As the second largest fund market in the world after the US, Luxembourg has earned itself a reputation for stability, a business-friendly environment and excellence in the provision of services to the investment management industry. The world’s leading asset managers have chosen Luxembourg as a centre for their international fund ranges, and Luxembourg regulated funds are now distributed in more than 81 countries throughout the world. Luxembourg had approximately EUR5.6 trillion in assets under management as of March 2022, with private equity as the fastest growing asset class by the end of 2021.
Since the first UCITS Directive in 1985, Luxembourg has been at the forefront of the implementation of European financial legislation, showing an ability to evolve and adapt quickly to changing requirements. There now exists a wide choice of vehicles, allowing managers to structure a fund (both alternative investment funds (AIFs) and retail funds) in Luxembourg that best suits their own needs as well as the needs of their investors.
The success of Luxembourg as a financial centre is testament to the strong regulatory and operational environment that Luxembourg has created. Its willingness to adapt to change will ensure that over the coming years, the industry will continue to thrive.
The principal legal vehicles used to set up alternative funds in Luxembourg are the following.
RAIFs, Part II UCIs, SIFs, SICARs and SLPs that have designated an AIFM established in the European Economic Area (EEA) can market their shares, units or limited partnership interests to professional investors throughout the EEA pursuant to the specific notification procedure provided for by the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (AIFMD).
Each Part II UCI, SIF, SICAR and RAIF may be established as an umbrella fund allowing creation of multiple compartments. This option is not available to the unregulated SLP.
Any of these vehicles, which are set up in the form of an FCP, issues units. Those in corporate form issue shares, and those in the form of partnerships issue limited partnership interests.
The Part II UCI, the SIF and the SICAR are subject to authorisation by the CSSF prior to establishment. An application file must be submitted to the CSSF consisting of at least the following documents (there are certain ancillary documents and the CSSF may always request further information):
The RAIF is not subject to approval by the CSSF, but the following documents will still be required:
The SLP is frequently structured as an unregulated AIF, which is not authorised and not regulated by the CSSF. There is no requirement to have an offering document, though one is frequently prepared for marketing reasons. The limited partnership agreement is the key document for an SLP. Given there is no approval process at the CSSF, the set-up time is shorter for the RAIF and the SLP.
However, for all vehicles, time for due diligence performed by the service providers as well as time to complete bank account opening processes needs to be factored into the establishment process.
The largest set-up costs are generally legal costs, though service providers also sometimes charge a set-up or onboarding fee. In addition, there are fees payable to the CSSF for regulated funds. For a Part II UCI, SIF and SICAR, the CSSF charges an examination fee and an annual fee for its supervisory activity. The fee amount differs depending on whether the fund is a standalone or an umbrella fund, and on whether it is self-managed or not. For example, the examination fee for a standalone Part II UCI, SIF or SICAR is EUR4,650, whereas for an umbrella fund it is EUR9,250.
The liability of an investor is generally limited to its commitment or subscription to the fund. No particular reporting requirements attach to this.
For a Part II UCI, SIF, RAIF and SICAR a prospectus or offering document and an audited annual report must be made available to investors. A PRIIPs KID must also be made available if the fund is to be marketed to retail investors.
The Part II UCI must also prepare a semi-annual report.
For an SLP there are no specific disclosure requirements unless it has appointed a fully authorised AIFM, in which case it is obliged to also prepare audited annual accounts.
Pursuant to the AIFMD, certain disclosures must be made to investors in the offering documents of those funds managed by an AIFM.
In addition, regulated vehicles (SIF, SICAR and Part II UCI) are subject to periodic reporting to the CSSF for statistical and oversight purposes.
Finally, any fund vehicles which are managed by a fully authorised AIFM will be indirectly subject to the Annex IV reporting required to be submitted to the CSSF, pursuant to the AIFMD.
There has been an increased demand for access to alternative investment funds in recent years. Investors are seeking more diversification than that offered by retail funds. Well-informed and institutional investors represent the majority of investors in alternative investment funds in Luxembourg, though there has been a trend towards retailisation of AIFs.
The legal structure used will depend on the type and location of the investors, as well as the nature of the investment. SIFs, SICARs and RAIFs are intended for well-informed investors, and Part II UCIs are often used if there is an intention to target retail investors.
Increasingly, unregulated RAIFs or SLPs (managed by an authorised AIFM) are used as they offer more certainty in terms of time to market.
SIFs, SICARs and RAIFs are restricted to investment by well-informed investors. The Part II UCI can be marketed to both professional and retail investors in Luxembourg. There are no restrictions under Luxembourg law on who the limited partnership interests of an SLP can be sold to. However, for marketing in other jurisdictions, the AIFMD marketing passport will only allow marketing of the interests in an SLP to professional investors.
Pursuant to the Law of 12 July 2013 on alternative investment fund managers (the “AIFM Law”), authorised AIFMs established in Luxembourg, in another EEA member state or in a third country are authorised to market AIFs they manage to retail investors in Luxembourg, provided certain conditions are met, as follows.
The regulatory regime applicable to an alternative investment fund differs depending on the type of fund. All AIFs are indirectly subject to the provisions of the AIFM Law. The extent to which the AIFM Law is applicable depends on whether they are managed by a fully authorised AIFM or a registered AIFM.
The Part II UCI is subject to investment restrictions and risk diversification rules arising from the Law of 17 December 2010 on undertakings for collective investment (the “UCI Law”) and various implementing CSSF circulars. For example, generally a Part II UCI:
These general investment restrictions do not apply to Part II UCIs which are fund of fund structures, if the investment funds, in which the Part II UCI shall invest, are open-ended and themselves subject to similar general investment restrictions. In addition, these general investment restrictions do not apply to Part II UCIs which are either mainly investing in venture capital, real estate or pursuing alternative investment strategies.
Part II UCIs may in principle borrow the equivalent of up to 25% of their net assets without restriction as to the intended use thereof.
Part II UCIs which are mainly investing in real estate may borrow the equivalent of up to an average of 50% of the valuation of all their properties.
Borrowings of Part II UCIs which are mainly pursuing alternative investment strategies (hedge funds) may be up to 400%.
