The Constitution of United Arab Emirates (UAE) provides that safety and security for all citizens shall be the pillars of the society. The Constitution further provides that freedom of corresponding through post, telegraph or other means of communication, and the secrecy thereof, is guaranteed in accordance with the law and that dwellings are inviolable. These constitutional provisions serve as the foundational guidelines to respect privacy.
The statutory regime concerning data protection is chiefly found in following laws/regulations.
Federal Decree Law No 45 of 2021 on personal data protection (the UAE Law): the UAE Law is a federal level law applicable across the UAE, except for the following:
Dubai International Financial Center (DIFC) Law No 5 of 2020 (the DIFC Law): DIFC is a free zone and the DIFC law applies in the jurisdiction of DIFC.
Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM) Data Protection Regulations 2021 (the ADGM Regulations): ADGM is a free zone and the ADGM Regulations apply in the context of the establishment of a controller or a processer in ADGM.
Apart from the above, sectoral specific regulations govern data protection in their respective sectors, as follows:
The above-mentioned laws/regulations provide for matters related to offences, penalties and enforcement in their respective sphere.
The UAE Data Office is the regulator for the purposes of the UAE Law.
The Commissioner is to administer the DIFC Law.
The Commissioner of Data Protection is responsible for the monitoring and enforcement of the ADGM Regulations.
The Central Bank of the UAE and Telecommunication and Digital Government Regulatory Authority (TDRA) are the regulators concerning banking and telecommunication sectors, responsible for (among others) the protection of their respective consumers data.
Health authorities (federal or local government) are entrusted for the protection of patients data.
The above-mentioned authorities have the powers of investigations and complaint handling in their respective sphere.
The Data Office (concerning the UAE Law) is competent to receive complaints by data subjects regarding contravention of provisions of the UAE Law. The Data Office is also competent to impose administrative sanctions on contravention of provisions of the UAE Law. A person aggrieved by any decision, administrative sanction or any action of the Data Office may file a grievance with the Director General of the Data Office. The grievance is to be filed within 30 days of the date of decision, administrative sanction or action of the Data Office. The Director General of the Data Office is to determine such grievance within 30 days of its filing. The executive regulations to be issued pursuant to the UAE Law will specify the procedural aspects for filing and deciding the grievances.
The Commissioner (under the DIFC Law) is competent to receive complaints from data subjects concerning contravention of the DIFC Law or any breach of the rights of data subjects. The Commissioner is empowered to investigate the complaints and to issue direction or a declaration. The Commissioner is empowered to impose fines in the event of non-compliance with a direction issued by him. The Commissioner, concerning a complaint lodged with him, may follow such practices and procedures that in the view of the Commissioner will lead to most timely, fair and effective resolution of the claim in the complaint. The controller or processer or data subject being aggrieved by the decision of the Commissioner may appeal, within 30 days, to the DIFC Court.
A data subject may lodge a complaint, on contravention of the ADGM Regulations, with the Commissioner of Data Protection under the ADGM Regulations. The Commissioner of Data Protection, after an assessment, may dismiss the complaint, uphold the complaint, uphold the complaint but with no further action, or take any further action. The controller, processer or data subject being aggrieved may refer the matter to the court for review. The court may make any orders that the court think just and appropriate in the circumstances, within three months of the penalty notice, direction or the date of complaint.
The UAE Law, the DIFC Law and the ADGM Regulations conceptually follow the basic principles of the EU's GDPR. The UAE Law is a federal level law and there are no subnational (emirate) level laws concerning personal data protection.
There are no non-governmental organisations (NGOs) or industry self-regulatory organisations (SROs) concerning data protection.
The UAE Law follows a hybrid system; it is not applicable to free zones, banks and health-related personal data. Apart from these exclusions, the UAE Law is applicable to all sectors. Further, the Data Office is empowered to exempt certain establishments which do not process large scale of personal data from any or all requirements of the UAE Law, in accordance with the standards and controls to be specified by the executive regulations.
The DIFC Authority Board of Directors is empowered to make regulations to exempt controllers (within DIFC jurisdiction) from compliance with DIFC Law or any part of the DIFC Law.
The ADGM Regulations do not apply to the processing of personal data by public authorities for the prevention, investigations, detection or prosecution of criminal offences or the execution of criminal penalties, including safeguarding against and the prevention of threats to national security.
The UAE Law was issued on 20 September 2021 and came into effect on 2 January 2022.
