Australia ratified the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions (the “OECD Convention”) in 1999. Australia is also a signatory to the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) of 2003. As a state party to both treaties, Australia is required to criminalise bribery of domestic and foreign public officials in the course of international business.
Australia gives effect to its treaty obligations primarily through the Criminal Code Act 1995 (Cth) (Criminal Code). This is the federal legislation prohibiting the bribery of Commonwealth domestic and foreign public officials. Other relevant Commonwealth legislation includes the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) and the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 (Cth).
All of Australia’s six states and two territories have also legislated against public sector and private sector bribery, typically in the relevant state or territory’s crimes legislation. While the laws differ between each state and territory, they generally make it an offence to corruptly give or offer an inducement or reward to an agent for doing or not doing something regarding the affairs of the agent’s principal. It is also an offence to aid, abet, counsel, procure, solicit or incite the commission of these offences.
In addition, bribery and misconduct in public office remain criminal offences under the common law of some states and territories, rather than being criminalised by statute (as occurs in the other states and territories). The bribery offence at common law is constituted by the offering or receiving of an undue reward to or by any person in public office in order to influence that person’s behaviour in that office.
Unlike the United States and the United Kingdom, Australian government agencies have only published limited guidance on the interpretation and enforcement of the various anti-bribery and corruption laws. The Attorney-General’s Department (AGD) has developed an online learning module on foreign bribery, which provides guidance on Australia’s anti-bribery policy, relevant laws, and their application. It has also published a Foreign Bribery Information and Awareness Pack, which provides key information on the foreign bribery offence.
The Australian Trade and Investment Commission (“Austrade”) has published material online to provide general guidance to businesses operating overseas, including practical guidance on implementing an anti-bribery and corruption compliance programme, and proportionate anti-bribery procedures. The Australian Tax Office (ATO) has also published guidelines on understanding and dealing with the bribery of Australian and foreign public officials.
The Bribery Prevention Network is a recently established public-private partnership offering a free online resource portal designed to support Australian businesses in preventing, detecting and addressing bribery and corruption risks both locally and overseas.
The Prosecution Policy of the Commonwealth (the “Prosecution Policy”) provides guidance as to how prosecution decisions are to be made by the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (CDPP) in relation to Commonwealth offences, including bribery offences.
As discussed later in this chapter, the Crimes Legislation Amendment (the Combatting Corporate Crime) Bill 2019 (Cth) (the “Corporate Crime Bill”), which was re-introduced to parliament by the Australian government following the lapsing of an earlier bill in July 2019, again lapsed following a change of government in July 2022. It is not yet clear whether the new government intends to reinstate it, though some aspects of the Corporate Crime Bill were opposed by the new government whilst they were in opposition. It is therefore expected that, if reintroduced, the bill will likely be varied, at least to some extent. Prior to this there were several noteworthy amendments to Australia’s anti-bribery and corruption laws in 2015 and 2016. In particular:
Significant reforms to Australia’s whistle-blower protection laws came into force in July 2019 pursuant to the Treasury Laws Amendment (Enhancing Whistleblower Protections) Act 2019 (Cth), see 6.4 Protection Afforded to Whistle-Blowers.
Serious corruption is now also specifically targeted under Australia’s new thematic sanctions framework. In December 2021, amendments to the Autonomous Sanction Act 2011 (Cth) allowed the Commonwealth government to impose economic, financial and trade restrictions on individuals who have engaged in situations of grave international concern, including those responsible for, or complicit in, serious corruption.
Domestic Bribery
Section 141.1(1) of the Criminal Code provides that it is an offence for a person to: dishonestly provide, offer or cause to be provided or offered a benefit to another person with the intention of influencing a Commonwealth public official in the exercise of their duties.
“Benefit” is broadly defined to include any advantage, and is not limited to money or property, and “Commonwealth public official” includes all employees of the Commonwealth and any Commonwealth authority.
A similar but lesser offence applies to corrupting benefits given to a Commonwealth public official under Section 142.1(1) of the Criminal Code.
Corresponding offences apply to the receipt by Commonwealth public officials of bribes or corrupting benefits: Sections 141.1(3) and 142.1(3).
It is also an offence under Section 135.4(7) of the Criminal Code to conspire with another person with the intention of dishonestly influencing a Commonwealth public official in the exercise of their duties as a public official.
Furthermore, various state and territory provisions prohibit bribery of state and territory public officials, which provisions are often the same as those prohibiting private sector bribery.
