About Fernando L. Brunelli

Fernando L. Brunelli is a partner with Bomchil. He was born Buenos Aires, Argentina, December 24, 1970; admitted to bar, 1994, Argentina. Education: Belgrano University (J.D., 1994); Austral University- (Postgraduate, Corporate Law, 1996); University of Buenos Aires (Postgraduate, Oil and Gas Law, 1998). Foreign Visiting Attorney, Gardere & Wynne, L.L.P. (Houston Office, Texas, USA), 1999. Member: Buenos Aires Bar Association and the Province of Buenos Aires Bar Association. Languages: Spanish and English. For the last 23 years he has worked in several oil and gas related transactions, including mergers and acquisitions, purchase and sale of assets, assignment and farm-in agreements, joint ventures, marketing agreements, oilfield services agreements and participation in bidding rounds, assisting international and local E&P and services companies, between 1997 and 2020 as a member of Alliani & Bruzzon, where he became a partner in 2005 and, since November 2020, as a partner with Bomchil.

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