About Jingfang Chen
Jingfang Chen
is a consultant engaging in the technology industry who is familiar with private equity funds, investment and financing, equity structure design, and transactions related thereto; in particular, she has practical experience in new-type investment and financing projects featured by emerging technologies. She also served as the legal head of a well-known retail enterprise in China, and thus has practical experience in compliance in new types of online and offline retailing and in the sports industry. She has served as an attorney, and also as a legal head in the financial industry; moreover, she has worked in the Taiwan Stock Exchange. As such, Chen has developed a tripartite perspective of law firms, enterprises, and regulators, and also has experience as a spokesperson for enterprises and in dealing with crises. She has participated in the formulation of a number of industry regulations on the financial industry, and has rich and extensive experience in civil and commercial dispute resolution, compliance in listed companies and the financial industry, M&A, personal data protection, and money laundering prevention.