Foreign Bribery
The foreign bribery offence is contained in Section 70.2(1) of the Criminal Code. That section provides that it is an offence to: provide, offer or cause to be provided or offered to another person a benefit which is not legitimately due to the other person with the intention of influencing a foreign public official in the exercise of their duties in order to obtain or retain business or a business advantage.
The offence captures bribes made to foreign public officials either directly or indirectly via an agent, relative or business partner. The key mental element is that the defendant must have intended to influence the foreign public official.
“Foreign public official” is broadly defined and includes, but is not limited to, an employee, contractor or official of a foreign government department or agency, a foreign government-controlled company or public international organisation. “Benefit” is also broadly defined to include any advantage.
Private Sector Bribery
Commercial, or private sector, bribery is criminalised by state and territory legislation, rather than by the Commonwealth. Generally speaking, those laws prohibit the corrupt giving or offering of inducements or secret commissions to, or receiving them from, employees or agents of private or public companies and individuals. Conduct is considered “corrupt” only if it is engaged in with the intention of influencing the recipient to show favour, and the fact that the commission is secret raises the presumption that it was given corruptly.
An example of the state and territory provisions are those contained in the Crimes Act 1900 (NSW) (NSW Crimes Act). Among other things:
The definition of “agent” is wide and includes employees, while “benefit” includes money and any contingent benefit.
Failure to Prevent Bribery
Failure to prevent bribery is not currently an offence in Australia. However, it was proposed in the Corporate Crime Bill, modelled on Section 7 of the UK Bribery Act 2010. If a similar bill containing this offence is introduced and passed, a body corporate would be liable where an associate commits foreign bribery for the profit or gain of the body corporate. The offence would not apply if the body corporate had in place adequate procedures designed to prevent the commission of the foreign bribery offence by its associates.
It is expected that this proposed new offence would assist in facilitating responsibility for offending conduct being attributed to a company based in Australia, in circumstances where a subsidiary company commits foreign bribery (whether within or outside of Australia), provided it does so for the profit or gain of the parent company.
Gifts and Hospitality
Australian legislation does not expressly articulate the circumstances under which providing gifts and hospitality may amount to bribery. As the law currently stands, the giving of such benefits will only be unlawful if done with the intention of improperly influencing a public official.
In Australia, there is close scrutiny of the provision of gifts, entertainment and hospitality involving the public sector. As such, Australian public officials are usually subject to guidelines on the receipt of gifts and hospitality. In particular, each Commonwealth, state and territory government has its own public service with its own code of conduct. These codes of conduct are often supplemented by agency-specific codes of conduct, which regulate the conduct of Australian civil servants or officials working for them.
While it will depend on the applicable guidelines, generally speaking, gifts of more than token value should be avoided.
There are no specific offences in Australia directed at influence peddling. However, given that the substantive bribery offences are broad in scope, depending on the facts and circumstances of a particular case, the exchange of influence in respect of decision-making for an undue advantage may constitute an offence.
The false accounting offences mentioned in 1.4 Recent Key Amendments to National Legislation are found in Part 10.9 of the Criminal Code. The provisions criminalise intentional or reckless concealment of bribery by dealing with accounting documents.
Section 286 of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (Corporations Act) also puts an obligation on companies to keep written financial records for seven years that correctly record and explain its transactions and financial position and performance. Failure to keep such financial records is a strict liability offence. In addition, it is an offence under Section 1307 for an employee or former employee of a company to falsify any books relating to the affairs of the company.
The Crimes Acts of various states and territories also have similar false accounting offences, such as Section 83(1)(a) of the Crimes Act 1958 (Vic) which makes it an offence to dishonestly falsify a document made for an accounting purpose.
Domestic public officials also commit an offence by engaging in corrupt practices. For example, as referred to in 2.1 Bribery, Section 141.1(3) of the Criminal Code provides that it is an offence for a Commonwealth public official to: dishonestly ask, receive, obtain, or agree to receive or obtain a benefit for themselves or another person with the intention that the exercise of their official duties will be influenced, or of inducing, fostering or sustaining such a belief.
A similar but lesser offence applies if a Commonwealth public official receives a corrupting benefit (Section 142.1(3)).
A Commonwealth public official will also commit an offence against Section 142.2 of the Criminal Code for the abuse of public office. This provision will be breached if the official exercises influence, engages in conduct, or uses information obtained in their capacity as an official, with the intention of dishonestly obtaining a benefit for themselves or another person, or causing detriment to another person.
The states and territories also legislate against public officers seeking or accepting bribes or other benefits to which they are not entitled.