The executive regulations are to be issued by the Cabinet of the UAE within six months of the date of issuance of the UAE Law. It is, therefore, expected that subject executive regulations containing procedural aspects will be issued by 20 March 2022. The controllers and processers are to comply with the provisions of the UAE Law within a period of six months following the issuance of executive regulations. The referred period of six months may be extended by the Cabinet for additional similar periods. Accordingly, controllers and processers need to be in compliance with the UAE Law by 20 September 2022, unless the period is extended by the Cabinet.
General Requirements
The general requirements (general principles), regarding processing of personal data under the UAE Law, the DIFC Law and the ADGM Regulations, are as follows:
Data Protection Officer
The requirements for appointment of a Data Protection Officer (DPO) are as follows.
The executive regulations will specify the kinds of technologies and standards of determination related to the above.
ADGM Regulations
Responsibilities of a DPO
The UAE Law provides certain exceptions where processing may be carried out without consent, which include the following:
Whereas, in case of the DIFC Law and the ADGM Regulations, consent is one of the “lawful” bases to process the personal data.
Privacy by Design and Privacy by Default
The UAE Law does not specifically mention the concept of “privacy by design” or “privacy by default”. However, the DIFC Law and the ADGM Law provide that a controller protects the privacy by design and by default. The DIFC Law places this requirement on a processer as well.
Data Protection Impact Assessment
Controllers are required to undertake a “data protection impact assessment” before carrying out processing which is likely to result in a high risk to the rights of natural persons. In addition, the DIFC Law places a mandatory requirement for a data protection impact assessment in the following cases:
Data Protection Policy
The UAE Law does not require adoption of any internal or external data protection policy. The DIFC Law and the ADGM Regulations do require to put in place and implement a data protection policy.
Rights of data subjects
Data subjects enjoy the following rights (under the UAE Law, the DIFC Law and the ADGM Regulations):
Data breach notification
The data controller is required to notify a data breach to the Data Office/Commissioner/Commissioner of Data Protection when the breach is likely to result in a risk to the privacy, confidentiality, security or rights of the data subjects. The processer is to notify, without delay, any such breach to the controller.
The UAE Law requires to notify the breach immediately. The DIFC Law requires to notify the breach as soon as practicable in the circumstances. The ADGM Regulations provides that breach notification be made within 72 hours after having become aware of the breach, and, in case the notification is not reported within 72 hours, then reasons of delay must also accompany the breach notification.
The breach notification is to contain at least the following information:
Where a breach is likely to result in a high risk to the security or rights of a data subject, the controller is required to also notify the breach to the data subject.
The UAE Law requires a controller to implement appropriate measures during identification of means of processing or during processing for the purposes of compliance with the UAE Law, and that such measures include pseudonymisation.
In the context of “cessation of processing”, the DIFC Law and the ADGM Law require the controller to ensure that all personal data (including personal data held by processer) is anonymised and pseudonymised.
Automated decision-making
The data subject has the right to object to automated decision-making (including profiling) that have legal implications or consequences affecting a data subject.
The UAE Law does not provide for any concept of injury/harm, and compensation thereof, in relation to a grievance to a data subject. Whereas the DIFC Law and the ADGM Regulations provide that a data subject, who suffers material or non-material damage as a result of contravention of the applicable law/regulations, is entitled for a compensation. The claim for seeking compensation is to be brought before the court. The compensation will not limit or affect any fine to be imposed on a controller or a processer for contravention of any provision of the applicable law/regulations.
Banking Sector
The Federal Law No 14 of 2018 (the Central Bank Law) requires that all data and information related to customers should be considered confidential in nature. The Central Bank of the UAE has published its Consumer Protection Regulations that apply to all licensed financial institutions (licensed by the Central Bank of the UAE). These regulations requires that licensed financial institutions are to collect the minimum amount of consumer data and information required in relation to licensed financial institutions activities. The licensed financial institutions, under these regulations, are to:
Telecom Sector
Telecommunications and Digital Government Regulatory Authority (TDRA) consumer protection regulations require telecommunication service providers to take all reasonable measures to prevent the unauthorised disclosure or unauthorised use of subscriber information. Telecommunication service providers are further required to take all reasonable measures to protect the privacy of subscriber information.
Health Sector
Federal Law No 2 of 2019 (on the use of information and communication technology in health fields) is issued to collect, analyse and keep health information and to ensure the safety and security of health data and information. This law requires that information related to patients is to be kept confidential and that the same shall not be used for any non-health purpose without obtaining the written approval of the patient, except in following cases:
Health information and data, under the Federal Law No 2 of 2019, may not be stored, processed, generated or transferred outside the UAE except on a decision issued by the Health Authority in co-ordination with the Ministry of Health and Prevention. The health information and data is to be kept for a period commensurate with the need provided; it may not be less than 25 years from the date of the last health procedures provided to the concerned person.
