of a patent claim from the Orange Book as part of a counterclaim or non-infringement declaratory judgment action.
An ANDA filer and the patent-holder may also reach a licensing or other agreement, although such “reverse payment” settlements can be subject to antitrust scrutiny.
The phrase “clearing the way” is not a term of art in US patent law, but a generic drug manufacturer may launch “at risk” if patent validity and infringement remain unresolved after the 30-month stay and the FDA approves its ANDA. In such cases, the generic may be liable for damages if the patent(s)-in-suit are ultimately held to be valid and infringed.
An NDA includes patent information for listing in the FDA Orange Book and the FDA considers patent listing as part of the approval process for brand drug applications. If a patent that covers the drug exists and is listed, marketing approval will not be granted to a generic until the patent has expired or is found to be invalid or not infringed.
Trade-mark and trade-dress owners can sue manufacturers and sellers of counterfeit pharmaceuticals and medical devices for infringement. Additionally, a general exclusion order can be sought in the International Trade Commission (ITC), which can help to combat counterfeits that are being imported into the USA. Under the general exclusion order, any such infringing articles would be seized at the border by customs.
The possession, trafficking, and purchasing of counterfeit pharmaceuticals and medical devices can also be criminally actionable on the federal or state level.
Other than general trade-mark requirements, the controls on trade marks are usually regulatory in nature. For example, trade marks that could be deemed claims must not be false or misleading, ie, may not misbrand the product. In addition for prescription drugs, the trade-marked brand name – known as the “proprietary name” – is subject to approval by the FDA as part of the drug and biologic approval process. This is done to ensure that it does not misbrand or create a risk of medical errors.
Trade-dress protection is available for colour, shape (including pill shape) A “US adopted name” (USAN), which is a non-proprietary name reviewed by the World Health Organization, is necessary to market a pharmaceutical in the USA. The USPTO reviews and registers federal trade marks (pursuant to the Lanham Act). In doing so, the USPTO considers the likelihood of confusion with other marks and whether the mark is distinctive, along with whether the mark is a surname, likeness, geographically descriptive of the origin of the goods, disparaging or offensive, a foreign term that translates to a descriptive or generic term or is purely ornamental. The US Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (TTAB) hears petitions related to the status of trade marks (including their cancellation). The TTAB may cancel a mark if it finds that a registrant was using the mark to misrepresent the source of the corresponding goods, or differences with prior marks do not offset the likelihood of confusion.
The FDA has authority under the FD&C Act to determine whether a pharmaceutical is “misbranded” – ie, “its labelling is false or misleading in any particular” (21 U.S.C. § 352(a)), which can be due to the proprietary name of the product, which the FDA must approve as part of the drug application.
The Lanham Act and the Tariff Act may provide a basis to bring claims in a federal district court against parallel importers for damages and injunctive relief. Any resulting injunction would be enforced through the federal courts rather than the Customs and Border Patrol. Sometimes, the district court action is stayed pending the outcome of an International Trade Commission (ITC) proceeding.
Parallel importation may violate Section 337 of the Tariff Act, which grants the ITC jurisdiction to investigate claims of trade-mark infringement. The ITC cannot award damages but can issue exclusion orders that are enforced by the Customs and Border Patrol. The ITC can bar the importation of items that infringe US trade marks, copyrights or patents.
Customs and Border Patrol works with the FDA to prevent parallel import. Trade mark-owners typically contact the FDA and then the FDA contacts the Customs and Border Patrol.
Trade dress protection is available for colour, shape (including pill shape) and packaging that identifies the source of the product and otherwise distinguishes the product but is not purely functional or likely to be confused with the trade dress of another product.