New South Wales is the only Australian jurisdiction that retains a specific offence of embezzlement (Part 4, Division 6, NSW Crimes Act). This offence criminalises conduct in which an employee intentionally misappropriates property entrusted to them by their employer. In other Australian jurisdictions, embezzlement conduct is dealt with under provisions relating to fraud, theft or other property offences.
There are no specific provisions concerning the commission of an offence through an intermediary. However, the offences under the Criminal Code are structured broadly so as to capture such offences. See 3.3 Corporate Liability.
At general law, a prosecution for a criminal offence can be commenced at any time, unless a statute provides otherwise. However, criminal proceedings may be stayed to prevent injustice to the defendant caused by unreasonable delay.
There is no statute of limitations for prosecutions of the above-mentioned Commonwealth offences. That is because under the Crimes Act 1914 (Cth) (Crimes Act), there is no limitations period for the prosecution of offences by individuals against a law of the Commonwealth where the maximum penalty exceeds six months’ imprisonment or for the prosecution of offences by companies where the maximum penalty exceeds AUD33,300.
The Criminal Code offences referred to in 2.1 Bribery, 2.3 Financial Record-Keeping and 2.4 Public Officials have broad extraterritorial reach.
In relation to the foreign bribery offence, either some part of the conduct constituting the alleged offence must have occurred in Australia or, if the conduct occurred wholly outside Australia, the person must be an Australian citizen or resident, or a body corporate incorporated in Australia.
In relation to the offence of bribing a Commonwealth public official, it does not matter if the conduct constituting the alleged offence, or the result of that conduct, occurred entirely outside Australia.
In relation to the state and territory-based offences, there must be some nexus between the state or territory and the offence. In NSW, that nexus will be held to exist where the offence is committed:
Liability for a breach of directors’ duties under the Corporations Act will arise if the relevant person is a director or officer of an Australian-incorporated company. If the relevant person is a director or officer of a foreign company, the Corporations Act will only have extraterritorial reach over that individual in limited circumstances, including where the conduct occurred in connection with the foreign company carrying on business in Australia (Section 186).
Under Australian law, a company, as a separate legal entity, can be convicted of bribery offences. Companies and individuals can also be held liable for the same offence.
The Criminal Code has specific provisions which address corporate criminal responsibility. Under these provisions, for a company to be criminally responsible for an offence, the physical and mental (or “fault”) elements must be attributed to the company as follows:
In other Australian jurisdictions, generally speaking, a corporation may be found guilty of a criminal offence either on the grounds of vicarious liability or on the basis that the person who committed the acts and had the requisite mental state was the directing mind and will of the company.
In the M&A context, a successor entity will not be held liable for offences by the target entity that occurred prior to the merger or acquisition. However, if the transaction was effected by a share sale, the target entity will remain liable even after the acquisition.
Two specific defences are available for the offence of foreign bribery under Section 70.2(1) of the Criminal Code. Both are very narrow.
The first defence (Section 70.3) is enlivened where the provision of the benefit is permitted or required by a written law of the place where the conduct occurred.
The second defence (Section 70.4) is in respect of facilitation payments. If the value of the benefit was of a minor nature, and made to expedite or secure the performance of a “routine government action” of a minor nature, and a record of the details of the conduct was created as soon as practicable, a defendant will have a good defence against liability. Routine government action excludes a decision about the awarding of new business, continuing existing business, or the terms of new or existing business. Rather, it is an action commonly performed by the foreign public official, such as granting permits or licences, processing government papers or providing access to utilities.
Australia has been considering removing the facilitation payment defence for some time. However, the Corporate Crime Bill proposed that the defence be retained. Nonetheless, Australian authorities recommend avoiding such payments, given that they are often difficult to distinguish from bribes.
There are no exceptions to the above-mentioned defences, which are narrowly framed and only apply in specific situations.
The Commonwealth legislation does not provide any de minimis exceptions. However, such exceptions are found in some of the state and territory legislation. For example, Section 249I of the NSW Crimes Act enables the court to exercise its discretion to dismiss a case if the offence is of a trivial or merely technical nature.
No sectors or industries are exempt from the offences referred to in 2.1 Bribery, 2.3 Financial Record-Keeping and 2.4 Public Officials.
There is no formal safe harbour or amnesty programme in Australia based on self-reporting or the existence of adequate compliance procedures and remediation efforts. However, see the discussion regarding the CDPP and Australian Federal Police's (AFP) joint guidance on self-reporting in 7.4 Discretion for Mitigation.
