Advertising & Marketing 2022

Last Updated August 02, 2022


Law and Practice


Baker McKenzie provides, through its Canadian advertising and marketing practice, full-service Canadian advertising and marketing support to leading domestic and international companies, focused on food, cosmetic, drug, device and consumer product safety, packaging and labelling compliance; misleading advertising and deceptive marketing practices compliance; marketing-related privacy, anti-spam and direct marketing regulation; consumer protection, e-commerce and online sales regulation; complex contests, sweepstakes and promotions; social media and digital marketing risk management; advertising clearance, standards and consumer/trade complaints; interface and advocacy with advertising regulators; and marketing-related commercial agreements. The practice has a long record of success in serving leading clients in the Canadian market, including high-profile domestic and international companies in sectors including food and beverage, fashion and luxury, cosmetics and personal care, pharmaceutical and health products, consumer electronics and retail. The authors thank Baker McKenzie articling student Milinda Yimesghen for input in the 2022 update of the Canada Guide and associate Daniel Gao for input in prior updates.

Advertising in Canada is regulated both federally and provincially/territorially.

Federal Regulation

The primary source of regulation is the federal Competition Act, which contains criminal and civil prohibitions on materially false or misleading advertising in any medium. Criminal prosecution is reserved for the most egregious offences (eg, fraud-like conduct or deliberate breaches), with the civil regime used to deal with all other conduct.

In addition to the general prohibitions against materially false or misleading representations, the civil provisions contain specific prohibitions relating to:

  • unsubstantiated performance claims;
  • misleading warranties and guarantees;
  • bait-and-switch selling;
  • false or misleading price claims;
  • testimonials; and
  • promotional contests.

The criminal and civil provisions are mutually exclusive – once criminal charges have been laid or a civil application has been filed, the regulator cannot switch tracks.

Provincial and Territorial Regulation

Provincial and territorial consumer protection statutes set out prohibitions against deceptive marketing practices, similar to those under the Competition Act. With the exception of Quebec, Canada’s only civil law jurisdiction, these prohibitions are relatively similar. Quebec’s consumer protection legislation differs in a number of areas, including:

  • advertising to children;
  • promotional contests;
  • credit advertising;
  • advertising of premiums; and
  • French language requirements for advertising materials.

Federal Regulatory Authorities

The Deceptive Marketing Practices Directorate within the Competition Bureau is charged with enforcing the false or misleading advertising provisions of the Competition Act. The Competition Bureau has broad investigative and enforcement powers, including the ability to commence formal inquiries, seek document production, issue subpoenas and search warrants, and order wiretaps.

The Competition Act imposes significant penalties for false or misleading advertising. Criminal violations may involve a prison term for individuals for up to 14 years and an unlimited fine. Civil sanctions may include the following.

  • A prohibition order lasting up to ten years (the violation of which is a criminal offence).
  • A requirement to publish a corrective notice.
  • An administrative monetary penalty that, as of June 2022, now comprises a maximum amount equal to whichever of the following is higher:
    1. CAD10 million (CAD15 million for each subsequent violation); or
    2. three times the value of the benefit derived from the deceptive conduct (or if that amount cannot be reasonably determined, 3% of the corporation's annual worldwide gross revenues).
  • Restitution to consumers. 

Several other federal regulatory authorities are responsible for product or service-specific advertising laws, including:

  • Health Canada, which enforces advertising rules for food, drugs, natural health products, tobacco, cannabis, vaping products and certain pre-packaged consumer products;
  • the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, which, along with Health Canada, enforces advertising, packaging and labelling requirements for food;
  • the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada, which oversees the advertising of financial products and services; and
  • the Canadian Transportation Agency, which enforces advertising restrictions related to certain air, marine and land-based transportation.

Violation of product or service-specific advertising laws may attract civil or criminal penalties similar to those under the Competition Act. Breaches of product-specific laws may also result in product recalls and the seizure or detention of goods.

Provincial and Territorial Regulatory Authorities

Consumer protection authorities are responsible for enforcing the advertising and marketing provisions of the applicable statutes (eg, in Ontario, the Director under the Consumer Protection Act and the Ministry of Government and Consumer Services). While available penalties vary by jurisdiction, they typically can include fines ranging from CAD1,000 to CAD300,000 (or three times the amount obtained by the violator as a result of the offence, whichever is greater), terms of imprisonment of up to three years for individuals, and other remedies (eg, prohibition orders, retractions and corrective notices).

Corporations and individuals alike may be held liable for violating federal and provincial advertising and marketing laws.

Generally, both civil and criminal liability for misleading misrepresentations attaches to the person who had control or decision-making authority over the content of the representation. Although individual owners, shareholders and third parties – such as advertising and telemarketing agencies – can technically be liable for misleading advertising, in practice, this is unlikely, as they are not likely to be found to have decision-making authority over the content of representations. 

Director and Officer Liability

Although director and officer liability is explicitly codified in only some provisions of the Competition Act dealing with misleading representations, in principle, directors and officers may be liable under both the criminal and the civil prohibitions. As part of a settlement with the Competition Bureau reached in 2021 by an online flight-booking platform in connection with allegedly misleading representations about prices and services, charging of hidden fees and posting false online reviews in violation of the civil misleading advertising provisions, two company directors agreed to penalties of CAD400,000 each.

The Publisher’s Defence

The civil misleading advertising provisions of the Competition Act provide for a so-called “publisher’s defence”, which generally allows persons who merely print or publish, or otherwise disseminate, a representation on behalf of another person in the ordinary course of their business to avoid liability, assuming certain conditions are met.

Product-Specific Advertising Requirements

While the specific circumstances giving rise to liability vary by statute, generally, as with the Competition Act, individuals will not be liable for misleading advertising unless they have some degree of control or decision-making authority over a misleading advertisement. It should also be noted that the “publisher’s defence” may not be available under certain product-specific legislation (eg, the Cannabis Act prohibits a person from publishing, broadcasting or otherwise disseminating, on behalf of another person, prohibited promotions, including misleading advertisements). While not yet interpreted by the courts, this broad provision implies that third parties such as internet platforms and marketing agencies could potentially be liable for non-compliant cannabis advertising.

The most significant self-regulatory organisation in the advertising/marketing space in Canada is Ad Standards, the advertising industry’s self-regulatory body. Ad Standards administers the Canadian Code of Advertising Standards (Code), which contains 14 clauses and six interpretation guidelines setting out a number of basic principles of acceptable advertising including prohibitions against:

  • misleading advertising;
  • deceptive price claims;
  • disguised advertising;
  • false testimonials;
  • deceptive comparative advertising;
  • unsubstantiated claims;
  • depictions of unsafe behaviours;
  • unacceptable advertising to children and minors; and
  • unacceptable portrayals and depictions (eg, discriminatory, indecent or otherwise objectionable content).

Although adherence to the Code is technically voluntary, in practice, those found to be in violation can be asked to amend or withdraw their advertising and may be publicly identified in a complaints report, and newspapers, broadcasters or digital properties that are members of Ad Standards will not carry an advertisement found to be in contravention of the Code. 

Pre-clearance Services

Ad Standards also provides pre-clearance services to advertisers with respect to alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, cosmetics, children’s advertising, health products and food products. Pre-clearance assesses compliance with relevant Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) codes and certain product-specific requirements (eg, under the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario’s Liquor Advertising Guidelines, the CRTC Code for Broadcast Advertising of Alcoholic Beverages, the Broadcast Code for Advertising to Children and the Guidelines for the Nonprescription and Cosmetic Industry Regarding Non-therapeutic Advertising and Labelling Claims).

Most Canadian broadcasters require an Ad Standards (or equivalent) approval number before airing broadcast advertisements, and pre-clearance is common or required in certain other circumstances.

Other Self-Regulating Bodies

There are a number of other industry associations and self-regulatory bodies. Some regulate marketers generally (eg, the Canadian Marketing Association and the Digital Advertising Alliance of Canada) and others (eg, the Canadian Beverage Association, which publishes the Code for the Responsible Advertising of Food and Beverage Products to Children, and the Pharmaceutical Advertising Advisory Board, a pre-clearance agency for drug products) are industry specific. 

A private right of action (including through class actions) is available for consumers who have suffered loss or damage as a result of a breach of the criminal misleading advertising provisions of the Competition Act (or a prohibition order under the civil provisions). Although this right of action is available irrespective of whether there has been a conviction for the underlying conduct, in practice, private actions are mostly brought following a conviction or a guilty plea. Consumers may recover damages equal to the actual loss suffered, plus investigation and proceeding costs.