For pharmaceuticals, under the Hatch-Waxman Act described previously, there is a period of data exclusivity of five years from the date of approval of data exclusivity for new chemical entities, and a period of data exclusivity of three years from the date of approval for supplemental applications, incorporating clinical studies sponsored by the applicant that are essential to the approval. The first approved biologic may be subject to 12 years of exclusivity, but subsequent supplemental applications for the product will not accrue additional exclusivity without clinically meaningful changes to the structure of the product. Such periods can run irrespective of, but concurrent with, any patent term associated with the drug or treatment using the drug.
Other exclusivities are available for designated orphan drugs (seven years of market exclusivity), designated Qualified Infectious Disease Products (five years of additive exclusivity), 180 days (first generic applicant filing a patent certification), and satisfying paediatric study requests (six months of additive exclusivity).
There is no exclusivity framework for medical devices, and 510(k)-cleared devices may be designated as predicate devices immediately upon clearance. However, subsequent applicants for a class III device generally may not rely on data in PMA-approved medical device products.
The FDA relaxed various regulatory requirements relating to COVID-19 countermeasures, as well as FDA-regulated product generally. Many of these policies were intended to provide some flexibility, given the limitations of virtual interactions and similar constraints. A complete directory of the various FDA policies in this area can be found on the FDA website.
The FDA issued and has periodically updated an extensive guidance entitled Conduct of Clinical Trials of Medical Products During the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency, found at
After the issuance of a declaration of a national emergency, the FDA has utilised existing authority to permit unapproved medical products or approved medical products for unapproved uses to be manufactured and distributed under specific conditions and labelling during the period of a declared pandemic or other health emergency. The FDA has issued hundreds of such Emergency Use Authorizations (EUAs) for COVID-19-related therapeutics, devices, diagnostics, and vaccines. These EUAs are only in effect during the period specified in the emergency declaration and an additional time-period specified for ensuring proper disposition of the product. An EUA does not substitute for (and is not intended to delay) applications for actual clearance or approval, and the agency can revoke or terminate an EUA at any time.
The FDA does not provide separate certifications for manufacturing, but rather inspects facilities both prior to product approval/licensure and then on a periodic or for-cause basis. While now actively inspecting, the FDA has faced considerable difficulties in accomplishing inspections during the COVID-19 emergencies and had been relying largely on record reviews and other measures where inspections were deemed too risky, given the pandemic. This has resulted in delays in approval of products and supplements in certain cases, and a large backlog.
The Trump Administration had imposed restrictions on the export of masks and other protective equipment, which was modified over time due to a significant backlash, and also prioritised US citizens in the distribution of US-made vaccines. The Biden Administration modified those policies to focus on ensuring an adequate US supply of vaccines and diagnostics, with a selective use of the Defense Production Act, which puts the US government at the “front of the line” as a customer. More generally, there is an ongoing policy debate, subject to some legislation to date, about ensuring a more secure and domestic supply chain for products needed during an emergency.
There has been an extensive relaxation of limitations on virtual and telemedicine interactions during the pandemic, as well as policies fostering the use of digital devices to address public health needs during the pandemic. See the FDA website for further details.
Under the Bayh-Dole Act, the US government has very limited “march-in” rights with respect to intellectual property licensed from the government. To date, despite some controversies over the use of government intellectual property and pressures due to COVID-19 product pricing, this authority has not been utilised. Unrelated to COVID-19, at this time, the National Institutes of Health is reportedly considering another petition for such a “march-in” on government-licensed patents for a drug product.
The 2005 Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act, which has been invoked in a declaration in the case of COVID-19, provides immunity for the manufacture, testing, development, distribution, administration and use of specific covered counter-measures against threats such as COVID-19. Individuals who suffer injuries from administration or use of products covered by the PREP Act’s immunity provisions may seek redress from the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP), which is administered by the Health Resources and Services Administration. Immunity protections are broad, and contrary state and local laws and rulings are widely pre-empted; practically, the only time a manufacturer of a COVID-19 counter-measure would not benefit from PREP Act immunity would be if a suit were brought in the US District Court for the District of Columbia by a plaintiff who has suffered a serious injury or death, has rejected a payment from the fund (which is not currently funded for COVID-19-related claims), and has demonstrated by clear and convincing evidence that the manufacturer engaged in “wilful misconduct,” as defined in the statute.