The maximum penalties on conviction for foreign or domestic bribery offences are significant:
• for a company, a fine being the greatest of:
For the false accounting provisions, the maximum penalty for intentional conduct is the same as above, while reckless conduct attracts a maximum penalty of half that of those offences.
In addition to criminal penalties, any benefits obtained from foreign bribery may be forfeited to the Australian government under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 (Cth) (POCA).
The maximum penalties that may be imposed for private sector bribery vary between the states and territories. By way of example, in NSW, the maximum period of imprisonment for a bribery offence under Section 249B of the NSW Crimes Act is seven years.
Australia has complex legislated sentencing regimes which require each judge, through the exercise of judicial discretion, to impose a sentence of severity appropriate to all the circumstances of the offence. This requires the sentencing court to take into consideration both aggravating and mitigating factors relevant to the specific facts. The same sentencing principles which apply to individuals will apply to a corporation. In particular, general deterrence is an important consideration for the sentencing court. However, Australia does not have the same prescriptive sentencing guidelines that exist in other jurisdictions (eg, the United Kingdom). There are no guidelines specific to bribery and corruption offences.
Australian law does not currently establish any specific duties to prevent corruption.
However, the way the corporate criminal responsibility provisions are structured encourages companies to have sound compliance programmes. This is because, if an employee, officer or agent engages in the relevant conduct, the company may potentially be held liable if, among other things:
Corporate Culture
“Corporate culture” is yet to be judicially tested in this context, but is defined to mean “an attitude, policy, rule, course of conduct or practice existing within the body corporate generally or in the part of the body corporate in which the relevant activities take place”. A key aspect of corporate culture is looking beyond what the company says in its policy literature, to what it actually does in terms of its shared norms, values and how it manages risk. The diligent implementation of an appropriate compliance regime is therefore a very important factor to take into account when assessing corporate culture.
In addition, a director's duty to exercise reasonable care, skill and diligence would extend to taking reasonable care to ensure that the company has an appropriate risk management framework in place, including to manage bribery risk.
Corporate Crime Bill
The previously proposed offence of failing to prevent foreign bribery, which incorporated a defence of “adequate procedures”, would further encourage action to prevent corruption. Under the Corporate Crime Bill (now lapsed), the Minister for Justice would have been required to publish guidance on the steps companies could take to help prevent their employees, agents and contractors from engaging in foreign bribery.
Adequate procedures guidance
In November 2019, the Australian government developed a principles-based draft guidance on adequate procedures. Public submissions on this draft were received in February 2020. It drew upon existing guidance published by various entities and government bodies, including the Australian Trade Commission, US Department of Justice, and the OECD. The draft guidance clarified that:
The draft guidance, which was broadly consistent with the UK guidance, suggested that companies adopt the following fundamental elements in their programmes:
Lobbying activities are regulated at the federal and state or territory level by the applicable Lobbying Codes of Conduct (“Code of Conduct”) and Lobbyist Registers (“Register”).
For example, the AGD administers the Commonwealth Code of Conduct, which was recently updated in 2022 and includes requirements to ensure contact between lobbyists and Commonwealth government representatives remain consistent with the public’s expectations in respect of integrity, transparency and honesty.
Under the Commonwealth Code of Conduct, subject to very limited exceptions, anyone who acts on behalf of third-party clients (regardless of sector) for the purpose of lobbying a Commonwealth government representative is considered a lobbyist and is therefore required to register as such. Government representatives are prohibited from engaging with lobbyists that are not registered on the Register. The Commonwealth’s Register is publicly searchable on the AGD’s website.
As a general rule, there is no requirement for individuals and/or companies to disclose violations of Australia's anti-bribery and corruption laws.
However, there are certain exceptions. For example, in NSW, it is an offence under Section 316 of the NSW Crimes Act for a person, including a company, who knows or believes that another person has committed a serious indictable offence, to fail without reasonable excuse to report that matter to the NSW Police.
Additional requirements also exist with respect to public disclosures of political donations in the Commonwealth, states and territories. Failure to report political donations may evidence corrupt or dishonest intentions for the purposes of domestic bribery offences.
To strengthen the protection afforded to whistle-blowers in Australia, new private sector whistle-blower laws came into effect in July 2019.
Protection under the Corporations Act
The new regime, contained in Part 9.4AAA of the Corporations Act, has significantly expanded and strengthened private sector whistle-blower protections, increased applicable penalties and introduced a requirement for public companies and large proprietary companies to have a whistle-blower policy which addresses certain matters.