For SIFs there are no asset restrictions, but the SIF may not invest more than 30% of its assets or commitments in securities of the same type issued by the same issuer.
A RAIF that has chosen the SIF regime is subject to similar rules.
The SICAR is obliged to invest its funds in assets representing risk capital, but is not subject to any diversification rules. A RAIF that has chosen the SICAR regime is subject to the same rules.
In general, the SLP is not subject to any investment restrictions or risk diversification rules.
AIFs may choose one of the EU labels such as EUVECA, EUSEF or ELTIF, in which case they will also be governed by the rules applicable to those regimes.
Luxembourg AIFs may be managed by an AIFM based in a member state of the EEA. If an AIFM established in another member state intends to market units or shares of an EEA AIF that it manages to professional investors in Luxembourg, the competent authorities of the home member state of the AIFM must transmit the notification file to the CSSF.
For RAIFs, SIFs, SICARs and Part II UCIs, the respective depositary must either have its registered office in Luxembourg or have a branch there if its registered office is in another EU member state. The central administration of these entities must be located in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.
Foreign investment fund managers with the appropriate licence may act as administrator for non-regulated funds in Luxembourg (eg, SLPs). This was recently clarified by CSSF Circular 22/811.
Part II UCIs, SIFs or RAIFs established in the form of an FCP must appoint a Luxembourg AIFM.
AIFs in corporate or partnership form can appoint an AIFM established anywhere in the EEA.
In order to manage a Luxembourg fund, such AIFMs must provide a notification to their home supervisory authority, who will transmit it to the CSSF.
The portfolio management of Luxembourg AIFs can be delegated to managers situated in third countries, provided that in the case of regulated funds such delegation is subject to the prior approval of the CSSF.
AIFMs which intend to delegate to third parties the task of carrying out functions on their behalf must notify the supervisory authorities of their home member state before the delegation arrangements become effective.
The approval process usually takes between three to six months and is dependent on a number of factors. These include:
Pursuant to the AIFM Law, an AIFM established in another member state and that is pre-marketing or intending to pre-market an AIF to professional investors in Luxembourg must notify the supervisory authority of its home country (the CSSF in the case of Luxembourg AIFMs):
Information presented to potential professional investors in the context of pre-marketing:
The AIFM must ensure that professional investors do not acquire units or shares in an AIF through pre-marketing, and that investors contacted as part of pre-marketing may only acquire units or shares in that AIF after the formal marketing notification.
Any subscription by professional investors, within 18 months of the AIFM having begun pre-marketing, to units or shares of an AIF referred to in the information provided in the context of pre-marketing, or of an AIF established as a result of the pre-marketing, shall be considered to be the result of marketing and shall be subject to the applicable notification procedures (see 2.3.8 Marketing Authorisation/Notification Process).
AIFMs marketing AIFs in Luxembourg must comply with the provisions of the AIFMD. Where another firm is marketing in Luxembourg, it could be considered to be carrying out an activity of the financial sector and should thus be licensed or otherwise authorised to do so pursuant to the Law of 5 April 1993 on the financial sector. Firms from other EU member states with the appropriate licence pursuant to the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID) would be authorised to carry out distribution activities in Luxembourg.
All marketing communications will need to comply with the requirements of Article 4 of Regulation 2019/1156 on facilitating cross-border distribution of collective investment undertakings. CSSF Circular 22/795 stipulates that Luxembourg AIFMs must provide the CSSF with information regarding marketing communications, and the CSSF will conduct testing to verify their compliance with the applicable requirements under Article 4.
SIFs, SICARs and RAIFs are reserved for and can only be marketed to well-informed investors in Luxembourg. Well-informed investors are institutional investors, professional investors or any other investors who meet the following conditions:
Part II UCIs can be marketed to any type of investors (both retail and well-informed investors).
In addition to the above restrictions, EEA AIFs managed by an authorised AIFM can be marketed to professional investors in Luxembourg pursuant to Article 32 of the AIFMD.
As previously discussed, in certain circumstances authorised AIFMs may market non-Luxembourg AIFs to retail investors in Luxembourg.
European Venture Capital funds (EuVECAs) and European Social Entrepreneurship Funds (EUSEFs) governed by Regulation (EU) No 345/2013 and Regulation (EU) No 346/2013 respectively, can be marketed to professional investors and other investors, provided that each investor:
An AIFM wishing to market to professional investors in Luxembourg must submit a notification to the competent authorities of its home member state (the CSSF for Luxembourg AIFMs) in respect of each EEA AIF that it intends to market. This does not apply to Luxembourg AIFMs marketing Luxembourg regulated funds. The notification must comprise certain information, including:
The competent authorities of the home member state of the AIFM should, no later than 20 working days after the date of receipt, transmit the complete notification file to the CSSF. From the date of notification of such transmission, marketing can begin.
Those AIFMs wishing to market non-Luxembourg AIFs to retail investors must follow the detailed rules laid down in CSSF Regulation 15-03 on the marketing of foreign alternative investment funds to retail investors in Luxembourg. Prior to marketing its units or shares to retail investors in Luxembourg, any foreign AIF must have obtained an authorisation for such marketing by the CSSF.
Material Changes
In the event of a material change in the information contained in its original marketing notification file, an AIFM must provide written notice of this change to its home state competent authority (the CSSF in the case of Luxembourg AIFMs), by resubmitting a marked-up version of the original notification file, indicating the proposed changes.
All material changes planned by the AIFM must be notified to the CSSF at least one month before implementing the change, or immediately after an unplanned change has occurred.
An AIFM may de-notify arrangements made for marketing as regards units of shares of some or all of its AIFs in Luxembourg, if the following conditions are met:
The de-notification procedure is carried out through the home supervisory authority of the AIFM, which then informs the CSSF.
However, if an AIFM intends to cease the marketing of its non-Luxembourg AIF to retail investors in Luxembourg, it must inform the CSSF about whether Luxembourg investors are still invested in the AIF.
SIFs, SICARs and RAIFs are intended for well-informed investors that are able to adequately assess the risks associated with an investment in such vehicles.