Individual or class actions may similarly be brought under most provincial or territorial consumer protection statutes.

Recent Trends

Digital advertising and particularly influencer marketing and the collection of consumer data in exchange for “free” online products and services continue to be key areas of concern for the Competition Bureau. These areas have recently been reinforced by the introduction of an express prohibition against drip pricing and significantly increased civil penalties for deceptive marketing. 

Drip Pricing Prohibition

In June 2022, Bill C-19, an act to implement certain provisions of the budget tabled in parliament on 7 April 2022 and other measures, came into force. It introduced sweeping amendments to the Competition Act and implemented the most significant changes since the Act's last major amendments in 2009, including a new drip pricing prohibition.

Drip pricing refers to the practice of displaying one price to consumers but ultimately charging a higher price through the incorporation of additional fees (other than government sales taxes) added incrementally during the purchase process.

Although the Competition Bureau has routinely enforced against drip pricing conduct as a form of misleading advertising in the past (targeting furniture retailers, concert ticket retailers, airlines and others that have charged hidden fees), drip pricing will now become an expressly prohibited practice under both the criminal and civil misleading advertising provisions of the Act, lowering the evidentiary burden on the Bureau.

Increased Penalties for Deceptive Marketing

Amendments to the Competition Act have also introduced significantly increased civil administrative monetary penalties for deceptive marketing practices (which the Competition Bureau had suggested were no longer a sufficient deterrent). Previously, penalties were capped at CAD10 million for a corporation’s first violation and CAD15 million for subsequent violations. Maximum penalties will now be increased to either CAD10 million (CAD15 million for each subsequent violation) or three times the value of the benefit obtained from the deceptive conduct (or if that amount cannot be reasonably determined, 3% of the corporation's annual worldwide gross revenues), whichever is greater.

Notable Recent Actions 

Notable Competition Bureau enforcement actions over the past 12 months include the following.

  • An investigation into a subscription trap scam led to a company pleading guilty to operating a deceptive free trial offer scheme for health and dietary supplements, which was found to have trapped consumers into monthly subscriptions. The penalties include a CAD15 million fine and a ten-year court order prohibiting the company from any direct or indirect involvement in promoting deceptive trial offers. The Bureau concluded that the company left the false impression on its websites that consumers were ordering free trials without further obligations, using claims such as “risk-free trial”, and failing to disclose the real cost and nature of the offers, including the obligation to pay significant ongoing subscription fees.
  • A Canadian company that markets and sells natural health products entered into a consent agreement with the Competition Bureau, upon a finding by the Bureau that the company’s marketing claims gave a false and misleading impression of proven ability to cause weight loss, an impression that was not supported by adequate and proper testing. While the company's products were licensed by Health Canada to make certain claims, they were not authorised to make weight loss claims. As part of the consent agreement reached, the company and its founder agreed to pay a penalty of CAD100,000, are required to remove or change all weight loss claims made about their products, and must establish a corporate compliance programme to prevent future deceptive marketing violations.

While protecting consumers has always been a key priority of the Competition Bureau, this focus intensified in the first few months of the pandemic, when it prioritised enforcement of deceptive claims related to various COVID-19 “cures”, and other novel claims arising from the pandemic and government-related relief initiatives. For example, the Competition Bureau is currently investigating an accounting company for false or misleading representations made when promoting its services to persons applying for government benefit programs implemented in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Various public health laws put in place to combat the pandemic have prompted an increase in consumer advertising complaints, in particular with respect to advertisements designed to play upon consumers’ fears, such as those related to health, the environment, personal finances and consumer product availability. In addition to enforcement actions, this has led to guidance from various regulatory and self-regulatory bodies, including Ad Standards, which issued guidance encouraging advertisers to consider their messaging in light of the current public health crisis.

Although the current Liberal government secured a victory in the last federal election in 2021, its minority win resulted in the incumbent government entering into a coalition with the New Democratic Party, strengthening its ability to pass legislation, but also bringing change in the political agenda.

Following the coalition, the Liberal government has proceeded to re-introduce various bills, such as Bill C-11, a bill to regulate online broadcasters, as well hastily introducing and passing Bill C-19, the 2022 budget bill, which included significant amendments to the Competition Act without public consultation. Amendments to the Competition Act were a response to a mandate letter from the Prime Minister instructing the Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry of Canada to review and modernise the Competition Act, particularly to adapt to the growing digital economy.

In 2021, the Liberal government also announced that it had taken steps to increase the Competition Bureau's budget by more than a third (CAD96 million over five years and thereafter CAD27.5 million annually), which the Competition Bureau intends to use to strengthen its enforcement team and investigations, particularly in digital markets. Overall, the increased budget and amendments to the Act seem likely to foreshadow more regular and active enforcement by the Bureau.

To be actionable, an advertising claim must be made to the “public” and must be false or misleading in a “material” respect. The elements of the offence are substantially similar under both the civil and criminal provisions of the Competition Act, with the latter further requiring that a deceptive representation have been made “knowingly or recklessly”.

Representations to the Public

While only representations directed to the public are actionable, it is not necessary to show that:

  • any person was actually deceived or misled;
  • a member of the public to whom a representation was made was within Canada; or
  • a representation was made in a place to which the public had access.


Materiality depends on both the literal meaning and the general impression of the representation in question. Generally, the test is whether a representation influenced a person to make a purchase. However, when advertising is disseminated through certain electronic means (eg, email or SMS text message), there is no materiality requirement for representations contained in the sender information, subject matter information or locator information (eg, URL and metadata) of the electronic message.

Similar materiality standards apply under provincial and territorial consumer protection legislation and the Canadian Code of Advertising Standards.

All advertising claims, whether express or implied, are regulated and all provable advertising claims that may reasonably be taken as true by consumers must be substantiated.

Claim Substantiation

Any type of performance claim, whether express or implied, must be supported by an “adequate and proper test”, as discussed in 2.3 Substantiation of Advertising Claims. The substantiation required for other types of claims will depend on the circumstances, including the type of claim and the audience for which it is intended.


If a claim is so clearly an exaggeration that a consumer would not reasonably believe it to be true or if a claim is clearly the opinion of the advertiser, generally no substantiation is required. Ad Standards has published guidance on the application of the elements of humour and fantasy in assessing the general impression conveyed by an advertisement.

There are no statutory criteria for what constitutes an adequate and proper test of a performance claim, and the adequacy of any given test largely depends on the circumstances, such as the nature of the claim, the product itself or the availability of any standard testing procedures. While an adequate and proper test does not need to be the best available test or meet the standard typically required for studies published in peer-reviewed journals, it must be appropriate for the product, its material features and performance, and the claim being tested, as well as being valid in the market where the claim is made. Canadian courts have generally interpreted the term “proper” to mean suitable, fit or as required by the circumstances.

Any testing done to substantiate a performance claim must be done before the claim is made. It is not permissible to wait until the claim is challenged to test it. Even if testing later proves the claim to be true, the claim would not have met the substantiation requirements.

Standards largely depend on the circumstances, such as the nature of the claim, the product itself or the availability of any standard testing procedures. While there are generally no requirements prescribing how testing must be conducted or minimum sample sizes, when assessing whether a test is adequate and proper, courts will generally consider, among other things, the following factors:

  • the test is reflective of the risk the product is designed to prevent;
  • the test is carried out under controlled circumstances;
  • the test is conducted on more than one independent sample wherever possible;
  • test results are reasonable, given the nature of the harm at issue and demonstrate that the product causes the desired effect and the effect is material; and
  • subjectivity in the test is eliminated as much as possible.

Standardised industry testing will generally be considered a reasonable benchmark for adequate and proper testing. Research and/or consumer survey data will generally be necessary to support any comparative claim.

In a recent enforcement action against a hockey equipment manufacturer claiming the use of its helmet reduced the risk of concussion, the Competition Bureau concluded that despite testing having been conducted prior to making the claim, it was not adequate and proper as the manufacturer relied on injury studies focused on sports with significantly different injury patterns to those suffered while playing ice hockey.