Existing provisions have been used and new ones introduced to allow the requisition or conversion of manufacturing resources due to COVID-19. The Defense Production Act (DPA) is the primary source of Presidential authorities to expedite and expand the supply of materials and services from the US industrial base, including for certain emergency preparedness activities, and protection or restoration of critical infrastructure. Under the DPA, the government can impose “rated” or “priority orders,” pursuant to which the President may compel companies to accept and prioritise contracts for supplies critical to national defence. These orders also flow down the recipient’s supply chain, such that subcontractors or suppliers must also prioritise the rated order over competing obligations. The government can also impose “allocation orders” to compel industry, on a proportional basis, to allocate resources, for example by reserving manufacturing capability or supplies in anticipation of a rated order or allocating manufacturing capability to a particular purpose. Failure to comply with a DPA order carries a criminal penalty. These authorities have been invoked with respect to certain diagnostic, personal protection equipment, and vaccine production capacity in the US. In other cases, the US government has funded the development of additional production capacity, such as for vaccine vials.
As previously noted, during the pandemic the government has utilised a wide variety of public procurement and funding strategies for needed medical counter-measures, some of them unprecedented and based upon emergency authorities.
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Over the past two years, the COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on the life sciences industry. In many cases, the pandemic accelerated change already under way, and in other cases reoriented it, giving rise to a surge in collaborations, increased adoption in decentralised clinical trials and a shift towards supplier diversification. Today, many life sciences companies are more collaborative, more digital and more focused on pandemic preparedness than they likely would have been without the pandemic. As the pandemic turns endemic and new variants emerge, emerging trends and developments in the biotechnology, pharmaceutical, medical device and digital health sectors for the year ahead will be examined in this article.
Biotech investment activity reached record levels in 2020 and 2021, but the outlook for 2022 remains uncertain. In 2021, large amounts of capital flowed into the industry through venture financings, initial public offerings (IPOs) and de-SPAC (SPAC – special-purpose acquisition company) mergers. Newly public biotech companies debuted on public markets through 78 traditional IPOs and 13 SPAC IPOs, raising an estimated USD14 billion. However, in 2022, biotech companies are encountering a more competitive public financing market. The benchmark biotech exchange-traded funds (ETF) ticker, XBI, started the year down 25%. Nearly 80% of the class of 2021 IPO companies are trading below their offering price. As of mid-February 2022, there have been just 13 IPOs and two SPAC IPOs, significantly fewer than from the same time last year, and an indicator of slower investment activity. This year, deal activity will likely remain strong for licensing and collaborations, and M&A activity may increase as biotech companies seek alternative exits to public offerings. In addition to the macro-economic factors affecting markets, biotech deal activity is also likely to be impacted by regulatory risk and operational issues.
Despite a slow start in new investment activity in 2022, the number of licensing and collaborations between biotech companies, including partnerships between biotech and large pharmaceutical companies, are expected to remain robust. This includes the traditional worldwide, all-fields licensing and collaboration deals, but also more regional licensing, co-development and co-commercialisation deals. There are a few primary drivers of this trend. First, weakness in the capital markets has caused biotech companies to delay going public and instead to partner-off assets in order to raise cash in what used to be considered non-dilutive financings. Further, large capital inflows over the past few years have allowed some biotech companies to develop products independently to a later, more de-risked stage that is likely to be more attractive to potential large pharmaceutical partners. Finally, the continuing rise of platform technologies also contributes to the strong number of discovery-stage partnership deals. Such technologies have broad applicability, which lend themselves to many licensing deals with a narrowly defined scope.