Importantly, protected disclosures are no longer limited to potential contraventions of the corporations legislation, but now extend to disclosures where the whistle-blower has reasonable grounds to suspect that the information concerns misconduct, or an improper state of affairs or circumstances, in relation to the relevant company or a related body corporate. This specifically includes conduct by the entity, or one of its employees or officers, that constitutes an offence against a law of the Commonwealth punishable by imprisonment for a period of 12 months or more, which would include the domestic and foreign bribery offences in the Criminal Code.
Where certain criteria are met, a whistle-blower will receive protections in relation to the confidentiality of their identity and in relation to victimisation. The penalties for breach of these protections have been significantly increased. The maximum civil penalty for companies, for example, is now the greater of AUD11.1 million, three times the benefit derived from the contravention, or 10% of annual turnover (up to a maximum of AUD555 million). It is also now easier for victimised whistle-blowers to claim compensation and other remedies.
Whistle-blowers are also protected against certain legal actions related to making a disclosure. This includes criminal prosecution (and the disclosure cannot be used against the whistle-blower in a prosecution, unless that disclosure is false), civil litigation (eg, breach of employment contract) or administrative action (eg, disciplinary action). Immunity is not given for any misconduct that the whistle-blower was involved in that is revealed in the disclosure.
Protection under the Public Interest Disclosure Act
Public officials are protected under the Public Interest Disclosure Act 2013 (Cth) (PID Act). The PID Act seeks to encourage public officials to report suspected wrongdoing in the Australian public sector, while protecting those who make public interest disclosures from any reprisals. There is equivalent legislation covering public servants in each state and territory.
Protection under the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Amendment Act
There are also specific protections against reprisals for union whistle-blowers. These were introduced by the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Amendment Act 2016 (Cth), which contained a range of measures intended to fight union corruption.
There are no financial rewards to incentivise whistle-blowing, as occurs in the USA. A reward system was recommended by the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services to motivate whistle-blowers to come forward with high-quality information, however, that recommendation was not ultimately adopted.
The relevant provisions governing protections afforded to whistle-blowers are located in various pieces of legislation. The most important of these are:
Despite a slowly growing number of successful prosecutions, Australia is still in the relatively early stages of enforcing anti-bribery laws in relation to foreign public officials. Enforcement of domestic bribery offences is more established and has been steady.
Australia does not have one single bribery and corruption enforcement agency. Instead, the country has adopted a multi-agency approach to combating corruption. At the Commonwealth level, Australia’s main criminal law enforcement agencies in bribery cases are the AFP and the CDPP. State-based investigations are generally conducted by the fraud squad of the particular state police department, with the state directors of public prosecutions conducting prosecutions.
While allegations of corruption will generally be referred to the AFP, other agencies that may become involved in investigation processes include:
The CDPP is largely responsible for prosecuting offenders under the anti-bribery provisions of the Criminal Code.
In 2013, the AFP established the Fraud and Anti-Corruption (FAC) business area, which enhanced the AFP’s response to, among other things, serious and complex fraud against the Commonwealth, corruption involving Australian government employees, and foreign bribery. The FAC business area brought together multiple Commonwealth agencies, including the AFP, ASIC and ATO. In late 2019, the AFP transitioned its foreign bribery investigations out of the FAC centre to a new multi-agency taskforce specifically focused on foreign bribery and related transnational corruption issues.
In recent years, ASIC has taken a far more active interest in potential Corporations Act contraventions by directors and officers involved in foreign bribery investigations.
The ATO, as the Commonwealth’s principal revenue collection agency, also refers information on suspected or actual bribe transactions to the AFP for potential investigation and/or prosecution, and has established guidelines which require tax auditors to report any suspected foreign bribery.
If an investigating body (such as ASIC or the AFP) completes an investigation into a Commonwealth offence and concludes that there may be grounds to charge someone with a crime, it will refer the case to the relevant Director of Public Prosecutions, who will make an independent assessment on whether to prosecute the case.
Independent Commissions
In addition, there are a number of independent commissions at both the federal and state level which investigate possible corruption of public officials (including politicians) and the police. At a federal level, the Australian Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity is an independent body whose primary role is to investigate law enforcement-related corruption issues, giving priority to serious and systemic corruption. Each state also has independent commissions which investigate possible corruption of both public officials and police at a state level (eg, the Independent Commission Against Corruption in New South Wales (ICAC)). While these bodies cannot charge individuals or corporations with offences, they have wide-ranging investigative powers conferred by statute. Reports following an investigation can be given to the police for further investigation, to parliament, or released publicly. There is a proposal to create a similar independent commission at the federal level, see 8.1 Assessment of the Applicable Enforced Legislation.