Part II UCIs can be marketed to retail investors, but the applicable investment restrictions, in addition to the fact that they are supervised by the CSSF, adds to investor protection.
The fact that all AIFs bar the unregulated SLP must appoint a depositary and an auditor provides additional protection for investors.
Any AIF managed by an authorised AIFM needs to provide audited annual accounts which, in the case of regulated AIFs, need to be provided to the CSSF. The CSSF is also made aware of the content of the management letters.
Additionally, such funds are required to disclose certain information to investors pursuant to the rules of the AIFMD, and inform investors of any changes thereto. The AIFMD imposes rules on preferential treatment of investors and disclosure to them, and the valuation of an AIF’s assets must be carried out in accordance with such rules.
AIFMs are also required to have risk management, liquidity management and conflict of interest policies in place, all of which serve to add to the protection of investors.
Part II UCIs must, in addition, produce a half-yearly report for submission to the CSSF.
All of the regulated funds are subject to regular reporting to the CSSF, to enable it to carry out its supervisory function.
In the case of a dispute with a Part II UCI, a retail investor can request the CSSF to impartially intervene for an out-of-court resolution, though its out-of-court decision is not binding on the parties.
In the case of regulated funds, CSSF Circular 02/77, relating to the protection of investors in the case of NAV calculation errors and correction of the consequences resulting from non-compliance with the investment rules, sets out specific rules for dealing with such circumstances in a way that does not harm investors.
The CSSF takes a practical approach. They can be approached for face-to-face meetings, particularly in relation to a new entry to the market or in relation to new projects. As regards ongoing matters, they can be reached by phone or email. The CSSF has also set up an electronic platform to facilitate the exchange of documents and information.
See 2.3 Regulatory Environment for further discussion on investment restrictions, borrowing restrictions and risk diversification rules applicable to Luxembourg AIFs.
AIFs managed by a fully authorised AIFM and SIFs, SICARs and Part II UCIs that do not have an AIFM must appoint a depositary acting in the interests of investors, and provide services as required by their respective laws as well as the AIFM Law (ie, safekeeping of assets, cash monitoring and monitoring of compliance with the legal and regulatory framework). Depositaries must be credit institutions established in Luxembourg and have a specific licence granted by the CSSF in order to carry out such business, or be so-called depositary-lites which may be appointed for certain types of AIFs that do not hold financial instruments and that must be held in custody.
AIFs must have an AML policy and comply with the AML Law for their business relationships (including for their investors).
Asset valuation of AIFs must be done in accordance with the laws applicable to them, as well as in accordance with the AIFM Law where the AIFs are managed by a fully authorised AIFM.
Luxembourg AIFs frequently borrow either for bridging finance, working capital purposes, or in the case of some funds, for leverage.
While there are lenders on the Luxembourg market, lenders are often from outside Luxembourg.
There are no borrowing restrictions applicable to SIFs, SICARs, RAIFs or SLPs, though pursuant to the AIFMD there are rules around disclosing the maximum amount of leverage. Part II UCIs are subject to borrowing restrictions (generally 25% of net asset value (NAV) though in the case of hedge funds this can be increased).
The lender will generally always take security. The type of security will depend on the type of borrowing and types of assets involved. Security over undrawn commitments and pledges over Luxembourg bank accounts are often seen.
The Part II UCI, SIF and RAIF-SIF are exempt from wealth tax, municipal business tax and corporate income tax. Luxembourg withholding tax does not apply to distributions made by the SIF to investors. These entities also benefit from a value-added tax (VAT) exemption on management services.
A SIF and RAIF-SIF are subject to subscription tax at an annual rate of 0.01% based on their NAV. There are however several categories of exemptions. Part II UCIs are subject to a subscription tax at an annual rate of 0.05% of the NAV, reduced to 0.01% or exempted in certain conditions.
In addition, the SIF, RAIF-SIF and Part II UCI in the form of a SICAV or SICAF may benefit from double tax treaties which have been concluded by Luxembourg. The SIF, RAIF-SIF or Part II UCI in the form of an FCP do not, in principle, have access to double tax treaties.
The tax regime applicable to a SICAR and a RAIF-SICAR will depend on the legal form adopted. Those taking a corporate form are fully taxable entities (corporate income tax and municipal business tax) but there is an exemption for income derived from transferable securities and income from cash held for a maximum period of one year prior to its investment in risk capital. Those taking the form of a common limited partnership (société en commandite simple) (SCS) or SLP are tax-transparent under Luxembourg law.
Luxembourg withholding tax does not apply to distributions made by these entities to investors. These entities also benefit from a VAT exemption on management services.
The SICAR and RAIF SICAR are not subject to an annual subscription tax. They are however subject to a minimum amount of annual net wealth tax.
SICARs and RAIF SICARs in corporate form have full access to double tax treaties from a Luxembourg perspective. Those in the form of SLPs, or SCSs and RAIFs in the form of an FCP, do not.
An SLP is tax-transparent and is not subject to subscription tax, wealth tax or withholding tax. Corporate income tax is not applicable. Municipal business tax of 6.75% (Luxembourg City) may be applicable if the SLP carries out a commercial activity or is deemed to carry out a commercial activity.
SLPs do not benefit from the EU Parent-Subsidiary Directive and have no access to double tax treaties signed by Luxembourg.
Undertakings for collective investments in transferable securities (UCITS) and undertakings for collective investment subject to Part II of the UCI Law (Part II UCIs – together with UCITS, the “retail funds”) are the two main investment funds for retail investors.
Retail funds are subject to direct supervision of the CSSF and require prior CSSF approval before they can be set up.
A retail fund may be set up as a standalone fund, or as an umbrella fund. However, the umbrella fund structure is most often used as it is cost-effective if several sub-funds are launched.
Each retail fund may issue classes and sub-classes of shares (or units depending on the legal form chosen, see 3.2.2 Legal Structures Used by Fund Managers), enabling the retail fund’s shares to be adapted to the needs of its investors and its sponsor.
UCITS are highly regulated investment vehicles which can be easily marketed to retail investors in the EEA thanks to the EU passport, but also to professional and institutional investors.