Biotech M&A deal activity in 2022 will likely increase from last year, but it is too early to tell to what degree this will happen. M&A will appeal to established pharmaceutical companies looking to add later-stage assets. Lower biotech company valuations will further facilitate deal-making this year. Pharmaceutical companies with strong cash-flows from successful COVID-19 therapies and vaccines are also expected to add to and diversify their pipelines through strategic mergers. One factor that may suppress biotech M&A activity is an unwillingness of biotech boards to approve a merger. This is particularly likely in an environment where board members believe stock values are temporarily depressed and where the company has sufficient cash to weather the rocky financing markets.
Although not as common in recent years, it is expected that more reverse-merger activity in the biotech space will be seen, due to the uncommon situation of many newly public biotech companies and comparatively low valuations. A number of biotech companies are trading below cash value, meaning companies have more cash on hand than the company’s market capitalisation. These companies are attractive acquisition targets and create an environment ripe for reverse mergers, in which a private company becomes a public company by purchasing control of the public company. The private biotech company potentially adds to its drug pipeline from the acquisition and obtains the public biotech company’s cash, potentially with a concurrent private investment in public equity (PIPE) financing to bolster the balance sheet further.
Increased federal regulation may play a role in biotech deals in 2022, particularly with respect to the fast-growing Chinese biotech market. US-China trade tensions have continued to be an ongoing issue. Since the start of the pandemic, governments across the world have also moved to more protectionist postures with respect to domestic healthcare industries. More recently, the US federal government added two subsidiaries of WuXi Biologics – a prominent Chinese contract development and manufacturer – to its Unverified List. The Unverified List is a list administered by the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) within the US Commerce Department. For a party on the Unverified List, export licences are required to transfer certain items to that party. The Unverified List designation is not as expansive as other methods the federal government uses for restricting exports; however, it does impose additional restrictions. US companies engaging in deals with a party on the Unverified List that require a transfer of materials should be aware of the restrictions and take appropriate steps to comply with regulations. An environment of increased biotech trade scrutiny, combined with a recent Department of Justice crackdown on foreign researchers in the US, presents more uncertainty and regulatory risk for US-Chinese biotech tie-ups.
Operational issues, including supply chains, will remain a focus for biotech in 2022. Amidst supply-chain uncertainty, biotech companies continue to search for alternative sourcing options and assurances of supply in existing supplier relationships. Digital supply chains have increased transparency, aiding in companies’ planning ability for continuity of supply. However, growth in personalised medicine, such as cell and gene therapies, has further pressured supply chains. These therapies require more sophisticated supply chains because of the individualised treatments and the nature of the products, including sensitivity to environmental factors, specialised storage and time constraints.
Another operational challenge biotech companies continue to face is talent acquisition and retention, particularly in the ranks of top executives. The supply of talented individuals has not kept pace with the industry’s growth, and the battle for talent has driven up compensation packages significantly. The number of individuals moving from academic research to industry also reflects this demand for talent, as many look to translate their research knowledge toward the pursuit of new commercial therapies.
The pharmaceutical sector is emerging from the pandemic with new techniques and innovations. The success of the mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccines has inspired developments, both with new target diseases and new methods of delivery. Already, three major companies – Moderna, Pfizer, and Sanofi – have begun clinical trials of mRNA-based vaccines for influenza. In late February, Moderna announced three new mRNA vaccine targets, including herpes simplex, varicella-zoster virus, skin cancer and non-small cell lung carcinoma. Pfizer, too, is researching mRNA vaccines for varicella-zoster. Progress is visible, not just in targets of mRNA vaccines but also their delivery. The cold-storage requirements for mRNA vaccines posed a problem throughout the pandemic, but in late February, MIT researchers reported preliminary success with an mRNA vaccine swallowed in pill form.
Nevertheless, this focus on mRNA vaccines furthers the division between those with access to medicine and those without. Many countries struggled to obtain supplies of mRNA vaccines for their citizens, and even when they did, the cold-storage conditions required proved a logistical challenge. In mid-February, the WHO said it would work with six countries in Africa to receive the technology required to produce mRNA vaccines in the hope of boosting global accessibility. In this announcement, WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus warned that reliance upon a small number of powerful companies to supply necessary goods is “limiting and dangerous.”