Powers of Regulatory and Law Enforcement Agencies
Regulatory and law enforcement agencies have significant information-gathering powers to assist them with their investigations. ASIC, for example, may issue notices compelling a person to produce documents, provide information and/or attend a compulsory hearing or examination to answer questions.
ASIC and the AFP, and certain other law enforcement agencies (such as ICAC), also have the power to access premises to conduct searches and seize materials, usually after obtaining a search warrant. For some serious offences, law enforcement bodies will also have access to more intrusive covert powers, including telephone intercepts.
ASIC’s powers may only be used for the performance of its functions or in relation to an alleged or suspected contravention of the law or for the purpose of a formal investigation. Failure to comply with a written notice, or to attend an examination, without reasonable cause, is an offence for which penalties may be imposed. In practice, demands for documents are often broadly defined, and it is common practice for recipients of such notices to engage with ASIC to negotiate the scope of those demands before responding.
Unlike ASIC, the AFP does not have the power to compel individuals to answer questions under oath.
However, search warrant powers are available to the AFP, ASIC and many other authorities, upon application to a magistrate, provided the relevant authority is able to establish that there are “reasonable grounds for suspecting” that there is, or shortly will be, relevant evidentiary material at the premises.
Collaboration with Overseas Law Enforcement Agencies
Australian enforcement agencies are increasingly collaborating, and conducting parallel investigations, with other overseas law enforcement agencies. If relevant evidence is located in a foreign country, Australian enforcement agencies may, through the Attorney-General, seek the assistance of the relevant overseas enforcement agency to serve various documents, obtain evidence (including the production of documents and taking evidence by video link), and execute search and seizures. Australia's mutual assistance system is governed by the Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters Act 1987 (Cth) (MA Act).
In addition to the above, if criminal proceedings are instituted, courts still have their ordinary powers to issue subpoenas or summonses at the request of the prosecutor, compelling a person to give evidence prior to or at trial.
Unlike in the UK and the USA, Australian enforcement agencies have fairly limited discretion for mitigation in enforcing their powers. This is largely due to the fact that there is not, as yet, any equivalent deferred prosecution or non-prosecution agreement regime in Australia.
Relevant Mitigating Factors
As a general rule, an offender who discloses that they have engaged in criminal conduct will still be prosecuted subject to there being a prima facie case, reasonable prospects of conviction and that it is in the public interest to prosecute. Nonetheless, the accused can expect to receive a significantly moderated sentence because pleading guilty, providing assistance to law enforcement agencies and showing contrition or remorse (including by making reparation for any injury, loss or damage caused by the offender’s conduct) are all mitigating factors which a court must take into account in the sentencing process.
Various legal mechanisms can be found in published prosecution policies (such as the Prosecution Policy), guidelines and conventions, as well as statutes, which can apply to persons who voluntarily disclose their criminal conduct. This includes the granting of immunity from prosecution in extraordinary circumstances, or the investigating authority accepting an induced witness statement which cannot be used against the deponent.
Self-Reporting of Foreign Bribery
While the AFP encourages self-reporting of foreign bribery, there are still no real incentives to do so. In 2017, the CDPP and the AFP jointly developed a Best Practice Guideline on Self-Reporting of Foreign Bribery and Related Offending by Corporations, in an effort to incentivise companies to self-report. This guideline identifies public interest factors the CDPP will take into account when deciding whether or not to prosecute a self-reporting corporation, or how the self-report will be taken into account in any future prosecution. However, this policy does not offer much certainty or comfort for those who may be considering self-reporting.
Prosecution Policies and Guidelines
The formal decision as to whether or not relevant charges should be laid, either against individuals or a company, will be made by the CDPP (or its state/territory counterparts, where relevant) in accordance with its Prosecution Policy, often following a referral by an Australian enforcement agency.
Prosecution policies and guidelines provide a foundation for the prosecution and the defendant to negotiate what charges should be proceeded with. However, agreements on sentence are not enforceable or binding upon a sentencing court, which ultimately has the discretion to determine the appropriate sentence. This places a significant constraint on a defendant's ability to plea bargain. In Barbaro v the Queen (2014) 253 CLR 58, the High Court confirmed that the prosecution is not required, and should not be permitted, to proffer even a sentencing range to a sentencing judge. Charge bargaining, on the other hand, is common.