Stringent diversification rules are laid down by the UCI Law. In particular, a UCITS may invest no more than 10% of its assets in transferable securities (which must be listed on a regulated market) or money market instruments issued by the same body, and specific restrictions apply to index funds, holdings of other funds, use of financial derivative instruments and deposits. Leverage is restricted, and a UCITS must be an open-ended fund – ie, investors must be able to redeem.
Part II UCIs
Although Part II UCIs always qualify as AIFs, they are open to retail investors.
Part II UCIs are subject to a less stringent diversification policy than UCITS:
However, Part II UCIs remain subject to the supervision of the CSSF.
Part II UCIs are not entitled to the European UCITS passport for distribution to retail investors in the EEA, but they can rely on the AIFMD marketing passport if they fall under the scope of the full AIFMD regime.
Retail funds must be authorised and supervised during their lifetime by the CSSF.
A retail fund set up in contractual form as an FCP shall only be authorised if the CSSF has approved its management company, which must be based in Luxembourg.
A retail fund set up in corporate form and appointing a management company or AIFM shall only be authorised if the CSSF has approved the management company or AIFM (if a Luxembourg entity), or if the relevant management company or AIFM has notified pursuant to the management passport. Where the management company or AIFM delegates portfolio management, the entity to whom they have delegated is subject to the approval of the CSSF.
Directors (who must be of sufficiently good repute and be sufficiently experienced) and other service providers of retail funds are subject to the approval of the CSSF.
The application is carried out online on a CSSF portal and requires the provision of, inter alia, the following documents:
Once the application is complete, the authorisation process for a retail fund will range between three to six months. The actual length and cost depend mainly on the complexity of the investment strategy, the completeness of the application file and whether or not it is a first-time fund.
The largest set-up costs are generally legal fees, though service providers also sometimes charge a set-up or onboarding fee. In addition, there are fees payable to the CSSF for regulated funds. The CSSF charges an examination fee and an annual fee for its supervisory activity of retail funds. The fee amount differs depending on whether the retail fund is a standalone or an umbrella fund and on whether it is self-managed or not. For example, the examination fee for a standalone retail fund is EUR4,650, whereas for an umbrella fund it is EUR9,250.
Regardless of the legal form or structure, investors in retail funds are only liable up to the amount of their contributions.
UCITS must publish a prospectus that includes the information necessary for investors to be able to make an informed investment decision, and containing at least the information listed in Schedule A of Annex I of the UCI Law, as well as information about the remuneration policy. The prospectus must be kept up to date.
In addition, a three-page PRIIPs KID (or a two-page KIID for UCITS exclusively distributed to professional investors) summarising the key elements of the prospectus must be issued and kept up to date.
The following reports must be produced:
Part II UCIs
As with UCITS, Part II UCIs must also publish a prospectus that includes the information necessary for investors to be able to make an informed investment decision, and containing at least the information listed in Schedule A of Annex I of the UCI Law. The prospectus must be kept up to date.
In addition, a three-page PRIIPs KID summarising the key elements of the prospectus must be issued if the Part II UCI is marketed to retail investors.
The following reports must be produced:
The majority of retail fund investors are located outside Luxembourg.
All types of investors invest in retail funds (retail, professional and institutional investors).
Usually, a retail fund is set up in the contractual form of an FCP or a SICAV (ie, a corporate entity with variable capital taking the form of a public limited liability company (société anonyme)).
However, in the case of a Part II UCI, it is possible to opt for an investment company with fixed capital (SICAF) in a different corporate legal form or in the form of a partnership.
There are no restrictions – all investors (ie, retail, professional and institutional investors investing for their own account and/or on behalf of retail investors) can invest in retail funds.
Non-Luxembourg investment funds that do not qualify as UCITs can be marketed to retail investors in Luxembourg provided that the provisions of CSSF Regulation 15-03 are complied with and the CSSF has authorised them.
Eligible assets are restricted to transferable securities admitted on a regulated market, investment funds, financial derivative instruments, cash and money market instruments.
Risk diversification requirements for UCITS include the following:
A UCITS cannot borrow more than 10% of its assets on a temporary basis.
Uncovered short positions are not allowed, but a UCITS can pursue a long-short investment strategy and achieve short exposure synthetically through the use of financial derivative instruments.
Various liquidity monitoring requirements are provided for.
Part II UCIs
The Part II UCI is subject to investment restrictions and risk diversification rules arising from the UCI Law and various implementing CSSF circulars. For example, generally a Part II UCI:
These general investment restrictions do not apply to Part II UCIs which are fund of fund structures, if the investment funds, in which the Part II UCI shall invest, are open-ended and themselves subject to similar general investment restrictions. In addition, these general investment restrictions do not apply to Part II UCIs which are either mainly investing in venture capital, real estate or pursuing alternative investment strategies.
Part II UCIs may in principle borrow the equivalent of up to 25% of their net assets without restriction as to the intended use thereof.
Part II UCIs which are mainly investing in real estate may borrow the equivalent of up to an average of 50% of the valuation of all their properties.
Borrowings of Part II UCIs which are mainly pursuing alternative investment strategies (hedge funds) may be up to 400%.
The depositary, administrative agent, registrar and transfer agent, and approved statutory auditor of a retail fund must be established in Luxembourg, and are all subject to regulation in Luxembourg.
The management company of a UCITS can be established in the EEA, unless the UCITS is an FCP, in which case the management company must be established in Luxembourg. The AIFM of a Part II UCI can be established in the EEA unless the Part II UCI is an FCP, in which case the AIFM must be established in Luxembourg.
Portfolio managers and investment advisers located in third countries can provide advisory or portfolio management services, but this is subject to the CSSF’s authorisation of any delegated portfolio management function.
UCITS in the form of an FCP must have their management company established in Luxembourg. The same applies to Part II UCIs established in the form of an FCP.
UCITS which are SICAVs and are not self-managed may have their management company established elsewhere in the EEA.
An AIFM from any jurisdiction in the EEA can be appointed to manage a Part II UCI. Those AIFMs established elsewhere than in Luxembourg need to notify their home supervisory authorities of their intention to manage a Luxembourg fund. Those authorities will in turn notify the CSSF.