Therapeutic claims – ie, claims regarding a product’s safety, effectiveness and/or use – are subject to a high degree of scrutiny. Manufacturers of health products must ensure they have robust clinical evidence to substantiate any therapeutic claim. Typically, evidence comes in the form of clinical studies that often result in published, peer-reviewed, controlled and double-blind human studies with demonstrated clinical and statistical significance. In some circumstances, unpublished data may be sufficient, if independently reviewed. Importantly, the studies should directly test and support the approved indications of the advertised product in the intended population, as specifically authorised by Health Canada; this is especially true for drug products. Therapeutic claims related to food products must also be substantiated by human clinical studies and certain food-related therapeutic claims must be pre-approved by Health Canada and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, depending on the health condition addressed in the claim. 

Although there are no laws specifically addressing inclusion, diversity, representation and stereotyping in advertising, such issues are generally addressed through Ad Standards’ self-regulatory framework and the interpretation of the Canadian Code of Advertising Standards. For example, Clause 14 of the Code (as discussed in 1.4 Self-Regulatory Authorities) prohibits advertising material that condones any form of personal discrimination, including discrimination based upon race, national or ethnic origin, religion, gender identity, sex or sexual orientation, age, or disability.

Most recently, the government of Canada has also proposed amendments to the Broadcasting Act which, among other things, would update federal broadcasting policy to be more inclusive of all Canadians from various racialised communities and diverse ethno-cultural backgrounds, sexual orientations and gender identities, including providing opportunities and support for indigenous programming.

Environmental claims, such as those related to sustainability, recycling, safety or environmental impact (including “free of” claims), are subject to marketing and advertising laws of general application. While these claims were historically subject to detailed and extensive regulatory guidance jointly prepared by the Competition Bureau and the Canadian Standards Association, this guidance was recently archived by the Bureau on the basis that it no longer reflects the Bureau’s current policies or practices or the relevant standards and evolving environmental concerns. Although the guidance is therefore no longer recognised and has not been replaced by new guidance, environmental claims remain among the Competition Bureau's main priorities. 

A Recent Case on Environmental Claims

Last year, the Competition Bureau investigated a manufacturer well known for its hot beverage brewing system and accompanying coffee pods, as a result of certain recyclability claims and related instructions associated with its single-use coffee pods. These claims were found to be false or misleading in certain municipalities and provinces where the coffee pods were not accepted for recycling by municipal recycling programmes without further pre-recycling processing steps which were not disclosed to consumers. The manufacturer entered into a consent agreement, and agreed to:

  • pay a CAD3 million penalty;
  • donate CAD800,000 to a Canadian charitable organisation focused on environmental causes;
  • pay an additional CAD85,000 to cover the Competition Bureau's investigation costs;
  • change its recycling claims and coffee pod artwork;
  • publish corrective notices; and
  • enhance its corporate compliance programme.

Many types of claims are subject to specific regulatory guidelines and requirements, including “free”, “natural”, “Made in Canada”, “Product of Canada”, and therapeutic claims.

“Free” Claims

To advertise a product as “free” of charge, there should not be any required or implied cost to obtain it, whether the product is provided on its own or as part of a bundle where the consumer is required to pay for the other bundled item (in the latter case, there should be no cost recovery to offset the cost of the “free” product).

Canadian Origin Claims

“Product of Canada” and “Made in Canada” claims are subject to detailed regulatory guidelines for both food and non-food products. These guidelines outline conditions that must be satisfied to allow the claims, including factors such as the percentage of the product’s total direct costs that must have been incurred in Canada. As the “general impression” test used to assess all advertising claims is similarly applicable to origin claims, it might be possible for an origin claim to be conveyed through a combination or words and visual elements even where the specific words “Product of Canada” or “Made in Canada” are not displayed.

“Natural” Claims

Whether a “natural” claim may be used depends on the product. “Natural” claims related to food are permitted only where food has not been processed in such a way that would alter its chemical, physical or biological state. Although a health product’s therapeutic action can never be advertised as “natural”, given that health products alter the body’s physiological function, individual ingredients may be described as “natural” only where they meet specific criteria (ie, where the ingredient is obtained from a natural source material, is in a form found in nature and has undergone only minimal processing – eg, drying, grinding, powdering, chopping or encapsulating).

Therapeutic and Health Claims

Therapeutic and health claims are regulated by Health Canada and must be substantiated with human clinical evidence, as discussed in 2.5 Human Clinical Studies. Any product that claims to have a medical effect or purpose brings the associated product within Health Canada’s jurisdiction and must be specifically approved for that claim.

There are no statutory rules or restrictions specifically applicable to comparative advertising claims. Such claims are, however, subject to specific provisions under the Canadian Code of Advertising Standards and related guidelines that require that a comparison must not, among other things, unfairly disparage or discredit a competitor or its products or exaggerate the nature or importance of differences. While advertisers are permitted to mention a competitor by name, they may only do so in compliance with intellectual property laws and must not infringe third-party intellectual property rights (see 3.3 Challenging Comparative Claims Made by Competitors).

There are additional, stricter guidelines for comparative advertising in the healthcare/pharmaceutical context (eg, comparative claims in drug advertising should be supported by direct head-to-head human clinical studies - see 2.5 Human Clinical Studies).

Like non-comparative advertising claims, comparative advertising must not be materially false or misleading, based on both the literal meaning and the general impression created by the comparative claim.

Challenge through Ad Standards

An advertiser can challenge a comparative claim under the Canadian Code of Advertising Standards through Ad Standards’ Advertising Dispute Procedure. The procedure is confidential and subject to a partially refundable filing fee. If a challenge is successful, the advertiser will be asked to withdraw or amend the advertisement and failure to do so may result in Ad Standards publishing its decision and in appropriate cases notifying the Competition Bureau, which can take further enforcement action.

Challenges under the Copyright Act and Trademarks Act

Comparative advertising referring to a competitor’s name, logo, label or pictures may attract liability under federal intellectual property laws. Specifically, advertisers may challenge a competitor’s advertisements under the federal Copyright Act where an advertisement reproduces a work or any part without the consent of the copyright owner. An advertiser may also have a cause of action under the Trademarks Act if its competitor:

  • reproduces a trade mark (registered or unregistered) in a manner that is considered likely to depreciate the goodwill attached to the mark;
  • makes false or misleading statements discrediting an advertiser’s business, goods or services; or
  • passes off the advertiser’s goods or services, or otherwise causes confusion as to the source of the goods or services being advertised.

Determining whether comparative claims warrant challenge on intellectual property grounds requires a case-by-case analysis. Recent case law has held that mere overstatements are not always considered false or misleading, and using competitor marks for the purposes of distinguishing goods/services may be acceptable, if supported by evidence. If a challenge is successful, remedies may include injunctions, damages and the removal of infringing advertising material.

Advertising on social media is subject to the same requirements as advertising claims generally: it must be true and not materially false or misleading, based on both the literal meaning and the general impression created by the advertisement. If social media advertising is conducted through testimonials or influencer marketing, additional requirements apply, including a requirement to disclose any material connection with a business, product or service in each social media post.

The Competition Bureau takes the position that both influencers and brands are responsible for ensuring proper disclosures of sponsored posts and compliance with the Competition Act and regulatory guidance requirements. Brands must be vigilant in monitoring social media advertising, as they may be held accountable for representations made by consumers or other individuals about their products. However, in the circumstances where individuals with whom brands have no contractual relationship make misleading representations in social media, brands may have no (or limited) ability to control the content of the representations, which may present compliance challenges.

In principle, an advertiser may be held liable for content posted on its website or social media channels if individuals posting the content fail to disclose a material connection with the advertiser.

In addition to being subject to the same disclosure requirements applicable to traditional media, social media advertising is subject to additional disclosure requirements set out in regulatory guidance. Among other things, social media disclosure must be inseparable from the posted content, able to travel with the message when shared and independent of any particular social media platform (ie, not reliant on platform-specific built-in disclosure mechanisms that are not part of the post (eg, a “paid partnership” header)).

Similarly, regulatory guidance provides examples of acceptable hashtags that are commonly used as a way of ensuring disclosure due to word count limitations (and timing requirements for videos) that exist under most social media platform rules.

While no special rules exist under general advertising and marketing laws, special considerations do apply under privacy and anti-spam laws and guidance issued by Ad Standards addresses medium-specific disclosure, including disclosure on video-based platforms. 

“Native advertising” is subject to the same general rules as other advertising, including the requirement to disclose a material connection with the advertiser in cases where an advertiser influences editorial content by, for example, offering free products or services for reviews.