Pre-trial Diversion Process
There are currently no legal mechanisms for a pre-trial diversion process or a deferred prosecution in Australia. The Corporate Crime Bill proposed to make deferred prosecution agreements (DPA) available for certain serious corporate crimes, including foreign bribery, which would no doubt incentivise more companies to self-report. For further details about these proposed amendments, see 8.2 Likely Changes to the Applicable Legislation of the Enforcement Body.
The AFP’s decision to investigate potential offences under the Criminal Code or ASIC’s decision to investigate potential breaches of directors’ duties under the Corporations Act will be guided by, among other things, whether or not they can establish a sufficient jurisdictional nexus based on the requirements referred to in 3.2 Geographical Reach of Applicable Legislation.
In circumstances where an offence such as foreign bribery typically involves conduct occurring overseas, evidence of which must be properly obtained to support a prosecution, Australian enforcement agencies may seek mutual assistance from overseas authorities under the MA Act, see 7.3 Process of Application for Documentation.
According to the OECD’s 2021 Addendum to its Phase 4 Two-Year Follow-Up Report on Australia (see 8.1 Assessment of the Applicable Enforced Legislation), the AFP had five foreign bribery prosecutions underway as at November 2021, an increase from the two recorded in November 2019. The majority of the prosecutions commenced in Australia to date under foreign anti-bribery laws have been prosecutions of individuals, rather than companies. It is expected that this trend will continue, but that companies will also continue to be prosecuted in appropriate cases. Frequently, associated false accounting charges have been brought in parallel to the bribery prosecutions, against individuals who sought to disguise or conceal the true nature of the bribes.
While it is difficult to obtain reliable data on the ongoing bribery and corruption investigations in Australia, the most notable Australian enforcement actions in the anti-bribery and corruption space include the following:
Although there has been a steady increase in the level of enforcement action for bribery and corruption offences in recent years, in particular foreign bribery, there is still some way to go. Bolstering the resources and abilities of the dedicated fraud and anti-corruption teams within the AFP will assist, as will the reforms proposed by the Corporate Crime Bill if reintroduced and passed.
As Australia is a party to the OECD Anti-bribery Convention, the adequacy and enforcement of Australia's anti-bribery legislation is subject to ongoing evaluation.
OECD Working Group
2017 Report
The OECD Working Group on Bribery published its Phase 4 Report for Australia in December 2017. The working group identified several achievements and positive developments, noting that Australia had stepped up its enforcement on foreign bribery since 2012 (when the working group had been critical of Australia’s poor enforcement record). This improvement included reforms passed in 2015 and 2016 (see 1.4 Recent Key Amendments to National Legislation), the establishment of the FAC, the establishment of the Fintel Alliance (a public-private partnership aimed at combatting money laundering, terrorist financing and organised crime), and the engagement of AFP liaison officers globally in foreign bribery investigations.
The OECD Working Group also made a number of recommendations. Key recommendations included ensuring that the AFP and CDPP have adequate resources to effectively enforce the foreign bribery offence, proactively pursuing criminal charges against companies for foreign bribery and related offences and encouraging companies to develop and adopt adequate internal controls and compliance programmes.
2019 Report
In the OECD’s two-year follow-up report in December 2019, Australia was commended for its implementation of a number of the Phase 4 Report recommendations, most notably its detection of foreign bribery, aided by its enhanced protections for private sector whistle-blowers. However, there was continued concern about Australia’s low level of foreign bribery enforcement, given the size of Australia’s economy and the high-risk regions and sectors in which Australian companies operate, and doubts about Australia’s ability to impose effective, proportionate and dissuasive criminal penalties.
2021 Report
In its 2021 Addendum to the above report, the OECD Working Group recognised Australia’s increased activity in prosecuting and investigating foreign bribery cases, together with budget increases for the CDPP. However, it also noted that the Corporate Crime Bill had not yet been passed. Australia was invited to provide a further progress report by December 2022, including on the legislative status of the adoption of the Corporate Crime Bill (which has since lapsed).
Senate Economics References Committee Report
In March 2018, the Senate Economics References Committee released its report regarding the effectiveness of Australia’s legislation governing foreign bribery. The report highlighted that, despite the framework of laws and policies designed to criminalise foreign bribery being in place, Australia’s poor enforcement record suggested that foreign bribery offences were not being adequately enforced. Factors contributing to this lack of enforcement included the complex nature of the cases, lack of sufficient expertise, delays in investigative procedures, lack of co-operation between companies and the authorities, and limited resources. The committee made several recommendations to improve the enforcement record, including increasing one-off funding to agencies for the large and complex investigation of foreign bribery offences and to introduce a “failure to prevent” bribery offence and a DPA regime.