This emphasis on global production of vaccines lays the groundwork for the growing market sector of pandemic preparedness. Companies and governments alike are ensuring that, when and if the next pandemic strikes, they will have the ability rapidly to produce mRNA-based vaccines independently and not need to rely on others. National Resilience, a company led by former Novavax CEO and COO of Takeda Vaccines, brands itself as specialising in bio-pharmaceutical manufacturing preparedness in the face of disruption. Having only launched in 2020, it has already amassed USD800 million and acquired several laboratory facilities. Moderna has announced a vaccine-production partnership with the Canadian government, using National Resilience’s Ontario facilities as a manufacturing base, as well as a separate partnership with the Australian government towards building an mRNA manufacturing facility in Victoria. Many in the field expect that these types of partnerships will increase as more countries aim for self-sufficiency in the face of disaster.
Tempering the heady rush of vaccine success is the depressed rate of clinical trial enrolment, which has fallen since 2020. As one source reports, 80% of current trials do not enrol within target enrolment timeframes, and 55% of terminated trials cite low patient enrolment as the primary reason. The scientific community is beginning to report data on just how depressed rates have been. In lung cancer clinical trials, enrolment declined 14% worldwide during the pandemic. The pandemic impacted every aspect of enrolment, resulting in lower numbers of eligible patients, a decrease in protocol compliance, institutional suspension of trials and patient inability to travel to sites due to travel restrictions or fear of on-site infection.
Nevertheless, researchers are finding creative ways around lowered trial enrolment: clinical trials are increasingly being conducted remotely. Rather than relying upon physician recruiters at academic hospitals, large companies increasingly manage subject outreach and recruitment independently. Furthermore, principal investigators are relying upon improved machine learning as a tool of both enrolment and experimentation, to manage clinical trial matching and to operate on large data sets. Moreover, in pursuit of larger and more representative samples, researchers are using novel recruiting methods to target under-studied populations. Would-be subjects in geographically rural areas, who formerly could not travel to academic medical centres in cities, can now be reached via trials run in national pharmacies, online, or via telehealth or even home-nursing visits.
Despite their promise, decentralised clinical trials present problems integral to the nature of remotely conducted studies. First, failing to ensure standard format and delivery potentially introduces noise into experimental set-ups, particularly for behavioural interventions. In addition, certain kinds of measures cannot be collected remotely. Furthermore, researchers operating in this fashion have found it “burdensome” to upload staggering data files to be shared virtually. Regulatory concerns are also afoot, from worries about the cross-state practice of medicine to oversight of at-home clinician visits. Shipping drugs across state lines has posed concern as well, although shipping companies such as Amazon have begun obtaining pharmacy licences in multiple states. Despite these concerns, some are calling remote-trial enrolment a new standard. It is expected that more researchers will make use of this tool, where appropriate, in the coming years. As this unfolds, a reckoning between the ease of remote trials to obtain larger and more representative sample sizes, on the one hand, and the challenges of standardising experiments, on the other, is predicted. Remote trials may prove better adapted to certain fields of research than to others.
Under the public’s watchful gaze, the FDA has been slowly returning to normal, though delays are still rampant. In 2021, the FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research approved 50 novel molecular entities and therapeutic biological products. This may represent a return to pre-pandemic times; the onset of the pandemic caused novel drug approvals to dip from 59 in 2018 to 48 in 2019, with 2020 showing stabilisation at 53. The five-year average approval for novel drugs is 51 drugs per year. 2021 was also a year when the FDA periodically missed review deadlines. Whereas the FDA reviewed 98% of Prescription Drug User Fee Act (PDUFA) applications on time in the third quarter of 2020, that figure was only 91% for 2021, sometimes significantly setting back companies’ development plans. These delays arguably represent a shift away from the period of emergency-use authorisations and back to the methodical evaluations for which the agency is known – and to a focus on conditions other than COVID-19.