Presently, there are no Canadian laws or industry guidance that regulate or prohibit misinformation on topics of public importance. Previously, however, the Canada Elections Act prohibited the making or publishing of false statements about a political figure's citizenship, place of birth, education, membership in a group, legal offences or professional qualifications, if made with the intention of affecting results of an election. This provision, however, was found to be unconstitutional in 2021 and is no longer in force.

Despite this, the increasing ubiquity of social media platforms as a source of information, together with the COVID-19 pandemic, has fuelled an increase in misinformation on topics of public importance, ranging from politics to false narratives about COVID-19 and vaccination campaigns. The issue is of growing relevance to advertising and marketing campaigns that involve current affairs, and those that engage third party influencers or invite consumer/user-generated materials.

Although influencer marketing has been steadily growing over the past decade, in recent years, advertisers have increasingly favoured influencers with smaller profiles – but a large, engaged following – over mega celebrities. Not only are these influencers more active on traditional social media channels such as Instagram or Facebook, but a growing number are using streaming services and video-based platforms, which are particularly popular among the younger demographic, for whom they have become a key source of information when making product choices.

Canadian regulators have taken note and have increased enforcement in this area, publicly announcing the regulation of influencer marketing as one of the key ongoing priorities, with influencer marketing being a key focus of the Competition Bureau’s enforcement efforts. Increased enforcement of influencer marketing is expected to continue. 

In addition to the general requirements applicable to all marketing campaigns, influencer marketing campaigns may be subject to the provisions of the Competition Act applicable to testimonials. The Competition Bureau has also issued guidance pertaining to testimonials and influencer marketing.


Testimonials must reflect the true opinion of the person giving them, and must be based on the person’s actual experience with the advertised product. Regulatory guidance sets out the following obligations for influencers when posting reviews and opinions:

  • disclosing all material connections (ie, any relationship or arrangement that would cause consumers to re-evaluate their opinion about the truthfulness of the advertising) regardless of perceived magnitude;
  • using clear and contextually appropriate words and images;
  • using unambiguous references and abbreviations to communicate an influencer relationship;
  • ensuring that disclosures are inseparable from the specific content that it pertains to (ie, a blanket disclosure would not be acceptable);
  • basing reviews and opinions on actual experience; and
  • making disclosure visible and accessible.

Advertisers may in principle be held liable for content posted by influencers if an influencer makes a false or misleading claim or fails to disclose a material connection with the advertiser.

Regulatory guidance encourages advertisers to ensure all influencer contracts contain “compliance with laws” clauses and impose obligations on influencers to disclose any material connection with the brand, and to actively monitor their influencers’ activities to ensure statements influencers make about their products and/or services are not false or misleading and that material connections are properly disclosed.

Astroturfing, the practice of creating commercial representations that masquerade as the authentic experiences and opinions of impartial consumers, such as fake reviews, remains high on the Competition Bureau's list of priorities. In its first enforcement action against astroturfing in 2015, the Competition Bureau imposed a CAD1.25 million penalty on a telecommunication company that encouraged its employees to post positive reviews and ratings on the company’s apps. The company's employees failed to disclose their relationship to the company, which the Competition Bureau found to constitute false and misleading advertising, as they created a general impression that the reviews were made by independent and impartial consumers. While reviews by employees of a company (or employees of a firm hired by a company) are permitted, any such reviews must be accompanied by a disclosure of the material connection between the company and the employees in order not to contravene the general deceptive marketing laws under the Competition Act.

Any form of electronic marketing (eg, through email, text messaging/SMS, instant messaging or messaging over social media) is generally subject to Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL), which applies to any “commercial electronic message” (CEM) and prescribes specific consent and form requirements. A CEM is defined very broadly to include any electronic message that encourages participation in a commercial activity. 

Consent Requirement

A CEM cannot be sent without the recipient’s express opt-in consent, unless the sender can rely on an exemption or is able to establish a valid basis to imply consent. Consent must be confirmed prior to the sending of a CEM; an email requesting consent is itself considered a CEM.

Identification Requirements

A CEM must identify the sender and anyone on whose behalf it is sent. This includes their identities, contact information, and mailing addresses. If sent on behalf of multiple persons, all parties must be identified in the CEM. In general, however, only persons who play a material role in the content of the CEM and/or the choice of the recipients must be identified. If it is not practical to include this information in the CEM itself, a hyperlink to a webpage with the information is acceptable, provided it is accessible without additional cost and the link is clearly and prominently set out in the CEM.

Unsubscribe Mechanism Requirement

A CEM must provide an unsubscribe mechanism which must be readily accessible, easy to use and remain active for 60 days after a CEM is sent. Unsubscribe requests must be given effect within ten business days. 


CASL contains two broad categories of exemptions: one that exempts certain electronic messages from the statute’s application entirely and the other that exempts certain messages from the consent requirements, while still applying the form requirements.

Misleading Representations

CASL also introduced amendments to the Competition Act that establish specific prohibitions for misleading representations in individual elements of electronic messages, including the sender information, subject line, and locator information such as URLs or metadata.


Corporations found in violation of the CASL may be subject to an administrative monetary penalty of up to CAD10 million. Individual directors and officers may also face individual liability of up to CAD1 million if they had a significant role in the violation.

Inbound and outbound telemarketing are subject to the Unsolicited Telecommunications Rules (UTRs) of the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC).

Telemarketing Rules

Telemarketers are prohibited from initiating unsolicited telemarketing calls on their own behalf (or on behalf of a client) to consumers unless the telemarketer (if initiating telemarketing calls on their own behalf) or their clients (if initiating telemarketing calls on their client’s behalf) have registered with and provided information to the National Do Not Call List (DNCL) operator and paid all applicable fees. The UTRs also impose certain obligations and restrictions on telemarketers and their clients, including record keeping requirements.

National DNCL

Telemarketers are prohibited from initiating telemarketing calls:

  • to consumers whose telephone numbers are on the DNCL, unless a consumer has provided express consent to be contacted;
  • on their own behalf unless they are registered subscribers of the DNCL and have paid all applicable fees to the DNCL operator; or
  • on behalf of a client unless the client is a registered subscriber of the DNCL and the applicable fees to the DNCL operator associated with the client’s subscription have been paid.

Telemarketers must also maintain their own internal do not call lists and update them when consumers ask not to be contacted.

The DNCL rules do not apply to exempt telemarketers, including registered charities raising funds, newspapers, political parties and their candidates, and business-to-businesses marketers. Companies that make telemarketing calls to consumers with whom they have an existing business relationship are also exempt from the application of the DNCL rules, provided they meet the prescribed requirements.

Being an exempt telemarketer does not eliminate the telemarketer’s responsibility to maintain its own internal do not call list.

ADAD Rules

Automatic dialling-announcing devices (ADAD) are subject to additional rules under the UTRs, including requiring that each call begins with a clear message identifying the person or group on whose behalf the call is being made; describing the purposes of the call; limiting the days and time period when calls can be made; and ensuring that appropriate caller ID is established.


Violations of the UTRs can result in administrative monetary penalties of up to CAD15,000 for corporations, subject to a due diligence defence. 

Text messaging is subject to CASL. See 6.1 Email Marketing for further details.

Regulation under PIPEDA

Data collected for interest-based advertising is generally considered personal information and requires consent under Canada’s Personal Informational Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), and substantially similar provincial legislation in certain provinces. Personal information may generally be collected for interest-based advertising on the basis of implied consent, provided:

  • consumers are made aware of the purpose of the practice and are provided with information about the parties involved before the time of collection;
  • consumers can easily opt out, with the opt-out being immediate and persistent;
  • collected information is not sensitive; and
  • collected information is destroyed as soon as possible or de-identified.

The Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada (OPC) has actively encouraged advertisers to avoid knowingly targeting children for interest-based advertising.


Enforcement under PIPEDA is carried out by the OPC, either on its own initiative or on behalf of an individual complainant. While the OPC does not have the independent power to issue binding compliance orders or administrative monetary penalties, other than in limited circumstances, it may bring an action in Federal Court, which has the power to award sanctions against the organisation or award damages to complainants.


The Digital Advertising Alliance of Canada (DAAC), a non-profit consortium of trade associations, administers AdChoices, a self-regulatory programme for interest-based advertising. To encourage increased notice, transparency, and accountability from the advertising sector online to consumers, AdChoices has issued a number of recommendations, for example, advising that advertisers provide consumers with an ability to choose whether data is collected and used, and that they do not collect personal information from children under the age of 13 or sensitive information from anyone without consent.