The portfolio management of Luxembourg retail funds can be delegated to managers situated in third countries provided that such delegation is subject to the prior approval of the CSSF.
For retail funds, the process for obtaining regulatory approval depends on the complexity of the investment policy, the completeness of the file that has been submitted and whether or not it is a first-time fund. Generally, the time ranges from three to six months.
Pre-marketing to Luxembourg retail investors is not allowed for UCITS and AIFs.
No notification or authorisation is required for the marketing of Luxembourg UCITS or Part II UCIs in Luxembourg.
A UCITS located in another EEA country may be marketed in Luxembourg as soon as the home supervisory authority has duly notified the CSSF of the intended marketing. Such EEA UCITS must provide facilities in Luxembourg to facilitate the processing of subscription and redemption orders, and the provision of information. They need not appoint a third party or have a physical presence in Luxembourg (ie, facilities can be provided via the internet).
An AIF located in a country other than Luxembourg may be marketed to Luxembourg retail investors, in accordance with the provisions of CSSF Regulation 15-03, provided that, inter alia:
Retail funds and AIFs marketed in Luxembourg to retail investors must provide these investors with a PRIIPs KID.
All marketing communications will need to comply with the requirements of Article 4 of Regulation 2019/1156 on facilitating cross-border distribution of collective investment undertakings. CSSF Circular 22/795 provides that the CSSF requires investment fund managers to provide the CSSF with information regarding marketing communications and will conduct testing to verify their compliance with the applicable requirements under Article 4.
Closed-ended funds marketed to Luxembourg retail investors must generally issue a prospectus in accordance with EU Regulation 2017/1129 on the prospectus to be published when securities are offered to the public or admitted to trading on a regulated market.
Retail funds can be marketed to all investors located in Luxembourg, whether retail, professional or institutional.
However, a number of rules stemming from the MiFID may nevertheless restrict the marketing of retail funds through MiFID-regulated firms, as the investor profile of a retail investor must be in line with the type of retail fund (eg, it is not appropriate to advise investing in or distributing a retail fund investing all its assets in stocks while the targeted retail investor has a conservative risk profile).
Notification or authorisation is required by the CSSF prior to the marketing of non-Luxembourg retail funds taking place.
In the case of cross-border marketing of a UCITS, the notification process described above must be complied with, and in the case of marketing a foreign investment fund that is not a UCITS, there is an authorisation process to be complied with in accordance with CSSF Regulation 15-03.
Change in the Content of the UCITS Marketing Notification Letter
Where an amendment has an impact on the notification letter sent to the CSSF, via the UCITS home supervisory authority, at the time when the UCITS intended to market its units in Luxembourg or regarding a change of the share classes to be marketed in Luxembourg, the UCITS must directly inform the CSSF before implementing this amendment.
Investment fund managers may de-notify arrangements made for marketing as regards units or shares of some or all of their UCITS and/or AIFs marketed in Luxembourg, provided that:
The de-notification procedure is carried out through the home supervisory authority, which then informs the CSSF. However, if an AIFM intends to cease the marketing of its non-Luxembourg AIF to retail investors in Luxembourg, it must inform the CSSF whether Luxembourg investors are still invested in this AIF.
Other Ongoing Requirements
Please refer to 3.3.10 Investor Protection Rules regarding reporting and other requirements.
To ensure compliance with the regulatory framework and to detect any potential non-compliance, retail funds must produce the following reports:
In addition, UCITS must provide the CSSF with a semi-annual risk report, and their management companies must have a remuneration policy and procedures designed to prevent conflict of interests, and discourage risk-taking inconsistent with the risk profile of the managed UCITS.
Furthermore, retail funds must appoint a custodian bank acting in the interests of investors and providing services as required by the UCI Law – ie, safekeeping of assets, cash monitoring and monitoring of retail funds’ compliance with the legal and regulatory framework. The appointment of a custodian bank is ultimately intended to prevent embezzlement, ponzi schemes and other financial frauds.
In the case of a dispute with a retail fund, a retail investor can contact the CSSF in order for the CSSF to impartially intervene for an out-of-court resolution, but its out-of-court decision is not binding on the parties.
Finally, NAV calculation errors are highly monitored by auditors and the CSSF, and incoming and redeeming investors are compensated in the case of NAV calculation errors.
The CSSF takes a practical approach. New Luxembourg market participants can have a face-to-face meeting with CSSF officials to present their projects, better understand the CSSF’s expectations and ask questions.
Formalities and filings with the CSSF are mainly done through an online platform, though during an authorisation process, the CSSF can be contacted via telephone and email.
Retail Funds
Please refer to 3.1.4 Disclosure Requirements, and 3.3.1 Regulatory Regime regarding investment restrictions of retail funds.
Retail funds must appoint a custodian bank acting in the interests of investors and providing services as required by the UCI Law – ie, safekeeping of assets, cash monitoring and monitoring of retail funds’ compliance with the legal and regulatory framework. Custodian banks must be credit institutions established in Luxembourg and have a specific licence granted by the CSSF in order to carry out this business.
Retail funds admitted to trading on the Luxembourg Stock Exchange are subject to the Luxembourg law of 11 January 2008 on transparency requirements (implementing Directive 2004/109/EC of 15 December 2004 on the harmonisation of transparency requirements in relation to information about issuers whose securities are admitted to trading on a regulated market and amending Directive 2001/34/EC), and to the Luxembourg law of 23 December 2016 on market abuse (stemming from Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 of 16 April 2014 on market abuse).
Retail funds must have an AML policy and comply with the AML Law for their business relationships (including for their investors).
Asset valuation of UCITS must be done in accordance with the UCI Law, which provides that listed securities should be valued at the last known stock exchange quotation unless not representative. Non-listed securities or listed securities for which the market price is not representative should be valued on the basis of the probable realisation value.
Management companies must have policies in place to prevent insider dealing and the misuse of confidential information by one of their employees or service providers.
Uncovered short positions are not allowed, but a UCITS can pursue a long-short investment strategy and achieve short exposure synthetically through the use of financial derivative instruments.