As pharmaceuticals and their production become more complex, the somersaults involved in pharma licensing also evolve. Emerging modalities, such as mRNA and gene editing, involve many sources of intellectual property that must be in-licensed and that cover numerous areas of the product. Practitioners have seen an increased focus in transactions upon manufacturing relationships, as well as more royalty-stacking. Increasingly, sub-licence income clauses of collaboration or licensing agreements spur litigation and arbitration to interpret their sharing provisions.
Despite these developments, the attitude coming out of the recent J.P. Morgan Conference, as well as that reported by numerous practitioners, is that the pharma sector is returning to business as usual. Overall indications are that the sector may return from the pandemic to an even healthier state than before, with a better public reputation and more innovative research techniques and products.
Medical Devices
Global supply-chain challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic continue to raise concern for medical device companies and are likely to persist in 2022. With the anticipated emergence of new COVID-19 variants, government authorities may continue to impose certain restrictions, such as closing shipping ports, which may lead to disruptions and logistical challenges for medical device companies, especially those that rely on foreign suppliers.
The medical device sector is further burdened by increasing inflation rates for raw materials and a shortage of critical materials, such as semiconductor chips. Medical device companies are likely to continue diversifying their supplier networks by establishing relationships with multiple vendors. In the context of mergers and acquisitions, parties may address potential supply issues by including interim operating covenants that would allow the seller to respond to potential supply-chain disruptions by taking actions outside the ordinary course of business. The FDA has also taken action to combat supply-chain issues by dedicating USD21.6 million of its fiscal year 2022 budget to establish the Resilient Supply Chain and Shortage Prevention Program (RSCSPP) in the Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH). The RSCSPP is charged with fortifying the domestic medical device supply chain through preventive action, expeditious interventions, continual monitoring, and review and discovery of potential deficits.
The demand for certain classes of medical devices has varied significantly due to the ever-changing healthcare system during the pandemic. With respect to COVID-19 diagnostics specifically, the demand for both clinic and at-home tests skyrocketed and shows no sign of abating. Demand for remote monitoring devices continues its positive trend, with the emergence of new wearable devices that provide patient health data to healthcare-providers remotely. In contrast, the demand for certain orthopedic and cardiovascular devices has temporarily declined in certain geographies, due to the re-establishment of moratoriums on certain elective procedures.
Outside the US, new EU regulations such as the Medical Devices Regulation (MDR) and In Vitro Diagnostics Regulation (IVDR) are expected to have a significant impact on the business models of medical device companies in Europe. The IVDR, which comes into effect in May 2022, replaces the current In Vitro Diagnostic Directive and modifies the regulatory framework for in vitro medical devices and the approval process for obtaining CE-mark and marketing products in Europe. Specifically, the IVDR calls for increased activity by conformity assessment bodies used to monitor device compliance independently prior to such a device reaching the European market. Under the IVDR, approximately 80% of in vitro diagnostic medical devices, as opposed to 20% under the prior directive, will be subject to conformity assessment bodies. The IVDR’s more complex requirements and anticipated lengthier approval process may alter the strategy medical device companies use to launch products – from launching first in Europe, to the US instead. The MDR, which came into effect last year, also introduced more complex regulatory requirements for both new and existing medical devices in the European market by requiring more detailed technical documentation provided with devices. The MDR is challenging because of the increased resources and costs needed to meet medical device compliance, which some surveys estimate could result in expenses between 5% and 10% of a company’s annual revenue. This added expense may necessitate that certain medical device companies, particularly those smaller or less prepared, will have to offset these costs elsewhere, which may include delaying or terminating new product offerings.