Sensitive Personal Data/Special Categories of Personal Data
"Sensitive personal data", under the UAE Law, means any information that directly or indirectly reveals a person’s race, ethnicity, political or philosophical views, religious beliefs, criminal record, biometric data, or any data related to a person’s health such as physical, psychological, mental, corporal, genetic or sexual state, including information related to a person’s provision of healthcare services revealing their health condition.
"Special categories of personal data", under the DIFC Law, means personal data revealing or connecting (directly or indirectly) racial or ethnic origin, communal origin, political affiliations or opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, criminal records, trade-union membership and health or sex life, including genetic and biometric data where it is used for the purpose of uniquely identifying a natural person.
The ADGM Law has a similar definition of special categories of personal data as in the DIFC Law.
The UAE Law states that a personal data protection impact assessment is a necessity where processing involves large scale of sensitive personal data.
The DIFC Law and the ADGM Regulations permit processing of special categories of personal data in certain specified situations, including:
The UAE Law confers on the data subject a “right to stop processing” where personal data is processed for direct marketing purposes, including profiling to the extent that profiling is related to such direct marketing.
The DIFC Law provides that a data subject has the right to be informed before personal data is disclosed for the first time to third parties or used on their behalf for the purposes of direct marketing and that the data subject be expressly offered the right to object for direct marketing. The data subject has the right to object to personal data processing for direct marketing purpose, including profiling to the extent profiling is related to such direct marketing.
The ADGM Regulations carry the same provisions as in the DIFC Law, regarding direct marketing. The ADGM Regulations, in addition, provide that when a data subject objects to direct marketing then personal data must not be processed for direct marketing purpose.
The Federal Decree Law No 33 of 2021, regarding the regulation of employment relationships, provides that a worker shall keep the confidentiality of information and data to which they have access by virtue of their work.
The UAE Law, the DIFC Law and the ADGM Regulations do not provide for any provision concerning the role of labour organisations, whistle-blowing or e-discovery.
The executive regulations, pursuant to the UAE Law, have not yet been issued. The executive regulations will provide for the procedural aspects concerning enforcement and litigation arising out of the UAE Law.
The DIFC Law requires that the Commissioner, for the purposes of issuing any direction pursuant to a complaint or on the basis of other information within his knowledge, may undertake reasonable and necessary inspections or investigations.
The ADGM Regulations require that, before a penalty notice is given to a controller or processer, the Commissioner of Data Protection must give a written “Notice of Intent” to concerned controller or processor. The Notice of Intent must provide:
The executive regulations to be issued under the UAE Law will specify the penalties/administrative sanctions to be imposed on contravention of the UAE Law.
Schedule 2 to the DIFC Law sets the administrative fines for contravention of provisions of the DIFC Law. The maximum fine is up to USD100,000.
The ADGM Regulations provides that the maximum amount of administrative fine must not exceed USD28 million.
No details are available concerning any enforcement cases.
The DIFC Law and the ADGM Regulations do allow class actions. However, where multiple data subjects are affected by the same alleged contravention, they may raise a collective complaint. In addition, the Commissioner/Commissioner of Data Protection may choose to deal collectively with multiple allegations which relate to the same contravention, whether or not such allegations are brought collectively.
The Federal Law No 20 of 2018 governs anti-money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism. The supervisory authorities, financial intelligence unit, law enforcement authorities and designated non-financial businesses and professions, under the referred law, are exempted from criminal, civil or administrative responsibility in relation to the following:
The above exemption, however, is not available in case the disclosure is made in bad faith or with the intent to cause damages to others.
The Federal Law No 7 of 2014 governs the combating of terrorism offences. Under the referred law, the Central Bank, financial institutions and other financial, commercial and economic institutions are not held responsible (criminally or civilly) upon violation of restriction imposed for guaranteeing the confidentiality of the information in relation to implementation of the provisions of the referred law. This immunity, however, is not available in case of ill faith procedures adopted by referred institutions.
The referred law also provides that all the authorities (concerned with the implementation of the referred law) shall undertake to keep all the information, obtained in connection with the implementation of referred law, as confidential and not to disclose the same unless to the extent necessary for evidence-gathering or for investigation.