Part II UCIs
Asset valuation of Part II UCIs must be done in accordance with the UCI Law (as just described for UCITS), and also in compliance with the AIFM Law if managed by an authorised AIFM.
Authorised AIFMs of Part II UCIs must have policies in place to prevent insider dealing and the misuse of confidential information by one of their employees or service providers.
Part II UCIs may have uncovered short positions.
A UCITS may borrow money and securities on a temporary basis provided that such borrowing represents no more than 10% of its assets. Generally, borrowing is used to finance redemption requests, not to invest.
UCITS may invest in derivative financial instruments which can provide leverage, and can enter into back-to-back loans to acquire foreign currencies.
For the above transactions, a UCITS may pledge its own securities as collateral provided that the custodian bank agrees.
Securities lending transactions, as well as repurchase agreement transactions and reverse repurchase agreement transactions can only be used by UCITS for the purpose of efficient portfolio management.
Part II UCIs
A Part II UCI may borrow money or securities up to 25% of its NAV on a permanent basis. However, this cap may increase depending on the investment strategy:
A Part II UCI may invest in derivative financial instruments which can provide leverage, but it cannot borrow to finance margin deposits.
A Part II UCI is authorised to enter, as borrower, into securities lending transactions with first-class professionals specialised in this type of transaction.
For the above transactions, a Part II UCI may pledge its own securities as collateral.
Equity bridge financing can be used if the Part II UCI in question operates on a commitment basis.
Regardless of the nature of the investors, retail funds:
The annual subscription tax is exempted in the case of institutional money market cash funds, special pension funds, exchange-traded funds, microfinance funds, and for retail funds investing in other Luxembourg funds which are already subject to a subscription tax. These exemptions apply to the whole retail fund, the sub-fund or the class of shares qualifying for the exemption.
Investors located outside Luxembourg are not subject to Luxembourg capital gains tax.
Approximately one third of the assets managed by sustainable funds in Europe are domiciled in Luxembourg. This trend towards more sustainable investing is expected to continue. At the European level, upcoming changes to the ELTIF regime and to the AIFMD framework, especially in the context of debt funds, will have an impact on the fund regulatory environment in Luxembourg.
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Upon entering 2022, the global economies lived in hope of balancing the damage brought by the COVID-19 pandemic, normalising business cycles and putting economic growth back on track. However, 2022 has again reshaped the way global markets function, in particular with the war in Ukraine. The implications of the Ukrainian crisis for the global economy and financial markets mainly come from three channels: economic sanctions, commodity prices, and supply-chain disruptions.
Although the assets under management (AUM) in Luxembourg slightly increased in 2021, by 31 October 2022 the total net assets of undertakings for collective investment (UCIs) – comprising UCIs subject to the 2010 Law, specialised investment funds and SICARs – amounted to EUR5,064.782 billion, meaning that the volume of net assets has decreased by 11.43% over the last 12 months. That said, an increase was again seen (of 0.53%) from September 2022 to October 2022 (source: CSSF press release 22/28).
Continued emphasis on sustainable finance
The European Climate Law proposal published in March 2020 came into force in July 2021, with the following objectives (Regulation (EU) 2021/1119):
Latest ESMA consultation
In November 2022, the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) published a consultation paper about its draft guidelines on the use of ESG or sustainability-related terms in funds names. The name of a fund can often have a significant influence on the investment decisions of the investors. The use of ESG or sustainability-related terms in the fund name may catch investors’ attention, but can also pose a threat of potential greenwashing. ESMA, by publishing the consultation paper, wished to ensure that behind the fund name there is material evidence of sustainability characteristics or objectives that are reflected fairly and consistently in the fund’s investment objectives and policy.
The draft guidelines aim to ensure protection of investors and provide national competent authorities and asset management with coherent and measurable criteria that will allow them to assess fund names that include ESG or sustainability-related terms.
For making ESG work and overcoming its associated challenges, more emphasis is expected to be placed on tackling the practice of so-called greenwashing. The primary example of this practice is the use of vague or even blurred labels, such as “ESG-integrated”. The issue has already found its way to the attention of the regulators. Thus, some investment management firms now conduct sweeping checks of their marketing materials to reveal statements that could be considered greenwashing. The possibility of high-stakes litigation for damages on these grounds should have a tangible impact on market players resorting to greenwashing, and quickly nudge them into compliance.
The topic is likely to have a snowball effect in the sense that the ESG disclosures imposed on investment objects (eg, industrial companies) will probably be clarified and tightened as well. Without comprehensive disclosures at the level of the investment objects, asset managers are in a very difficult position when expected to make reliable disclosures themselves. Efforts might be needed in the so-called Scope 3 emissions (ie, indirect greenhouse gas emissions stemming from the value chain of the entity).
Further disclosure requirements – SFDR
Following the publication of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2022/1288 and the confirmation of the application date of the SFDR Level 2 provisions (SFDR RTS), the CSSF has outlined the procedure for filing of the issuing document of the fund in view of the SFDR RTS.
In its communication of 27 July 2022, as detailed further in a communication of 6 September 2022, the CSSF underlined the deadline of 1 January 2023 and introduced an accelerated procedure for the submission of updated pre-contractual documents for undertakings for collective investment in transferrable securities (UCITS) and regulated alternative investment funds (AIFs).
The CSSF also released an FAQ on 2 December 2022, which provides additional explanations on SFDR and the SFDR RTS. The FAQ applies to the following financial market participants (FMPs):
The CSSF has clarified the notion of a “material change” as defined by Circular CSSF 14/591. In the event of a material change, investors must either grant their consent to such change or otherwise be notified one month in advance of the change and be permitted to request a repurchase of their interest during that period. The FAQ has also confirmed that amendments to Article 8 and Article 9 SFDR RTS pre-contractual templates follow the same regime as any other changes made to the prospectus, including those changes considered material in light of CSSF Circular 14/591.
The FAQs further address the website disclosure requirements of Article 10 SFDR by confirming that even if a Luxembourg investment fund manager (IFM) has delegated the portfolio management function relating to a fund, it must still comply with the website disclosure requirements of Article 10 SFDR in relation to the relevant fund for which it acts as FMP.