There are no federal statutes of general application that specifically regulate advertising to children.

The federal Cannabis Act and the Tobacco and Vaping Products Act (TVPA) prohibit advertising to children under the age of 18 (some provinces have increased this age restriction to 19 or 21) or advertising to adults in any form where there is a risk it may be accessed by children. The TVPA further prohibits the use of certain forms of advertising, such as lifestyle advertising, sponsorship promotion, testimonials and endorsements, or promotions that would be appealing to youth or feature any prohibited ingredients or flavours. The TVPA’s Vaping Products Promotion Regulations also prohibit advertising and point of sale promotion of vaping products or a vaping product-related brand element to persons under the age of 18.

Violations may be subject to:

  • a maximum fine of CAD1 million or imprisonment for a term of up to two years, or both, for a manufacturer; and
  • a maximum fine of CAD500,000 for all persons other than a manufacturer.

The CRTC Code for broadcast advertising of alcoholic beverages (the Broadcast Code), administered by the CRTC, contains several provisions restricting alcohol marketing to children or those under the legal drinking age. While the Broadcast Code in principle applies only to television and radio broadcasts, many provinces have incorporated the Broadcast Code by reference into their alcohol regulations and apply them to advertising in any medium. Under the Broadcast Code, advertisers cannot:

  • direct advertisements to anyone under the legal drinking age;
  • associate their product with youth or youth symbols;
  • portray persons under the legal drinking age or persons who could reasonably be mistaken for such persons in a context where any such product is being shown or promoted;
  • portray the product relating to an activity that is primarily attractive to people under the legal drinking age; or
  • use an endorsement by a person, character or group who is likely to be a role model for minors.

Child-directed broadcast advertising is also regulated through the Broadcast Code for Advertising to Children (the Children’s Broadcast Code), which defines a child as anyone under the age of 12. As a practical matter, all child-directed advertising must comply with the Children’s Broadcast Code before it airs.

The Children’s Broadcast Code deems any advertising during children’s programming, as well as any child-directed advertising during other programming, to be children’s advertising, and sets out strict criteria for acceptable forms of child advertising, including:

  • prohibitions on pressuring a child to buy or use a product;
  • exaggerated demonstrations;
  • endorsements by cartoon or fantasy characters (unless specifically created for the product); and
  • excessive repetition (for example, a child-directed commercial can only be broadcast once each 30-minute time slot).

Restrictions on Advertising to Children under the Canadian Code of Advertising Standards

The Canadian Code of Advertising Standards prohibits advertising directed at children from:

  • exploiting their credulity, lack of experience or their sense of loyalty; and
  • presenting information or illustrations that might result in their physical, emotional or moral harm.

The Children’s Advertising Initiative

Ad Standards also administers the Children’s Advertising Initiative, developed by the food and beverage industry and designed to address childhood obesity. The Children’s Advertising Initiative requires participating companies to, among other things, promote healthy dietary choices in children's advertising and not to advertise food or beverage products in elementary schools. Advertisers will be expected to comply with the guidelines by mid-2023. While participation is currently voluntary, Health Canada has announced its intention to amend federal food advertising laws to restrict commercial marketing of food/beverages to children, particularly food products that contribute to excess consumption of sodium, sugars and saturated fat. 

Advertising to Children in Quebec

Advertising to children under the age of 13 is expressly prohibited in Quebec pursuant to the Quebec Consumer Protection Act, subject to limited exceptions where strict conditions have been met. Violations are subject to fines of CAD2,000–100,000 for a corporation.

Collection of Personal Information from Children

The OPC has taken the position that, under PIPEDA, the consent of a parent or guardian is required for the collection and use of personal information for children under the age of 13. However, certain provinces, including British Columbia, Alberta, and Quebec, have not set a specific age threshold, but instead consider whether the individual understands the nature and consequences of the exercise of the right or power in question. Where a child/minor is unable to do so, parental or guardian consent is required.

However, Quebec’s newly amended private sector privacy legislation provides that parental consent will become mandatory for the collection, use and disclosure of personal information concerning a minor under 14 years of age, as of 21 September 2023.

The Canadian Marketing Association’s Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice (CMA Code) also addresses the collection and use of the data of children and teenagers. Like the OPC’s position under PIPEDA, the CMA Code stipulates that the collection of data from children under the age of 13 requires parent or guardian consent. For teenagers, defined as individuals between the ages of 13 and the age of majority, parental consent is only necessary where the teenager is younger than 16 and the information being collected is personal information, that is, any general information other than contact information (ie, name, address, email address, and home and mobile telephone numbers). The CMA enforces the CMA Code through internal or external mediation or through a hearing before an independent panel, which results in a resolution and/or corrective action being recommended.

The Criminal Code

Canada’s Criminal Code prohibits the conduct of contests where winners are determined solely by chance. To avoid this, contests other than those of skill (see 7.2 Contests of Skill and Games of Chance) typically include a mathematical skill-testing question.

Contests based on skill alone or mixed chance and skill are allowed provided they comply with certain requirements, including that participants are not required to pay money or give other valuable consideration to participate in a contest of mixed chance and skill. As a result, Canadian contest rules typically provide for an alternative and equally acceptable means of entry that does not require a “purchase” or any other type of consideration.

The Competition Act

The Competition Act contains specific provisions applicable to contests, including adequate and fair disclosure of, among other things, the number, regional allocation and approximate retail value of prizes, as well as any fact that materially affects the chances of winning. The Competition Act also requires that the ultimate distribution of prizes not be unduly delayed.

Provincial Requirements

The province of Quebec imposes extensive requirements for contests open to Quebec residents (see 7.3 Registration and Approval Requirements).

While contests in which winners are determined solely by chance are prohibited under the Criminal Code, those based solely on skill are generally permitted, although what constitutes pure skill or mixed skill and chance has been subject to some debate. Although Canadian courts have held that an element of chance in a game does not necessarily make it a game of mixed chance and skill, to be considered a game of pure skill participants must be able to exercise sufficient skill to compensate for any element of chance.

With the exception of Quebec, Canada does not have any contest registration or approval requirements. Quebec’s Act respecting lotteries, publicity contests and amusement machines and the Rules respecting Publicity Contests impose an advance registration requirement and additionally require the inclusion of certain statutory language in contest rules, payment of prize duties and a security bond in certain cases, reporting and record-keeping.

There are no federal laws that apply directly to loyalty programmes. To date, Ontario and Quebec are the only Canadian provinces that specifically address loyalty programmes as part of consumer protection legislation.

In both provinces, legislation generally prohibits the expiry of loyalty points based on the passage of time alone. Additional key requirements in Quebec include:

  • merchant disclosure obligations prior to entering into a loyalty programme agreement;
  • notice obligations where a loyalty programme agreement will be unilaterally amended; and
  • restrictions on increasing the number of points to obtain a good or service.

The Competition Act prohibits advertisers from misleading the public about the prices at which products are ordinarily sold and requires any reduced-price offer to meet one of the tests set out below.

Volume Test

A substantial volume of sales must occur at or above the reference price within a reasonable period of time before or after making the representation. The “substantial volume” requirement is met if more than 50% of sales are at or above the reference price. The “reasonable period of time” is the 12 months immediately before or after the representation, although it may be shorter depending on the nature of the product.

Time Test

The product must be offered for sale in good faith at or above the reference price for a substantial period of time before or after making the representation. The “substantial period of time” is six months immediately before or after the making of the representation, although it may be shorter depending on the nature of the product.

Clearance Sales

Clearance sales are not subject to either the volume or time test. However, a supplier promoting a clearance sale is subject to specific requirements, including demonstrating that:

  • the sale was clearly marked as a clearance sale;
  • markdowns are permanent and inventory is not replenished;
  • the price representations refer to the original price and any subsequent interim prices; and
  • the original price was offered in good faith.

Free and Bonus Claims

Free or bonus offers cannot include any attempt to recover the cost of the free item. In a recent settlement with a social media platform, the Competition Bureau signalled its position that the prohibition in the Competition Act against making false or misleading claims about a product or service to promote a business interest applies to “free” digital products the same way it applies to regular products or services purchased by consumers. This is a growing area of enforcement. For further information, see 1.6 Regulatory and Legal Trends.