The laws (the UAE Law, the DIFC Law and the ADGM Regulations) do not provide for a foreign government access request to be a legitimate basis to transfer personal data outside the jurisdiction. The situations under which personal data may be transferred outside UAE are discussed at 4.1 Restrictions on International Data Issues and 4.2 Mechanisms or Derogations that Apply to International Data Transfers.
Currently, free zones (except for DIFC and ADGM, which have their own legal framework concerning personal data protection), do not have any law or regulation to govern and protect the collection and processing of personal data. It is likely that free zones will issue their respective laws or regulations in this regard.
The UAE Law provides that personal data may only be transferred outside the UAE to a jurisdiction which has a law in place covering various aspects as to the protection of personal data (ie, adequate level of protection). The personal data may also be transferred to those countries with whom the UAE has bilateral or multilateral agreements in respect of personal data protection.
The DIFC Law provides that personal data may be transferred to a third country or to an international organisation on the basis of an adequate level of protection, as determined by the Commissioner. A list of adequate jurisdictions is issued through DIFC Data Protection Regulations.
The ADGM Regulations allows to transfer personal data outside ADGM or to an international organisation where the Personal Data Commissioner has decided that the receiving jurisdiction or the international organisation ensures an adequate level of protection.
In the absence of an adequate protection, under the UAE Law, personal data may be transferred outside the UAE in the following cases (subject to the controls to be specified by the executive regulations).
In the absence of an adequate level of protection, personal data may be transferred to a third country under the DIFC Law and the ADGM Regulations on the basis of "appropriate safeguards", which include:
In the absence of adequate level of protection and appropriate safeguards, the data may be transferred outside in the following derogations:
The DIFC Law provides following further modes of international transfer of personal data (when transfer could not be made under any of the above-discussed modes):
There is no requirement of any government notifications or approvals to transfer data internationally, except the one discussed at 4.4 Data Localisation Requirements, related to health data.
There is no requirement of data localisation, except health information and data, which – under the Federal Law No 2 of 2019 – may not be stored, processed, generated or transferred outside the UAE, except on a decision issued by the Health Authority in co-ordination with the Ministry of Health and Prevention.
There are no such requirements to share any software code, algorithms or similar technical details with the government.
The limitations or considerations concerning international transfer of personal data are those discussed at 4.1 Restrictions on International Data Issues and 4.2 Mechanisms or Derogations that Apply to International Data Transfers.
There are no blocking statutes in UAE.
Guidelines for Financial Institutions Adopting Enabling Technologies
The Central Bank of the UAE, Securities and Commodities Authority (SCA), Dubai Financial Services Authority (DFSA) of the DIFC and Financial Services Regulatory Authority (FSRA) of the ADGM have issued Bank Guidelines on the application of the key principles covering the use of:
The Bank Guidelines require that all APIs should be designed on a “privacy by design” basis, in a way to only expose relevant data elements to any party in order to fulfil API purpose. The Bank Guidelines further require that financial institutions should ensure that personal data being transmitted or stored in encrypted form to enable privacy and integrity.
Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS/drones)
The General Civil Aviation Authority (GCAA) of the UAE is the regulatory body concerning registration of UAS/drones in the UAE. GCAA registers the following two types of users of UAS/drones:
Under the relevant regulations, issued by the GCAA, use of aerial photographic apparatus installed on UAS/drones shall not be permitted without a prior authorisation by the GCAA.
There is no requirement with regard to digital governance or fair data practice review boards or committee.
No details are available concerning any regulatory enforcement or litigation.
There is no uniform process concerning due diligence in corporate transactions. The entities perform due diligence based upon their individual risk appetite and underlying circumstances with regard to the nature and complexity of a particular transaction.
There is no requirement for making public disclosure regarding an organisation’s cybersecurity risk profile or experience.
Federal Decree Law No 46 of 2021, on electronic transactions and trust services (the Electronic Transactions Law), has been come into effect on 2 January 2022 and has repealed the Federal Law No 01 of 2006 on electric commerce and transactions. As regulator, the Telecommunications and Digital Government Regulatory Authority (TDRA) will implement this law. The Electronic Transactions Law provides means for regulating electronic identification systems and trust services. Executive regulations to implement the new law are to be issued. The Electronic Transactions Law fully recognises electronic signatures and electronic documents as having full legal validity and enforceability. Trust service providers must be licensed from TDRA to render electronic signatures services.
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Al Sarab Tower, Level 15
ADGM Abu Dhabi
United Arab Emirates
+971 52 914 1118