To promote environmental and social characteristics, within the meaning of Article 8 SFDR, the FAQs confirm that it is possible to utilise an exclusion strategy, to the extent that the details on the exclusion strategy allow the investors to understand how this strategy is used to meet the environmental and social characteristics promoted by the product.
The exclusion strategy cannot be used for the disclosure under Article 9 SFDR. Such funds must invest in “sustainable investments”, which require a positive investment selection process to meet the conditions of Article 2(17) SFDR.
In the context of exclusion strategies, the FAQs underline that Recital (16) of the SFDR RTS warns about “greenwashing”. The reliance on the exclusion strategies should be balanced against the right of end investors to be provided with the information necessary to assess the composition of the portfolio of the relevant financial product. To prevent mis-selling and greenwashing, Recital (16) of the SFDR RTS requires FMPs to confirm to investors any commitment in terms of excluded investments, in particular as contractually binding elements of the investment strategy, in the information provided on asset allocation and in the information on the sustainability indicator used to measure the effects of such strategies.
New sustainability standards – CSRD
In line with the European Union’s climate goals and to strengthen the existing rules on non-financial reporting, on 28 November 2022 the Council of the EU formally approved the Directive amending Regulation (EU) No 537/2014, Directive 2004/109/EC, Directive 2006/43/EC and Directive 2013/34/EU as regards corporate sustainability reporting (CSRD).
The CSRD has been agreed upon by the European Parliament on 14 December 2022 and entered into force on 5 January 2023.
Compared with previous Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD), the CSRD has significantly expanded the scope of sustainability reporting at both the individual entity and group level. The new directive applies to all large companies, as well as all parent undertakings of a large group, which exceed two of the three following criteria during a financial year over the course of two consecutive financial years:
The scope also encompasses all listed EU companies (including listed SMEs, but excluding micro-undertakings) and non-European companies generating net annual turnover above EUR150 million in the EU, and which have at least one EU subsidiary or branch exceeding certain thresholds.
The CSRD obliges businesses to disclose information on their social and environmental impact, with the aim of revealing greenwashing, strengthening the EU’s social market economy and laying the groundwork for sustainability reporting standards at a global level.
The CSRD also introduces mandatory European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) which will be based on the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group’s (EFRAG) recommendations and be adopted by the European Commission in the form of delegated acts. ESRS will be used for reporting by companies within the scope of the CSRD.
ESRS mainly focuses on the harmonisation of the existing sustainability frameworks and standards on the European Union level. It aims to harmonise the terminology and structure of the reporting used throughout the current reporting processes. Furthermore, it will clarify the concept of double materiality and the approach to materiality, including those items that must be reported irrespective of materiality.
EFRAG has submitted the first set of drafts of ESRS, which are expected to be adopted mid-2023.
Cross-border distribution
The EU framework for the cross-border distribution of collective investment funds (the “CBD Framework”), consists of Directive (EU) 2019/1160 (the “CBDF Directive”), implemented in Luxembourg by the Law of 21 July 2021, and Regulation (EU) 2019/1156 applicable since 1 August 2019 (the “CBDF Regulation”).
On September 2022, the CSSF published a list of questions and answers (CSSF FAQ) regarding the CBD Framework – guidance on marketing communications. The CSSF FAQ focuses on the application of Article 4 of the CBD Regulation as well as the underlying guidelines of ESMA on marketing communication (the “ESMA Guidelines“), which were implemented by the CSSF through Circular 22/795 and have been applicable since 2 February 2022.
Article 4 of the CBDF Regulation obliges AIFMs, EuVECA managers, EuSEF managers and UCITS Management Companies to ensure that all marketing communications addressed to investors:
The aim of the CSSF FAQ is to provide additional clarifications in respect of Article 4 application and to explain further supervisory expectations of the CSSF.
The CSSF FAQ has confirmed the types of IFMs falling under the scope of Article 4 and enlisted all IFMs in the scope of CSSF Circular 22/75 (which are UCITS Management Companies and authorised AIFMs, and UCITS- or AIF-internally managed, meaning those which have not designated a management company or an external AIFM, as well as EuVECA and EuSEF managers). Regarding funds, Article 4 applies to UCITS and AIFs including those set up as EuVECAs, EuSEFs, ELTIFs and Money Market Funds managed by an IFM listed in Section 2 of CSSF Circular 22/795.
Article 4 is further to be applied to all marketing communications addressed to all types of investors or potential investors, even those targeting professional investors. The marketing communications which are addressed to investors or potential investors that are not resident in the EEA are not in scope.
As regards the governance and organisation of an IFM, the CSSF FAQ explains that the IFM must implement measures that allow it to identify and flag marketing communication as such. Through the senior management of the IFM and/or its internal functions, the IFM should be involved in the process of preparation and validation of marketing communication. It may also appoint a third-party service provider to perform required tasks in the preparation and validation of marketing communication. Adequate oversight is to be ensured over such delegates.
IFMs with an MiFID top-up licence should also provide information on marketing communications in relation to the services of discretionary portfolio management and investment advice.
In addition, from 1 April 2023, IFMs within the scope of Article 4 must also be able to link the aforementioned information to the relevant funds or sub-funds they manage. IFMs are obliged to identify whether the marketing communications include information with regards to ESG in the context of the application of Article 13 of the SFDR and of the ESMA supervisory briefing on sustainability risks and disclosures in the area of investment management.
Lastly, the CSSF clarified that as part of the verifications of compliance with Article 4 of the CBDF Regulation, it may ask the IFM for legal and regulatory documents of the funds they manage. This includes PRIIPs, KID or the Article 23 AIFMD disclosure. Any non-compliance with the requirements of Article 4 and the ESMA Guidelines is considered a breach of Article 4.