Automatic Renewal

Provincial and territorial consumer protection statutes generally allow automatic renewal of consumer contracts, provided prescribed conditions are met. A number of provinces, however, are considering changes to their regulatory regimes to address automatic renewals. Proposed amendments to the Ontario Consumer Protection Act, if enacted, will only permit automatic agreement renewals if:

  • the consumer is able to cancel at no additional cost; and
  • the renewal is made with express consent or by a renewal process that provides advance notice and renews the agreement for an indefinite term.

Continuing Service Offers

British Columbia’s Consumer Protection Act specifically limits the duration of continuing services contracts and gives consumers the right to cancel the contract either ten days after receiving a copy of the contract or at any time due to a material change, and it imposes requirements on the supplier once a contract has been cancelled. These requirements include refunding the customer within 15 days and returning all negotiable instruments executed by the consumer within 30 days.

Other provinces provide rules for the renewal of consumer service contracts, but do not specifically address continuous contracts. These typically require that the supplier provide the customer with a notice of renewal within a certain period of time prior to the expiry of the existing contract. Customers and suppliers have the option of refusing the renewal by providing notice to the other party. In certain provinces, these rules only apply to particular contracts, such as personal development or travel club contracts, and often exclude indeterminate contracts.

Unsolicited Goods or Services

Several provinces specifically regulate unsolicited goods and services by allowing recipients to refuse them and prohibiting suppliers from demanding payment. Where the suppliers receive payment for unsolicited goods or services, consumers are typically permitted to demand a refund within a stipulated time period.

Subject to limited exceptions, the federal Criminal Code prohibits all types of gambling and betting. Prohibited activities include provision of in-person or online casinos, bingo, ticket lotteries, betting, poker and other card games, and electronic games.

The main exception to this prohibition applies to provincial and territorial governments, which are permitted to supply gambling facilities or services and regulate any legal gambling activities taking place within the province. Other exceptions may apply in limited circumstances to charitable and religious organisations, boards of fairs or exhibitions and their concession operators, and public places of amusement.

Sports Betting

Although certain forms of sports betting, such as parlay betting, have historically been legal in Canada, until recently, betting on the outcome of a single sporting event was prohibited by the Criminal Code. The Safe and Regulated Sports Betting Act, which decriminalises single-event sports betting and allows provincial governments to regulate single-event sports betting within a province, came into effect in August 2021.

Since then, nine of the ten Canadian provinces have made single-event sports betting available through online platforms and land-based facilities (retail) while all three territories and one province (ie, Saskatchewan) have limited single-event sports betting to online platforms.

Legal gambling operations (ie, those that are authorised by a provincial government), including licensed lotteries, can be advertised so long as they comply with provincial requirements and promote responsible gambling. For example, the Ontario standards require that advertising and marketing of gambling does not target underage or self-excluded individuals and that it is not misleading as to the gambling services offered. Other provinces, such as British Columbia, require that operators provide the factual odds of winning in a clearly stated and accessible way.

Although there are no rules or regulations directly applicable to the advertising and marketing of cryptocurrency and/or NFTs, provincial securities regulators have indicated an intention to regulate in this space. The Ontario Securities Commission, for example, has brought a number of proceedings requiring crypto-asset trading platforms to comply with provincial securities laws and the regulatory framework proposed by the Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA).

Recently, the CSA and the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (IIROC) published guidance on the application of securities legislation and IIROC rules to the advertising, marketing and social media activities of crypto trading platforms (CTPs). The guidance highlights prohibitions on false or misleading statements in advertising materials, which for registered or prospective CTPs may apply to the following.

  • False suggestions that a CTP is registered under securities legislation.
  • Suggestions that a securities regulatory authority or regulator has approved:
    1. the CTP;
    2. products offered on the CTP; or
    3. any disclosures made by the CTP.
  • Statements that are untrue about a matter that a reasonable investor would consider relevant or important in deciding whether to enter into a trading or advising relationship with the CTP.

The guidance also sets out obligations that registered CTPs have to their clients, including:

  • treating clients fairly, honestly and in good faith, particularly with respect to advertising or marketing strategies that may encourage excessively risky trading;
  • knowing the client, product, and suitability assessments; and
  • identifying and responding to any conflicts of interest.

The CSA and IIROC have also warned CTPs that using social media to promote their products does not absolve them of certain applicable requirements and provided guidance on policies and procedures that CTPs must adopt for the governance of social media marketing, including:

  • reviewing, supervising, retaining and retrieving all advertising and marketing materials on social media sites;
  • designating a responsible individual for the supervision or approval of marketing communications; and
  • implementing a system to monitor compliance with such policies and procedures.

To date, there are no laws or regulations that specifically address advertising in the metaverse given its nascent nature. However, marketing and advertising laws of general application apply to advertising within the metaverse, including the overarching prohibition against false and misleading advertising under the Competition Act.

The Competition Bureau has expressly highlighted its intention to strengthen its enforcement activities in today's increasingly digital economy, including issuing guidance and enforcement priorities against specific digital advertising practices such as astroturfing (see 5.4 Misleading/Fake Reviews), influencer marketing (see 5.2 Special Rules/Regulations on Influencer Campaigns), free digital products, drip pricing (see 1.6 Regulatory and Legal Trends), and targeted advertising (see 6.4 Targeted/Interest-Based Advertising).

Canada has a number of federal and provincial/territorial laws, regulations and guidelines that apply to the advertising of specific categories of products including food, drugs, medical devices, alcohol, cannabis and tobacco/vaping products.

Food Products

The marketing and advertising of food products is, for the most part, federally governed, pursuant to the Food and Drugs Act (FDA) and the Safe Food for Canadians Act (SFCA), and enforced by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency. Under the FDA and SFCA, all information provided in food advertising and labelling must not be false, misleading or likely to create an erroneous impression regarding the food product's character, value, quantity, composition, merit or safety (as well as its origin, method of manufacture, or preparation). Any food product that is not labelled or advertised as required by applicable food laws is deemed to be false, misleading or likely to create an erroneous impression.

Generally, mandatory information or claims that are permitted on food packaging may also be used when advertising that food product, and information and/or claims that are prohibited on product packaging are also generally prohibited in advertising of the food product.

Further, voluntary claims (or representations including any text, descriptions or visual representation or combination thereof) made about various aspects or characteristics of a food must be truthful and accurate. Certain claims, including those relating to nutrient content, organic ingredients, being “free from” a substance (negative claims), or health benefits are subject to specific regulatory requirements. Claims of treating, preventing or mitigating certain serious diseases, disorders or abnormal physical states are generally prohibited.

Although the rules for marketing and advertising of food are primarily contained in federal laws, there are additional provincial laws that govern advertising and labelling requirements for specific food products such as dairy, livestock, meat, oil products and agricultural products, as well as, in certain cases, advertising and disclosure requirements for menu items in restaurants and food service establishments.

Drugs and Medical Devices

In Canada, the advertising of prescription and non-prescription drugs (including natural health products), cosmetics and medical devices is regulated under the FDA, with Health Canada having jurisdiction over administration and enforcement.

Distinct from cosmetics (see 10.2 Other Products), drugs and medical devices may only be advertised in Canada if they are authorised for sale by Health Canada. Pursuant to the FDA and applicable regulations, where a standard has been prescribed for a drug or medical device, it is prohibited to label or advertise a product that is likely to be mistaken for a particular drug or medical device unless the product complies with the standard in question. As with food products, the FDA prohibits advertising that is false, misleading, deceptive or likely to create an erroneous impression about the character, value, quantity, composition, merit or safety of a drug or medical device.

Health Canada also distinguishes advertising requirements and restrictions based on the target audience. Consumer-directed advertising of any prescription drugs that make claims to treat, prevent or cure certain serious diseases, or of narcotic and controlled drugs are generally prohibited, subject to limited exemptions. For example, consumer-directed advertising of prescription drugs may be permitted where only the name, price and quantity of the prescription drug are indicated in an advertisement with no reference to its therapeutic use and/or benefits. Conversely, advertising of prescription drugs directed to healthcare professionals is not subject to such a restriction. However, the FDA prohibits manufacturers from advertising a drug to healthcare professionals for a use other than the indications approved by Health Canada (ie, off-label use). The Pharmaceutical Advertising Advisory Board’s Code of Advertising Acceptance also provides guidance on acceptable advertising to healthcare professionals. Additionally, each province may also impose its own additional restrictions on healthcare provider advertising.