Digital Health
2021 was a record-setting year in digital health, with funding of nearly USD30 billion across over 700 deals and over 270 M&A transactions. It is expected that interest in digital health and health IT tools will only continue in 2022, as changes precipitated by both the COVID-19 pandemic and the increased interest of consumers in managing their own health are likely here to stay.
Development and adoption of digital health innovations are accelerating, in large part due to a persistent shortage of physicians, nurses and other skilled healthcare workers. The pandemic has exacerbated pre-existing stressors in the medical field, leading to widespread burn-out, turnover, rising salaries for nurses, and a failure to return to pre-pandemic rates of treatment and utilisation for many conditions. Even as the Omicron wave has peaked and case rates are dropping, it is unlikely that personnel shortages and the increased costs associated with retaining staff will decrease, leaving healthcare systems scrambling for methods to increase efficiency and deliver asynchronous remote care.
While telehealth utilisation rates have dropped from their peak during the first six months of the pandemic, rates are still significantly higher than pre-pandemic. Multiple states have allowed their public-health emergency (PHE) declarations to lapse, and with them executive orders which permitted out-of-state professionals to offer telehealth services to state residents. Some states have since issued new PHE declarations and reinstated licensure waivers, while other states such as Arizona, West Virginia and Connecticut have enacted laws making regulatory waivers surrounding telehealth enacted during the pandemic permanent. The continued growth of the Interstate Medical Licensure Compact, which currently includes 33 states, the District of Columbia and Guam, creates increased flexibility and opportunities for licensure by out-of-state professionals.
There is also a Congressional push for making Medicare telehealth expansions permanent, a move which would greatly decrease uncertainty for telehealth providers. While telehealth providers will need to monitor evolving trends in licensure and regulation continually, telehealth will continue to be an important and lucrative treatment modality.
Also continuing from 2021 is an increasing convergence of medical devices, mobile apps and wearables. Increasing consumer demand for health and wellness technologies not only expands the market for these medical devices, but also the valuable digital biomarkers collected by these devices and programmes. As the data collected, stored and analysed by firms becomes even more voluminous, so does the value of these databases and associated risks. Cybersecurity and data privacy will be top concerns for firms in 2022, especially considering regulatory initiatives, such as the Federal Trade Commission's (FTC’s) intention to enforce the Health Breach Notification Rule against non-HIPAA regulated entities.
Many of these new wearables, medical devices and mobile apps will include elements of both artificial intelligence (AI) and machine-learning (ML) technologies. As these technologies are increasingly utilised, new regulations from the FDA will help clarify the legal landscape. Important developments expected by the end of the year include draft guidance on Clinical Decision Support Software, as well as more general FDA guidance on the development of AI and ML functions by the FDA Digital Health Center of Excellence.
The greater prevalence of wearables and mobile health devices will also increase urgency for the FDA to finalise a framework for the use of real-world data (data generated outside of clinical trials by doctors and patients), as mandated by the 21st Century Cures Act. The FDA has showed increased comfort with real-world data collected during the pandemic to evaluate potential treatment options and has already released two documents of draft guidance for the use of real-world evidence for drug and biological products. Devices used to collect real-world data and the AI-based systems used to analyse that data will drive growth in the digital health space and offer firms looking to bring drugs and biologicals to market new methods of gathering data for regulatory approval.
It is expected that digital health innovations will rely on continued advances in inter-operability and security in cloud platforms, which enable the secure transfer and sharing of healthcare data. Systems that enable the secure collection and dissemination of data for use in remote decentralised trial designs, training of AI and ML programmes and the creation and maintenance of patient records that can be easily accessed across platforms will continue to pose complex legal and regulatory issues. US regulatory regimes are only one part of this tapestry; given the desire of many firms to operate in the European Union, ensuring that new and rapidly evolving digital health data collection and analysis platforms comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will continue to be vital. Firms will need to continue taking measures to protect against ransomware, conduct cybersecurity risk analyses and ensure that individuals have access to their electronic health data.
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