In February 2021, the Australian government published its response to the Committee Report. It accepted many of the Committee’s recommendations and noted that the proposed Corporate Crime Bill was intended to address many of the issues raised.
Royal Commission into Trade Union Governance and Corruption Report
Australia's anti-bribery legislation was also assessed by the Royal Commission into Trade Union Governance and Corruption, which delivered its final report on 28 December 2015, as well as by the Western Australia Corruption and Crime Commission's inquiry into information technology companies' contracts with the Department of Health.
Royal Commission into Misconduct in the Banking, Superannuation and Financial Services Industry Report
More broadly, Australia’s enforcement environment went through a period of intensification following the Royal Commission into Misconduct in the Banking, Superannuation and Financial Services Industry, the final report of which was delivered on 1 February 2019. Following the commissioner’s critique of ASIC’s failure to take tougher action against companies and individuals, ASIC announced a stronger enforcement approach and established a new “Office of Enforcement” in July 2019 to lead its enforcement function. This led to a significant increase in the number of enforcement actions being brought by ASIC, including a 64% increase in civil penalty proceedings and a 36% increase in criminal proceedings commenced from 2018 to 2020.
As expected, ASIC’s enforcement activity has significantly reduced over the past year, and ASIC recently announced that it had filed its final civil case following its enforcement investigations arising from the Royal Commission. However, it is not expected that this will diminish ASIC’s continuing active interest in potential Corporations Act contraventions by directors and officers in the foreign bribery space.
Proposed Federal Anti-Corruption Commission
In September 2022, the National Anti-Corruption Bill 2022 (the “NACC Bill”) was introduced, proposing the creation of a long-awaited National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC). The NACC is expected to be in place by mid-2023 and will investigate serious or systemic corrupt conduct across the Commonwealth public sector, including any person who adversely influences a public official. It will therefore have the power to investigate both public and private sector targets, as well as third parties such as businesses and their employees. While corruption commissions have been operating in most states and territories for some time now, earlier proposed models for a federal equivalent had been heavily criticised as lacking teeth and did not progress.
The Corporate Crime Bill was introduced in 2017 to significantly expand the scope of the foreign bribery offence, introduce a new corporate offence of failing to prevent foreign bribery, and to introduce a DPA scheme. The Bill lapsed on 1 July 2019 as a consequence of the 2019 federal election, and following its re-introduction in December 2019, again lapsed following a change in government in July 2022. The new government has not yet indicated whether it will be introduced (and, if so, in what form). However, given the focus on the Corporate Crime Bill by the OECD and others, it is reasonable to expect it to be back on the radar following the passage of the NACC Bill.
The Corporate Crime Bill proposed to amend the foreign bribery offence by:
As outlined in 2.1 Bribery, a new offence was also proposed to be included in Division 70 (to apply prospectively) which targets the failure of a company to prevent foreign bribery by an associate.
Significantly, the Corporate Crime Bill proposed to introduce Australia’s first-ever DPA scheme. The purpose of the proposed scheme was to develop an effective response to corporate crime by encouraging greater self-reporting by companies and to enhance the accountability of Australian business for serious corporate crime. The basis of the scheme was reparation, remediation, financial penalties and implementation of effective compliance programmes, and was modelled on the equivalent scheme in the UK.
However, the proposed DPA scheme was met with criticism by the current government when it was in opposition for being “too weak”. It is therefore expected that, if the Corporate Crime Bill is re-introduced by the current government, it will incorporate a more stringent DPA scheme, or exclude it altogether.
The Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC) also recently considered the current corporate criminal responsibility regime in Australia and identified key recommendations to improve the regime in a report published in April 2020. In particular, it recommended standardising attribution of criminal responsibility to corporations and simplifying Part 2.5 of the Criminal Code to make it easier for the prosecution, while still allowing corporations to avoid liability by demonstrating that they took reasonable precautions to prevent misconduct. In relation to foreign bribery liability, the ALRC supported the proposed “failure to prevent” offence in the Corporate Crime Bill, and recommended a debarment regime be introduced, to prevent companies that have been found guilty of foreign bribery from obtaining contracts. The ALRC also recommended that the DPA scheme proposed under the Corporate Crime Bill be amended to require approval of DPAs by a current (rather than former) judicial officer. The Australian government is currently considering these recommendations.
The new government has also announced its intention to increase transparency over company ownership, including to introduce a public registry of corporate beneficial ownership. While the focus is to prevent corporate money laundering and tax evasion, this will also have a positive impact upon combatting bribery and corruption. No timeline has yet been established.
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