The Guideline for Consumer Advertising of Health Products by Ad Standards also applies to the advertising of non-prescription (over-the-counter) drugs, natural products, and medical devices directed to the general public. Pre-clearance of advertising material for drugs (except for opioids) and medical devices directed to consumers is voluntary and can be obtained from pre-clearances agencies or Ad Standards. For opioids, pre-clearance is mandatory. The Pharmaceutical Advertising Advisory Board pre-clears advertising material directed to healthcare professionals.


Alcohol promotion is highly regulated under provincial/territorial liquor licensing control acts, regulations and guidelines, as well as under advertising industry self-regulation.

The CRTC Code For Broadcast Advertising of Alcoholic Beverages contains several restrictions, which are also reflected in provincial and territorial regulations and/or related guidelines in a number of Canadian provinces and territories. Notable prohibited advertising elements and themes include:

  • advertising that appeals to persons under the legal drinking age (see 6.5 Marketing to Children);
  • depictions of alcohol with any activity that requires a significant degree of skill, care or mental alertness, or involving an obvious element of danger;
  • condoning of irresponsible or excessive consumption;
  • any suggestions that alcohol is essential for enjoyment of a situation or takes precedence over other activities; and
  • any suggestions that imply (directly or indirectly) that social acceptance, social status, achievement or personal success would be enhanced through consumption of alcohol.

Currently, Quebec also mandates pre-clearance from the province's liquor and gaming authority for all advertising materials relating to alcoholic beverages.

Tobacco and Vaping Products

The marketing and advertising of tobacco and vaping products is regulated by the Tobacco and Vaping Products Act, and is generally prohibited subject to limited exemptions. Notably, the following advertising activities are generally permitted:

  • brand preference advertising (ie, advertisement of a specific tobacco or vaping brand) that is mailed directly to a specifically named adult; and
  • advertising signs in locations where young persons are not permitted by law (ie, adult-only venues). However, further limitations exist under these exemptions. For example, the use of terms such as “light” or “mild” are prohibited and the advertisement of sponsorships by tobacco companies is prohibited. See also 6.5 Marketing to Children regarding prohibition against advertising of tobacco products to minors.

Cannabis and Cannabis Accessories

The Cannabis Act regulates the advertising or promotion of cannabis and cannabis accessories. It prohibits marketing of cannabis that is false, misleading, deceptive or likely to create an erroneous impression about its characteristics, value, quantity, composition, strength, concentration, potency, purity, quality, merit, safety, health effects or health risks (or design, construction, performance, intended use, characteristics, value, composition, merit, safety, health effects or health risks for cannabis accessories). Additionally, the Act generally prohibits the promotion of cannabis and cannabis accessories, subject to limited exemptions. The various advertising prohibitions include:

  • communicating information about price or distribution;
  • appealing to young persons (see also 6.5 Marketing to Children);
  • displaying or communicating a testimonial or endorsement;
  • using real or fictional depictions of a person, character or animal;
  • presenting cannabis products or any brand elements in a manner that evokes a positive or negative emotion or image of a way of life, such as glamour, recreation, excitement, vitality, risk or daring (ie, lifestyle advertising);
  • sponsorship promotion;
  • using celebrity-affiliated advertisements; and
  • providing or offering inducements that may encourage non-users or users to either begin using cannabis or engage in heavy consumption.

There are several other categories of products that are specifically regulated by different federal and/or provincial and territorial laws, regulations and guidance, including cosmetics, textiles, and financial products.


While the marketing and advertising of cosmetics are generally federally regulated under the FDA and the Cosmetic Regulations, cosmetics are also subject to additional advertising rules under Ad Standards' Guidelines for the Nonprescription and Cosmetic Industry Regarding Non-therapeutic Advertising and Labelling Claims. In brief, cosmetic products are generally restricted from making claims indicating or implying therapeutic or physiological effect (eg, in most cases, by using words such as “restores”, “repairs”, “stimulates”, “heals”, etc). Further, cosmetic advertisements intended for television or radio broadcast must be pre-cleared by Ad Standards.


Federally, the Textile Labelling Act (TLA), which is administered and enforced by the Competition Bureau, regulates the advertising and marketing of textile articles. False or misleading representations related to textile fibre products are prohibited under the TLA. While fibre content declaration is mandatory for textile labelling purposes, it is not required for advertising purposes. However, any representation as to the fibre content of a textile in an advertisement, if included, must be made in accordance with requirements under the TLA. Additionally, textile products advertised in Canada are also subject to health and safety requirements under the Canada Consumer Product Safety Act (CCPSA) as only those articles that are compliant with the CCPSA are permitted to be advertised and sold in Canada.

Financial Products

While specific rules and standards vary depending on the applicable federal and/or provincial/territorial laws, the supplying entity and the type of financial product in question, most provinces and territories require the advertising of financial products:

  • to be clear and easy for consumers to understand;
  • to be truthful;
  • to include applicable disclosures of fees and interest charged or cost of credit; and
  • to include key terms and conditions, and the associated risks of obtaining the financial product in question.

Provincial consumer protection laws of general application are also an important source of advertising rules relating to financial products.

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Trends and Developments


Baker McKenzie provides, through its Canadian advertising and marketing practice, full-service Canadian advertising and marketing support to leading domestic and international companies, focused on food, cosmetic, drug, device and consumer product safety, packaging and labelling compliance; misleading advertising and deceptive marketing practices compliance; marketing-related privacy, anti-spam and direct marketing regulation; consumer protection, e-commerce and online sales regulation; complex contests, sweepstakes and promotions; social media and digital marketing risk management; advertising clearance, standards and consumer/trade complaints; interface and advocacy with advertising regulators; and marketing-related commercial agreements. The practice has a long record of success in serving leading clients in the Canadian market, including high-profile domestic and international companies in sectors including food and beverage, fashion and luxury, cosmetics and personal care, pharmaceutical and health products, consumer electronics and retail.

Developments in Canadian Advertising and Marketing Law

The Competition Bureau (the Bureau), the independent law enforcement agency that administers the federal Competition Act (the Act) ‒ which is Canada’s principal consumer protection statute ‒ together with Ad Standards, the Canadian advertising industry’s self-regulatory body, are Canada’s primary barometers of regulatory priorities in marketing and advertising. Together, they set the tone for trends and developments in this area, supplemented by initiatives by other federal and provincial authorities with responsibility for consumer protection, privacy and product compliance.

Over the past year, as Canadian consumers and advertisers have emerged from the pandemic and begun to rediscover pre-pandemic levels of activity, the Bureau has increasingly directed its enforcement efforts towards regulating the growing digital economy and combatting false and misleading environmental and sustainability claims.

Digital economy

Over the course of the last few years, and apart from its efforts to counter COVID-19-related misleading advertising claims, the Bureau has increasingly directed its efforts at the Canadian digital economy, with a particular focus on digital services and online marketing. This is particularly notable given that a 2022 study conducted on behalf of Ad Standards found that the digital economy, despite the pervasiveness of online channels for commerce, learning, entertainment and social interaction, is now perceived as the least trusted mode of advertising in Canada.

Key challenges in the digital economy on which the Bureau has been focused include:

  • influencer marketing;
  • false online consumer reviews (astroturfing);
  • misleading ordinary selling prices and “fake discounts”; and
  • drip pricing.

Influencer marketing

Influencer marketing remains a top enforcement priority, with the Bureau continuing to send letters to marketing agencies and brands in sectors identified as having been impacted by deceptive influencer marketing. In late 2021, the Assistant Deputy Commissioner of the Deceptive Marketing Practices Directorate at the Bureau announced the Bureau’s intention to make further updates to its already robust influencer marketing guidance, a clear indication of the Bureau’s commitment to regulating advertising and marketing in the digital economy.

False online consumer reviews (astroturfing)

Discouraging the practice of facilitating false and misleading online consumer reviews, also known as astroturfing, through various methods, such as encouraging employees to review a company’s products and services without disclosing their employment relationship or providing customers with undisclosed incentives to leave positive reviews, remains a key part of the Bureau’s enforcement approach to the digital economy. Although not a new area of concern, the Bureau has reiterated its intention to strictly enforce this practice where it is identified, given its inherent potential to mislead and harm consumers.