Regulation (EU) 2015/760 of 29 April 2015 (the “ELTIF Regulation”) pertaining to European long-term investment funds (ELTIFs) was developed for AIFs engaged in long-term investments such as social and transport infrastructure projects, real estate and SMEs. As ELTIFs were designed to channel long-term investments, the framework is supposed to be an additional springboard for sustainable growth in the EU. The framework regulates the authorisation, investment policies, operating conditions and marketing of ELTIFs throughout the EU. However, the number of ELTIF vehicles in Europe remains low, in spite of the pressing need to promote long-term, sustainable financing in the EU. By the end of 2022, 84 ELTIFs had been launched, in four different member states of the EU (source: ESMA Register of Authorised European Long-Term Investment Funds, as of 3 January 2023).
In November 2021, the EU Commission proposed an amendment to the ELTIF Regulation, with the intention to overcome a number of supply-side and demand-side limitations and to make the ELTIF Regulation more attractive for investors and fund managers. The amendments further aim at simplifying the ELTIF investing process for retail investors while ensuring a strong investor protection. Following the legislative process, a provisional agreement was reached on the ELTIF review on 19 October 2022.
As a consequence of these discussions, on 15 February 2023, the European Parliament has voted in favour of a major update to the ELTIF Regulation, commonly known as ELTIF 2.0.
Among other changes set out in the provisional agreement, the pool of assets eligible for ELTIFs will now offer more flexibility, and include the following provisions.
Outsourcing arrangements
In April 2022, the CSSF published Circular 22/806 on outsourcing arrangements, creating a unique and uniform framework on outsourcing arrangements (including business process, ICT & Cloud outsourcing) for entities supervised by the CSSF, including IFMs that have not previously been in scope of the EBA Guidelines on outsourcing arrangements.
The CSSF expects all in-scope entities to review their existing outsourcing arrangements to comply with the new provisions of the Circular in terms of central administration, internal governance, and risk management, proportionally to the nature, scale and complexity of their activities or services.
The Circular imposes ongoing obligations relating to governance, risk management, conflicts of interests, internal controls, professional secrecy, data protection, business continuity and exit planning. Entities that intend to outsource a critical or important function must notify their plans in advance to the CSSF using the instructions laid down in the Circular and, where available, the forms on the CSSF website.
The CSSF has stressed that the outsourcing arrangements shall be subject to appropriate oversight and may in no circumstances lead to the circumvention of the spirit and letter of regulatory requirements or prudential measures. When outsourcing operational tasks to a service provider, the entities in scope must ensure that those operational tasks are effectively performed and appropriately monitor and audit the outsourcing arrangement.
Entities in scope remain fully responsible for compliance with regulatory requirements, including in the case of sub-outsourcing, as sub-outsourcing can change the risk and reliability of outsourcing arrangements.
Virtual assets and cryptocurrency
The development of virtual assets and cryptocurrency as an asset class has been exponential over the last few years, even though 2022 has been a turbulent one in demonstrating that the crypto market contains numerous challenges and legal uncertainties.
The CSSF seems committed to promoting an open, technology-neutral and prudent risk-based regulatory approach towards this type of asset. The CSSF issued guidance and an FAQ on virtual assets (for both UCI and credit institutions) in November 2021. The latest communication regarding cryptocurrency investments has opened the possibility for UCITS and AIFs reserved to professional investors to invest directly into crypto-related assets.
One of the major topics discussed regarding investments into crypto-related assets is the AML/CFT implications and performance of due diligence on these types of assets. In its latest update in the FAQ on virtual assets, the CSSF underlined that depending on the type of investment (direct or indirect), the type of virtual assets (cryptocurrency, utility token, etc) and the acquisition method of the assets, the level of money laundering or terrorist financing risk and the due diligence will vary.
The bottom line of the due diligence obligation for funds and IFMs is to understand where the virtual assets are coming from and/or where they are going (buy/sell side) in order to mitigate the risk of the investment fund being abused by money launderers or terrorist financing. The CSSF has further communicated that it is essential that any investor considering the acquisition of virtual assets understands the risks they present and the regulatory framework that applies to them. In this regard, virtual assets are governed in Luxembourg by the Law of 12 November 2004 on the fight against money laundering and terrorist financing.
In terms of regulation on the European level, the EU recently took numerous actions to establish rules for all players of the crypto sphere. In particular, the EU is bringing crypto-assets, crypto-asset issuers and crypto-asset service providers under a uniform regulatory framework, and reached a provisional agreement on the markets in crypto-assets (the “MiCA”).
The main aim of the MiCA is to protect consumers against the risks associated with investment in crypto-assets and help them avoid fraudulent schemes. The new regulation will introduce an obligation for crypto-asset service providers to respect requirements to protect consumers’ wallets, and they will be liable in cases where they lose investors’ crypto-assets. The MiCA will also cover any type of market abuse related to any type of transaction or service, notably for market manipulation and insider dealing.
The MiCA will also oblige participants of the crypto-assets market to declare information on their environmental and climate footprint.
The prospective regulation has also introduced an authorisation requirement for crypto-asset service providers seeking to operate within the EU. In Luxembourg, the CSSF has already introduced a regulatory regime for virtual-asset service providers.
The MiCA is expected to come into force in the first quarter of 2023 and will create a single EU-wide framework for all players in the crypto-asset sector. However, a transitional period of 12 to 18 months will likely be established, and therefore the regulation is not expected to fully take effect until the end of 2024.
Furthermore, in an effort to remain resilient in the event of a serious operational disruption, as well as to prevent and mitigate cyber threats, the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) was published on 27 December 2022. This European regulation entered into force on 17 January 2023 and will apply as of 17 January 2025. DORA has, in particular, created a regulatory framework on digital operational resilience whereby all businesses must ensure that they can resist, respond to and recover from all types of ICT-related disruptions and threats. DORA further sets uniform requirements, consistent across the whole of the EU, for the security of the networks and information systems of financial sector institutions, as well as critical third-party providers that offer such institutions information and communication technology (ICT) services, such as cloud computing platforms or data analysis services.
The year 2022 saw numerous regulatory changes and developments, which will continue into 2023. It is evident that there is a global and general willingness to undergo a transformation of the fund industry and alternative investments towards more sustainability, transparency, stability and security.
In view of some recent steps taken by Luxembourg actors in the fund industry, there is no doubt that Luxembourg will strive to make the most of this transformation and turn the challenges into opportunities for market players.
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