Proposed recommendations

In a February 2022 submission to the federal government entitled “Examining the Canadian Competition Act in the Digital Era”, the Bureau made numerous recommendations to amend the Act to strengthen its enforcement capabilities in an increasingly diverse and expansive digital economy in which advertising and marketing are dynamic and the potential for deceptive and misleading practices requires heightened regulatory attention.

For example, the Bureau recommended amending the “ordinary selling price” provisions (which prohibit promoting a price as discounted when, in fact, the advertised price is the ordinary price of the product according to statutory tests) to reverse the burden of proof. Presently, the Bureau bears the burden of establishing that advertised discounts are not genuine. Under the proposed recommendation, advertisers would bear the burden of proving that advertised discounts are, in fact, truthful.

While this recommendation remains a proposal, two other recommendations were incorporated into Canada’s 2022 budget legislation and now form part of the Act:

  • an amendment to explicitly recognise drip pricing (ie, the practice of concealing mandatory fees until later in the purchasing process) as an express prohibition under the Act; and
  • significant increases in administrative monetary penalties to provide a wider range of remedies to counteract deceptive practices.

Greenwashing and environmental claims

In a departure from its focus on the digital economy as such, in January 2022, the Bureau issued a CAD3 million civil administrative monetary penalty against a coffee machine and coffee pod manufacturer in connection with its environmental claims, cementing the Bureau’s position against greenwashing claims, while effectively overturning existing guidance. The Bureau concluded that the manufacturer had misled consumers as to the recyclability of its single-use coffee pods in areas where they are not accepted for recycling, as the coffee pods were not widely accepted in municipal recycling programmes outside of two Canadian provinces. Further, the Bureau found that the coffee pods gave consumers the impression that they could prepare the pods for recycling by simply peeling the lids off and emptying out the coffee grounds, even though certain municipal recycling programmes required additional steps to be followed before they would accept the pods for recycling.

Through the settlement, and in addition to the significant civil fine, the manufacturer was also ordered to:

  • donate CAD800,000 to a Canadian charitable organisation focused on environmental causes;
  • change its recyclable claims and the packaging of its coffee pods;
  • publish corrective notices about the recyclability of its product on its websites, on social media, in national and local news media, on the packaging of all new brewing machines and via email to its subscribers; and
  • enhance its corporate compliance programme.

Although the Bureau, in collaboration with the Canadian Standards Association, issued detailed guidelines on environmental claims in 2008 and has actively regulated and enforced greenwashing claims since then, the Bureau has made it clear to consumers and advertisers alike that it intends to pursue greenwashing claims with renewed vigour and with an updated approach to evaluating when such claims may be misleading.

This is evidenced in the Bureau’s conclusion that its environmental claims guidance published in 2008 no longer reflects the Bureau’s current policies or practices, or the latest standards and evolving environmental concerns. This resulted in the guidance being archived in late 2021, just prior to the enforcement decision noted above. The guidance document has not been replaced, and no timeline to issue an updated version has been announced. The decision is both a reflection of the extent to which changes in environmental technologies, recycling programmes and consumer sensibilities in an era of global climate change can render considered guidance inapplicable over time, and a warning to businesses of the risk of enforcement action in an evolving marketing landscape.

Drip pricing

Drip pricing, the practice of displaying one price to consumers but ultimately charging a higher price through the incorporation of additional fees added incrementally during the purchase process, has long been deemed false or misleading under the Act’s deceptive marketing provisions, with multiple historical examples involving a variety of consumer-facing industries, including retail furniture, event tickets and airlines.

In February 2021, the Bureau entered into a CAD5 million settlement (the highest of all drip pricing cases to date) with an online travel booking marketplace for, among other offences, allegedly misleading consumers in relation to prices and generating significant revenue from hidden fees.

Given the prevalence of this practice, as seen through the extent of enforcement over the years, the Canadian government adopted the Bureau’s recommendation to make drip pricing an expressly enumerated practice under both the criminal and civil misleading advertising provisions of the Act. In contrast to prior drip pricing cases, the introduction of the new drip pricing provisions will effectively remove the Bureau’s burden to prove that such representations are false and misleading, an implementation of the Bureau’s recommendation that advertisers and brands increasingly bear the burden of proving that advertising is, in fact, truthful.

Increased penalties

Through changes included in the amendments to the Act implemented through 2022 budget legislation, the Bureau has also strengthened its enforcement of deceptive marketing through significantly increased penalties and fines.

Previously, the maximum penalty for individuals (such as company directors) was capped at CAD750,000 (CAD1 million for subsequent violations). The new maximum penalty for individuals is whichever of the following is higher:

  • CAD750,000 (CAD1 million for each subsequent violation); and
  • three times the value of the benefit derived from the deceptive conduct, if that amount can be reasonably determined.

For corporations, penalties were previously capped at CAD10 million (CAD15 million for subsequent violations). The new maximum penalty for corporations is whichever among the following is the highest:

  • CAD10 million (CAD15 million for each subsequent violation);
  • three times the value of the benefit obtained from the deceptive conduct; or
  • if that amount cannot be reasonably determined, 3% of annual worldwide gross revenues of the corporation.

Looking ahead

Throughout the last few years, the Bureau has repeatedly emphasised that active enforcement against deceptive marketing practices is, and will continue to be, a key priority, and therefore an important focus for advertising and marketing legal compliance.

Deceptive marketing, particularly in the digital economy, is likely to continue to be a central focus of the Bureau’s enforcement, and we expect to see further momentum from both the Bureau and the Canadian government to amend the Act to ensure that consumer protection remains at the forefront and the Bureau continues to be equipped with adequate enforcement tools.

Additionally, with ever-changing technologies, we expect to see a shift in priorities to newly emerging themes of the digital economy, such as advertising in augmented reality and virtual reality (the precursor to the metaverse), as well as the use of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) in marketing and advertising. As has been seen with other regulators, such as the United States Federal Trade Commission, it will not be surprising to see new or amended guidance pertaining to the digital economy.

Further developments are also expected in enforcement and interpretation affecting the digital economy through the Bureau’s newly created Digital Enforcement and Intelligence Branch, which is anticipated to become a centre of expertise on technology and data, also acting as an early-warning system for potential deceptive marketing issues in the digital economy impacting consumers and businesses in Canada.

As the Bureau has previously identified greenwashing as an area for increased enforcement moving forward, rises in complaints, investigations and enforcement actions are expected, particularly due to increased consumer awareness of greenwashing, the global significance of environmental choices and the archiving of the environmental claims guidance document.

Legal developments in this area in Canada will undoubtedly remain frequent over the coming years and will warrant ongoing close attention by advertisers and marketers.

Baker McKenzie (Toronto)

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Law and Practice


Baker McKenzie provides, through its Canadian advertising and marketing practice, full-service Canadian advertising and marketing support to leading domestic and international companies, focused on food, cosmetic, drug, device and consumer product safety, packaging and labelling compliance; misleading advertising and deceptive marketing practices compliance; marketing-related privacy, anti-spam and direct marketing regulation; consumer protection, e-commerce and online sales regulation; complex contests, sweepstakes and promotions; social media and digital marketing risk management; advertising clearance, standards and consumer/trade complaints; interface and advocacy with advertising regulators; and marketing-related commercial agreements. The practice has a long record of success in serving leading clients in the Canadian market, including high-profile domestic and international companies in sectors including food and beverage, fashion and luxury, cosmetics and personal care, pharmaceutical and health products, consumer electronics and retail. The authors thank Baker McKenzie articling student Milinda Yimesghen for input in the 2022 update of the Canada Guide and associate Daniel Gao for input in prior updates.

Trends and Developments


Baker McKenzie provides, through its Canadian advertising and marketing practice, full-service Canadian advertising and marketing support to leading domestic and international companies, focused on food, cosmetic, drug, device and consumer product safety, packaging and labelling compliance; misleading advertising and deceptive marketing practices compliance; marketing-related privacy, anti-spam and direct marketing regulation; consumer protection, e-commerce and online sales regulation; complex contests, sweepstakes and promotions; social media and digital marketing risk management; advertising clearance, standards and consumer/trade complaints; interface and advocacy with advertising regulators; and marketing-related commercial agreements. The practice has a long record of success in serving leading clients in the Canadian market, including high-profile domestic and international companies in sectors including food and beverage, fashion and luxury, cosmetics and personal care, pharmaceutical and health products, consumer electronics and retail.

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